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Everything posted by digger70

  1. Wow, I would like to see that, Pristine & Clean ,Somehow I can't see that happening .
  2. That's One who's gonna face the music. There's Plenty more to Go and Get.
  3. Health and Safety in the Sh!t.
  4. Good onya Joe, There's Many DT haters and there's Many JB haters , Here on this Forum they're Mostly DT haters . Not that it matters . I would vote for DT if I was an American the country would be much better then with JB.
  5. Must be a different Face Book then the one I am watching.
  6. Phumtham welcomes convicted former PM Thaksin as PM’s chief advisor Yea why not, they are Crooks and Crims in Government One worse than the Other.
  7. I am totally powerless against it: The Google Machine! No problem change. https://www.searchenginejournal.com/alternative-search-engines/271409/
  8. When you drink too much water, your kidneys can't get rid of the excess water. The sodium content of your blood becomes diluted. This is called hyponatremia and it can be life-threatening.
  9. Visa-free Chinese tourism raises concerns over illegal Thailand tour operations Why worry about that now ,This has been going on All the time .
  10. Plummet? my foot Who's the Joker that says that. Nothing much changed against the Aussie dollar tho, That's the one Us Aussies worry about.
  11. Makes no difference, Just have to manage/budget your money. If you can't do that then you live from pay to pay . That means Having Nothing in the Bank and then you're up Sh!ts creek.
  12. Trust Them ? No on your Nelly. What have they done now with BJ (Big Joke) hey. The news I Heard is that he's Off the case , Stepping Again on to many Big Toes, Anyone heard that too or is it Fake News?
  13. Yep that's the way it works they promise to make it cheaper Fine But they ad something on for some other Rate, Fuel charge , and they will find an other excuse to make up for the Lower Tariff. Same with All the other So called Tax/Excise cuts . In the end one will be Paying More then Before the So Called Cuts. Slime Greedy Rip off.
  14. Yes that's how the System works. One Is Guilty until Proven Innocent. Don't believe the BS they tell you that one is Innocent until proven Guilty . If that would be the case why would they put one on Remand in Jail if one isn't Guilty. Not only in Thailand .
  15. They didn't But some airlines were talking about charging bigger people Extra yrs ago . I Forgot what airline it was .
  16. If they going to Weigh the passengers up to what weight can one sit in a Now Normal seat, And are the going to put bigger seats and give more Leg room for the taller and Bigger people. If not then it's BS and they will just charge for the tickets if one is Tall or Bigger then a certain size set by the Airline.
  17. Maybe not a Truncheon ,but something from his Fellow Inmates.
  18. Government can reduce Fares and Excise/Taxes, they make just Other Fees and Licenses,Permits and come up with some more New Taxes for something else. They don't give away something that they can't Recoup from somewhere.
  19. Trying to confuse people or try to hide something.Just thinking.
  20. Religion is all about Brainwashing Money and Power. It doesn't matter What the Religion is Catholic ,Buddhism Or Islam or any other.
  21. And what are the local residents doing, aren't they burning the same sort off rubbish that they are complaining about?
  22. He maybe a Professor but not the sharpest Tool in the Shed.
  23. What is silicone rubber used for? Silicone rubber is used in automotive applications, many cooking, baking, and food storage products, apparel including undergarments, sportswear, and footwear, electronics, to home repair and hardware, and a host of unseen applications.
  24. Thaksin's detention outside prison complies with regulations: Justice Minister. That's funny, those regulations must be just started and paid for by the Rich Crim that returned back to LOS.
  25. Yea Right, Pull the other one Mate , Prices off goods goin down? Not going to happen How much (that's if you believe it). 1 Satang? or maybe one halve of a Satang.
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