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Everything posted by digger70

  1. Yes, They think that we are mere Aliens, Not to worry ,they don't know better.
  2. Thank you ,I can't find the 5/10 Yr retirement visa you are talking about in that Link. That link seems to be only for the Elite Visa.
  3. OK, My Bad if that's the case but that's the only 10/20 Yr visa I can find , so that's what I Replied at. If that's the case ,I have to look into that. where can I find the the application to see what's needed please.
  4. It's a Lose Lose situation the way I can see. Now it cost me THB2000 per Yr. and after 10 Yrs I still have my THB 800000 The 10 Yr visa cost THB 100000 per Yr. So compare THB 1000000 to THB20000 I save THB 980000 in 10 Yrs For me that's a nice saving. I don't have money to trow away/waste.
  5. Education Council secretary-general Atthaphon Sangkhawasee said his agency has studied the 2021 International Institute for Management Development (IMD) rankings, which showed Thailand dropped to 56th out of 64 countries. Thailand ranked a distant third in Asean, behind Singapore in 7th place and Malaysia in 39th.Jan 30, 2565 BE
  6. It'a a lottery every time one ventures out on the Thai roads,It doesn't matter how good off a driver/rider one is it all comes down to what the other drivers/riders are doing and how capable they are.
  7. Something wrong with this dude .he's Brain dead.
  8. An other sucker bites the dust so to speak. No chance in Satans Hell to get his funds back.
  9. They should've followed the Paper/money trail then he would've got Life without parole. But than, he only didn't disclose some funds so he's ok.
  10. What do they do for themselves? Don't want to work, Don't want to join the army but still want money for smart Phone to play All day & night /Gaming station/want motorbike /Smoke dope/Yaba/Drink alcohol.etc
  11. Given that a similar incidence happened just two kilometers away from the scene of the most recent shooting, several locals in the area speculate that both instances may have been connected by the paranormal force and bad spirits of the forest. Here we go Again ,Would you believe the nonsense they come up with.
  12. It depends what one is doing for work. v Work in the building industry and farming ,outdoor work one will sweat a lot so 3.6 Gram off Salt a day isn't even enough to make up the salt one lost from sweating all day.
  13. Well, you go and give them some Pointers to make the Charge stick.
  14. Sounds like you talking about some Wives . My dog is not like that. ????‍????
  15. What in the name of satan is going on now ,One can't have/sell the Pleasure toys but we maybe able to make some and Export them. Absolutely Stupid. What are they thinking Oh yea ,Money . Next they will be making /exporting Vaping cigarettes.& guns. No wonder that this country is in a mess with all those idiots in charge.
  16. It can be His house the house can be in his name , But not the land the house is built on that would than be in the X wife's name . That's Legal but it doesn't happen often.
  17. It all comes down to common sense , There's none . This won't change in a hurry, like about 100 yrs.
  18. Yes, the tool is only as good as the operator,No matter laser or scalpel or chisel or jackhammer.
  19. Why in Satans name would one import plastic waste. There's enough plastic and other waste in Thailand than they know what to do with . Just look around, plastic and rubbish a plenty . Clean up ones own country before bringing in more rubbish. Recycling isn't working that well ,collecting waste isn't working that well, people putting waste into bins (if there are bins) isn't working.Teaching the Natives to not dumping waste were they sanding isn't working.
  20. In laser cataract surgery, a laser is used to make the incision and lens opening and to fragment the lens," explained Dr. Horne. “It creates a more reliable, repeatable, precise incision than a surgeon can do by hand. Even a very good surgeon can't make a perfectly circular opening as precisely as a laser can.”
  21. Very nice the so called clean Power hey. No one talks about where the so called clean power comes from and how dirty it is to make still using Coal/Gas/Oil What are the dangers of living near a power plant? These pollutants are known to contribute to adverse health outcomes, including the development of heart or lung diseases, such as asthma and bronchitis, increased susceptibility to respiratory and cardiac symptoms, greater numbers of emergency room visits and hospital admissions, and premature deaths. Are power stations harmful? Power plants emit air pollutants and water vapor as fog into the atmosphere that could affect the growth and survival of certain vegetation communities. Some pollutants are toxins or promote diseases that damage or kill plants. What pollution is caused by power stations? They emit harmful pollutants, including mercury, non-mercury metallic toxics, acid gases, and organic air toxics such as dioxin. Power plants are currently the dominant emitters of mercury (50 percent), acid gases (over 75 percent) and many toxic metals (20-60 percent)
  22. He said that he Thinks that he had see an UFO. Has to do better that this ,Nothing to see, Dreamer/ smokin. sometin
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