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Everything posted by digger70

  1. Where was his comfort bottle or just a bottle truckies normally don't stop for a p!ss. Well we never did anyway.
  2. Hopefully this is a start to get Thousands more to be prosecuted and send to Jail. One can only wish.
  3. Why not if they are all happy with that . Nothing new that many people have Giks, Girlfriends, second, third wife.
  4. Why does he has to say that Vaping is Illegal? It's the Law everyone knows that. Except tourists ,but they should know from their travel Agency what's Legal or Illegal.
  5. Recommend, if you that fussy cook at home. at home you can cook whatever you like ,whatever taste you like ,whatever spices you like . We do we have a ball ,nothing better than home cooking it takes not longer to cook than going out and eating something that's not up the standard you like.
  6. What are those Maggots think that denial get them of the guilty charge ,F 'n Idiots
  7. From what I can see on the roads around here Probable 20/25 % of Drivers/riders would lose points Every day.
  8. Up to you as they say here But it could mean trouble ,It depends on Customs checks : https://www.customs.go.th/cont_strc_simple.php?ini_content=individual_160426_01&lang=en&left_menu=menu_individual_submenu_03_01
  9. Haven't seen them in Los but Online, Alibaba Amazon E Bay. Many People buy. online
  10. Yea? try this than : .https://www.google.com/search?q=galvanized+steel+mop+bucket+with+wringer&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwidupvnn_T8AhVyBLcAHbVpDL8Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=galvanized+steel+mop+bucket+with+wringer&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQDFAAWABgAGgAcAB4AIABAIgBAJIBAJgBAKoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1n&sclient=img&ei=5VDaY92zMvKI3LUPtdOx-As&bih=730&biw=1455&rlz=1C5CHFA_enTH1025TH1025
  11. So they check only a few in Bangkok right. the rest of the country people don't matter. Lives don't matter outside Bangkok .
  12. Thailand’s corruption standing for 2022 an improvement over 2021 That just means it's gone up isn't. 55555
  13. Doesn't work if they call via internet ,they have different number every time . Say hallo say sorry put them on hold and have a cup of coffee. works for me.
  14. There's nothing in life that can be 100% guaranteed ,except one thing .That one Will Die.
  15. So what you saying Freddy that we have to know everyone you know? as for making more money Who cares what you think . suspecting is still knowing nothing .
  16. Is a master sergeant a high rank? What does a master sergeant do? The master sergeant is the principal noncommissioned officer at the battalion level and higher. The first sergeant is the principal NCO and life-blood of a company. He is the disciplinarian and counselor. He instructs other sergeants, advises the commander and helps train all enlisted Soldiers.
  17. Who's he,?Well known? OK, maybe only by friends I Suppose.
  18. RTP spokesman says "trust us" not social media in Taiwanese actress extortion case; cops may fly to Taiwan today. Yea ,neither are trustworthy, but I know Who I would be believe first.
  19. like ,really you think people care what's illegal in Los.
  20. Must've been very heavy to leave footprints in rock like that .???? Believable or Not.
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