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Everything posted by digger70

  1. Nah ,Take him down the Back Ally and don't bring him back.
  2. That makes one Laugh . What Wisdom . What about Work ,That's a Dirty Word for Many.
  3. It will work If they Have to get an Full Cover Insurance . The Insurance Must Pay. No Excuses. Pay or Stay Away Or Refused Entry into the country.
  4. LGB Alliance Accuses Trans Activists of Undermining Workplace DEI Policies. Yes ,Trans Lives { Wannabes} Do Matter . So do Gay and Lesbians and Straight Persons Lives. Don't make a Drama About This. Do your Own Thing and Do Not Interfere with the Normal Operation/Running of Society.
  5. Are high end smartphones worth the money (to you)? No not to Me. I only use a Phone for Phone calls and Sometimes send a Message and /or take a Picture.
  6. Thailand's New Digital Arrival Card Stirs Confusion Among Travellers. How Incredible Stupid is that what can go wrong? EVERYTHING. Will this be in Thai/Chinese/English/Arabic/Jewish/French /Dutch/Russian. What about the Elderly . Can they Understand All the Stupid Questions ? Not Computer Savvy /No Smart/ I Phone /Can't Receive a QR Code. Etc.
  7. Holiday, Insurance?????? Make that Compulsory By Law . Must Have Proof of Insurance Otherwise Refuse Entry Into the country. 🙏
  8. I think it's Too Silly to Reply to your Silly Post , But than. You Wait & See
  9. Check This Please, https://www.roojai.com/en/ev-car-insurance/
  10. JK Rowling Backs Ad Featuring Female Athletes Speaking Out Against Trans Women in Sport. What a joke . There No Trns Women and No Trans Men . there are Only Biological Male And Female The Rest are Only WANNABES They Do Not Belong in a Male and Female Competetive Sport or Changing rooms /Toilets. The world is full of Freaks and Wannabes Make the World Safer for the People and their Children . Keep them Separate in a Safe Way. 🙏
  11. Maybe cheaper for now now but the price of electricity will go have to go up soon if there are A Lot of EV's. Supply and Demand. I Think That they can't Generate enough Electricity to Keep up Demand Soon It will take a Few Years /Decades To Upgrade the Power Grid. Maybe less maintenance But EV's are Expensive to Repair And they don't like Too much Water. When the Big Power battery Goes from Old Age or Malfunction It' cost an Arm & a Leg . Insurance will cover the main Battery from Accident or Flooding I Believe.
  12. I am Not Sure if needed now but I Remember that they asked for it when I registered Way back years ago. But they need your Email.
  13. Wouldn't that be Obvious to change phone number and Email Address Otherwise AN would know that it is the Same person Registreren that they Banned . Right .
  14. Yea We Know They Get Banned for good and Resurface Again,,, different ID and Phone number. 😇
  15. What Do you call. a Spade/Shovel. ????? You think Different one.
  16. Need something like that Here in Los for Cats & Especially for dogs.
  17. UK Network Rail told staff to stop using the word “passengers” Use Gender-neutral language They are nuts Gender -Neutral hey. Only Women can get Pregnant Why say Pregnant Person. Call a spade a Spade ,A boy Friend is a Boy/Man. A girl Friend is a Girl/Women. Why try to Change /Fix something if it's Not Broke .🤮
  18. This is WHY ,,, So they SAY. https://wise.com/help/articles/2949804/how-does-wise-verify-my-addresshttps://wise.com/help/articles/2949804/how-does-wise-verify-my-address
  19. NASA Astronaut Struggles to Recall Life on Earth After Extended Space Stay I think this must be a planned long stay, They have to Breathe/ Eat /drink and have Power /Fuel. so they must have been Provided with all the Necessities for an Extended Stay.
  20. They not Taking it's cheap Labor away. They should't be there in the first place if they are Undocumented workers. They shouldn't be Employed if they have No Papers . They shouldn't even be in the US.
  21. Thailand Targets Substandard Online Goods in Major Clean-Up What about all the Substandard Goods that are sold in shops and Markets in Thailand Should that not be included.This is the Land of copies there are not many Real True Items for sale .
  22. Get all the people to Protest against him and get rid of him .
  23. Yes Many Are , But But Who's got the Power /Guts to do something about this Crim. By all means he's Suppose to be Banned from Meddling in Politics and should be in Jail.
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