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Everything posted by digger70

  1. Easy just tell your wife that not all Farangs are wealthy that you just a poor Farang that can provide for her and not the rest off the family. They can either like that or Lump it. I told Lady Digger that and it slowed down the money hunting I just keep telling them No f,,,n way. One son borrowed some money to buy a car ,told him pay it back or you get kicked out off the house that I built for your Mother and me. Paid back in full plus a thank you.
  2. Go back the Old way, No QR codes payments No I banking with the Phone . Just go shopping with Cash or an Debit card with your 6 Digit PIN. I Banking on ones laptop with a OTP send to ones Phone Thats ok .
  3. It's mostly the money Lenders fault like The Banks and the Loan Sharks . If they would stop giving people money that the for sure know that they not make enough money to pay back the loan sometimes not even the interest. The people should know themselves if they are making/earning enough money to pay back a loan. But then you have the people that want to keep up with the Joneses no matter what. I am afraid They are beyond help .
  4. Estranged Wife? He's done for if she reneges the payments like losing her job or doesn't want to pay anymore.
  5. Global warming ,The big Greenhouse gas debate . Its a natural Phenomena. No one can prove it's not they all have theories but no evidence that can say it's 100% the Humans Fault They can give you Statistics & Graphs but No 100% Proof . I am Not going to Argue about this or Reply to any replies as I Fully well know that there will be many that believe the scare mongering BS that's going on. AMEN. This week, Scott Pruitt, Environmental Protection Agency administrator, who had said that human activity was not the primary contributor to global warming, acknowledged that it plays a role—but stressed the need to figure out exactly how much of one.
  6. Nice one, No Honor amongst Thieves /Crims . They call them DOGS ,Yapping like that doesn't get them far in Jail. they will soon find that out . There's always some people in there that don't like DOGS.. Inmates always find out. .what you in for .
  7. Very strange , I don't use a Card , I use I banking. I transfer from my bank in Aus to Wise in Aus and get my THB in My bank in Thailand . Usually it takes about 3 days over the weekend for the THB to come in the bank. If transferring during the week most times 1 day depending what time off the day I transfer money to Wise. Aus is 3 Hrs ahead off Thailand at the moment.
  8. Same with most things that one can buy.Prices gone Up seizes are Down/Smaller . Not only in Thailand .
  9. He should've thought off those issues before, now it will bite him in the butt.
  10. That's great News ,Most Soi dogs come under that category. Now they can go Clean up the country.
  11. It's stupid in the first place ,why have to vote again if Pita can be PM. They voted last week and they said No Leave it like that and Nominate the next person who's in line with the right qualifications . Pita seems to be lacking some .
  12. This could be explained as a sleeping /on the phone person not realizing that the end was near (the escalator) and forgot to lift his foot to step off the escalator.
  13. Fixed the Time Date Year from Buddhists to Gregorian on my MacBook Air M2 found the problem . Maybe this can help some people
  14. I am a bit over 40 Like 76. Not been living under a rock as you put it. There are many people that haven't heard off some certain people , that doesn't mean that they been living under a rock .Those people are just traveling in different circles. We can't know everyone you know and you cant know everyone I/We know . Have a nice day. ????
  15. If they go by the Book then Pita won't be the next PM . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Election_Commission_of_Thailand
  16. RIP. Icon? Never heard off the lady.
  17. Yep, But some taste a lot better then others.
  18. Lady digger is smiling this morning ,she said ,Pita gone he liar and cheat. Just what I expected. Happy days.
  19. Of course it worked ; As the search carried on, they were notified that Vichit had been found, shocking everyone. He was discovered in a room behind his house, displaying signs of being in a daze. The sight of their found son brought his parents to tears.
  20. Thank you, I only saw one ,that must have been the one I did comment on.
  21. What about catching some Thai Crims' Why always focussing on Foreigners The Majority off Crims are Thai.
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