Foreigners Face New Hurdles in Opening Thai Bank Accounts
If one is Legit and do the right thing than there's no Reason why one would not be able to open a Bank Account for an Extension based on Retirement or Marriage / Work / Business
As for Tourists / short time Visitors Do they Really Need a Bank Account while they here?
Keep the Riff Raf out you say,So your So Called Friends doing the Illegal thing with the Agents ? what would you call that. Riff Raf Right .
No Funds in the Bank No Extension Out you Go.
Shouldn't matter much just driving the Tuk Tuk it's just a motorcar if there no Passengers are on board.
Making a Drama out of Nothing . Worse than kids. 😇
Up yours O Bob, you know that your wrong hey .
You ram someones ass your traveling too close or too fast.
He should've Make You pay him a Few thousand THB for the inconvenience .
Have a nice day ,, 🙏
Medical Watchdog Erases Past Sanctions for Gender-Transitioning Doctors,
Now that's sincerely Wrong . what was on there record before should stay on there record no matter what..
Everyone Knows that But No one Cares ,they do whatever they want .
Laws are there to be broken ,People are specialist in that here in Los.
Can't count on the cops to enforce the law they don't adhere to the law themself.
Immigration Biometric System Fails to Record Data for 17 Million Travelers.
What could /WILL go WRONG with all the new Fandangle Crap including the AI .
No matter what new Things come out Nothing seems to be working the way that they suppose to work.
They either don't know what they are doing Or doing it Wrong. 🙏
Kratom Drinks and Vape Sold Illegally Near Thai School: Vendors Caught
Well now , did the cops miss out on some freebies from the sellers .
The cops know who's selling .
Greedy sellers . should not sell to Kids .
But hey it's all money no matter Who's buying.
Thai Woman Fined for Letting Tourist Drive Tuk Tuk in Phuket
That's a bit far fetched ain't it. No harm done .
No valid License ? Pommy Taxi Driver .
Counld't be worse that the Tuk tuk driver
2.5 Tonnes of Crystal Meth Seized in Major Thai Drug Bust
That's a big haul.
Someone will be making some big money from that when it comes back on the market.