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Everything posted by digger70

  1. The THB sliding? That will be only be against the $US The THB is still strong against the $AUS and the British Pound . No slide against the rest of the world so No crisis ,only Talk.
  2. One way is enough to save the energy prices from going up and bring them back down. Make the Government stop wasting billions of THB and buy cheaper crude oil and gas than what they do now. Then they can supply cheaper fuel and help the people . Other countries can why not Thailand .
  3. Of course they should . Thailand must look after it's own people so if they can buy cheaper oil & gas then it would benefit the people of Thailand at the pump.
  4. Yes, lucky most people have indoor toilet now ,if not they would use the Bike to go to the Dropbox down the backyard.
  5. Probable been doing this for a while only bad luck that he got caught this time. Ban the thug from school.
  6. Don't you know they are Thais who say that right, that's just there Excuse to Blame the People not the Covid.
  7. How in Satans name was he allowed in Thailand ? will he be allowed to enter Thailand Again? Don't they state , No Crims and No Gangsters are allowed to enter Thailand, But then Like he said Money can buy Anything in Thailand .
  8. They don't look at that, they only See that it isn't fossil Fuel that goes in the vehicle .It's the worlds biggest Scam.
  9. I can't see the problem ,I only use the laptop at home for Any Banking. It can't be that urgent ,one can wait to get home/or stay home and do it, or do the transfers next day.
  10. Easy ,Stay Single and buy only what you Need Not what you want.
  11. It all depends on how much you have had to drink. ????
  12. I don't mind ,Lady Digger just finds out the price if it's not same as for Thais we Don't Go . they can charge what the want. Works for us. ????
  13. They could test the weed if it is ok for medicinal oil, if not it will be for sale somewhere. and people will be arrested for having weed that has more than the 0.2 % THC what's allowed.
  14. In order for a mosquito to make contact with skin under clothing, the fabric must be skintight or close fitting, such as yoga pants, lightweight undershirts, or tights. If you’re wearing loose clothing made from an impenetrable fabric, mosquitoes won’t be able to bite you unless they’re able to get into the garment. So no, mosquitoes do not bite in the regular sense of the word, but neither does it sting. So 'bite' is used for convenience. It is only the female that bites, because it is only the female mosquito that needs your protein for its eggs! And mosquitoes suck!
  15. Couldn't be a much beloved pet moggie if she hasn't seen it for 2 years. The picture from her with moggie that's only publicity stunt /show.
  16. What about the rest of the country/city roads and footpaths that are invaded with dirty traders ? people can't even park a car or drive a car in some streets and one can never us a footpath/side walk and run the risk to get mowed down from the incompetent drivers on the road and If one can use the footpath /Sidewalk one does run the risk to get run over by stupid motorbike riders ,moto taxi. There are many Laws and Regulations here but they don't get adhered. It's All talk and no action by All the Top Chiefs. just the odd warning to keep the Native masses quiet.
  17. Karma got him in the end for shooting of his mouth all the time. ????
  18. Yep, just show offs same as with all the rubbish on the windows so they haven't got a Clear view and all the extra 20 lights and extra 30 mirrors and the extra noisy/big and or multiple exhausts.
  19. The sub is only for play ,doesn't need an engine. If they need it fora bit of Fun/ practice ,they can put an old Cat engine in from a Retired Excavator
  20. The gate to the home had reportedly been left open by accident after the trash had been taken out.
  21. The monkeys are on a par with the Soi dogs ,sterilizing doesn't Fix the problem ,Exterminating does.
  22. Killing Soi dogs Is for a reason, They are Flea bitten,Mages infested ,full of worm and some Rabies on top of that. They chaise and bite people. No one seems to own the pests .They suffer and are hungry . It is heaven for the Soi dogs to be killed Than they Do't suffer and people can walk ,ride ,drive safely without any trouble except from their Fellow Road users.
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