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Everything posted by digger70

  1. Probable would've been on the Plan but that doesn't say they've Built the Building strong enough to carry that extra weight. Remember that this is Los not Land Of Strong Buildings.
  2. RIP. Where's the Pool Fence Who was supervising /or not. Isn't there a Law that a Pool must have a Fence of a certain height and have a Childproof lockable Gate? If there isn't there Should be. I know in Aus One Must have Those.
  3. I would say it's the volume of the water from the pool ,normally that amount of weight wouldn't be there ,It's the Extra weight put up on the building that can cause the trouble How much water does the pool hold /10/20/30 thousand Litres every Litres is 1 KG so say that the pool hold 20000 Litre that's an extra 20 Tonne I would say that makes a hell of a difference .
  4. Cleaning White UPVC Best thing to do just wipe it clean and Paint . Easy and it stops the UV
  5. I had a New Imm officer (the Boss) that wanted a 2 yr statement of my term deposit account + a Letter . I said that's stupid the money never left the account We went to the bank and the bank rang the Imm officer (the Boss ) and then She(the Boss) excepted A letter + copy of the Term deposit book 1 yr Singed and Stamped by the Bank.
  6. I doubt if this is a quick get rich sceme. can't grow much on/in a vehicle.
  7. It's all about Not losing Face.No matter the price they have to pay . Rather going to Jail then let it be bygones.
  8. You say you tried it for 20 yrs , So now you're Not . Maybe ok for some . So is being a RK Priest but look what they do. As for me one lives only Ones ,Make the most of it in a decent way if one can. People and other animals are on this planet to Multiply for the next generation and to enjoy life. If you don't like thats fair enough just don't expect it from anyone else.
  9. That depends on how much one ingests.Same as any other drug. Moderation is the word.
  10. The Famous Yellow book has a 13 digit number that's what we used to Register to Get the Jabs.
  11. If all else fails ,the easy way out is to get the extension based on Retirement.
  12. Dying to re-open: Phuket business leaders push for Dec 1 full re-opening Fully reopening? What Hoops the people have to Jump through for that ?
  13. Never seen one sorry ,I have seen the electric ones with self propulsion. But then I don't travel on trains .
  14. Like I said they are Carriages Not Loco's . One can tow them with ones Ute if you like .
  15. They aren't Loco's they are carriages. I would think they can hook them up to an Electric Loco as the carriages haven't got self propulsion.
  16. For sure, and not enough decent drains to get rid of the water quick.
  17. Sorry to hear that you have been Done . Well it's like they say ,One shouldn't invest /buy anymore than one can afford to lose /walk away from.
  18. Are expats being tempted by Thailand? Maybe some ,It depends on the individual and their Purse . What one would want /expect from the country they may want to go on holiday/retire
  19. Well if you think that way you shouldn't be in Thailand and/or relationship.
  20. A new Thai temple bears a likeness to Angkor Wat, and Cambodian internet users are not happy about it. Who Cares.
  21. No problem just put the car in the GF/Wife name All you have to do is PAY. I did ,No problem. One only invest in Thailand what one can afford to lose if things go South.
  22. Thailand to launch ‘Digital Health Pass’ for domestic flights Sounds pretty stupid .One gets a slip of paper when they receive the Jabs that should be enough, why all the rigmarole .Isn't there enough BS if one wants to travel.
  23. Foreigners who join anti-govt protests face deportation and blacklist: Thai police Yes I agree it's not up to us Farangs to Meddle in Thai Politics.
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