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Everything posted by digger70

  1. The rate of change don't matter it Will change why so pessimistic .
  2. It's not an argument . you show me Solid proof (you can't ) that the warming is purely man made and only than I might think differently . Don't forget this is a cycle that happens every few thousand years give or take a few either way, sometimes faster and sometimes slower .
  3. Don't worry .It will return when the Ice age takes its turn like it's been doing that for many thousands of years the planet can /will look after itself.
  4. Great, at least he does things for the country the people and is not afraid to speak his mind . He's a bit of a Rouge but he's better than what you've got now an have had.
  5. So now, can you prove that the warming is caused by man? no you can't so it's an even playing field isn't. Stop Badgering people that don't believe the same things that you believe.
  6. Why you want to know? are you an contestant for that? are you on Overstay?
  7. So that don't count hey, but someone else opinion does. Get a grip on Life will ya.
  8. Why would he go to the Remand prison. He's not on Remand He's been sentenced he's suppose to go direct to Jail.
  9. Yes you right it doesn't matter what causes the warming we can't fix it , let nature take its course it has been doing that since year dot.
  10. Now your talking nonsense. you must read properly before you make remarks. I never said that the temps are not rising .I said that its a natural phenomenon that occurs every few thousand years . now get off the case . Have a nice day.
  11. Don't keep hammering all this to us non believers . One can believe what one wants. Some say it's man made global warming . Some say it isn't . https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/664137
  12. What about the rest off the year? No can do, you can do whatever you want. They do anyway . So why make all this work for the lazy cops .
  13. I can Ask Who says it is and what are their qualifications and what's the proof.
  14. What is it about you that you don't understand that there's no proof as yet that the global warming is accelerated by the course of man. Some say it is others say it's not . You can believe what you like just don't say that people are incapable of understanding some things. I can say same but you wouldn't like it Do You? Have a nice day and be Quiet.
  15. Believe it or not . up to you But read it anyway. Too much get blamed on the modern way of life , Scaring people. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/hasnt-earth-warmed-and-cooled-naturally-throughout-history
  16. Apparently that stuff they use here is a cleaner and a cement in one.I use it and works well. It bonds the joint together there's no way to get that joint apart . You try it with some leftover pieces and a joiner you'll see ,I tried wrecked the pipe and joiner.
  17. I had one off the Slow leaks in the home that made the pump switch on sometimes . Found it ,took a little while a slow leaking stainless flexible Bum gun inside hose fitting slowly dripping. Turn every thing off and check meter then turn on one at the time every time checking the meter you'll find the leak.
  18. Yes and then himself, he looks more dangerous than the poor dog.
  19. If ,If he comes back he will be hoping for a Pardon and he will be the head off his party and will be chosen as a candidate for PM, maybe not this time but Next year.
  20. Don't think is about UFO's If there were so many as people Think they have seen them then there would be some Decent Pictures/ Videos by now . The Govment may be hiding things that they don't want us to know about but it ain't UFO's from Outer Space.
  21. Yea maybe when he bought it.
  22. No I wouldn't, Wouldn't go myself either . Too many bad reviews to my liking.
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