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Everything posted by mistral53

  1. BEV mobility is simply not yet assured with the Swiss cheese charging network presently in operation in Thailand. One aspect easily forgotten in in such a discussion is the possible wait for an available charger. Solution: Reservations are needed to get access to a charger - and that is the most hare-brained nonsense I have heard in regards to BEV mobility: Imagine you need to make a reservation a day or more in advance to refuel a regular car! For the doubters, just read some Thai BEV chat groups to comprehend the consequences - and all this is with an insignificant number of BEVs in operation, scaling it up will no doubt make this into a tragedy someday as out of control BEV owners at some point will lose their cool, and use pitch forks and tire irons to get to their reservations........ The real solution is an over-saturation of very powerful high Amp chargers - who wants to bet how far in the future that point is reached in Thailand? 20 years? 35 years........50 years? Thailand is PHEV country for the next 20 years.
  2. Instead of listening to Wachmeister's feeble opinion, have a look at this quality YT presentation: (I suggest to replace sound with a Chopin of your choosing, and keep your hands above the table)
  3. In all fairness to potential solar power adapters - these numbers for investment are completely off the kilter, I reckon you paid about half what is common, at least in our neck of the woods and around BKK. Good for you buddy........ I wish such price levels were offered everywhere.
  4. If you were sincerely interested in an answer to that question, you could find the answer very easily yourself. (this is just one of many reviews that come up with identical results) https://electrek.co/2020/08/03/tesla-made-in-china-cars-lead-market-quality/ But your question was never about Tesla quality, just an underhanded attempt to suggest a narrative that suits your agenda.
  5. I just did a test drive on a Tesla M3, and brought up that very question about price cuts with the sales rep - they are of course prepared for that question, presumably most buyers are concerned. The answer is not convincing - Tesla is new to Thailand and does not intend or need to adjust prices for at least 12 months - and there are clear signs the market for EV's is softening, so my hunch is in a few months Tesla will cut prices, if for no other reason than to gain another rush of publicity.
  6. I am certain you could get a grid-tied solar system with a payback of less than 5 years, even without subsidies. It's a no-brainier really, what keeps you from doing it? roof space? I am in the 3rd year and on track to get my investment back in another 1.5 years, latest - best investment I ever made in Thailand. Another way of looking at a it is payback in 10 years and ROI of 10% - what's not to like about this? BTW - if you have difficulties finding an installer, we have plenty of them in H-H that do installations nationwide, pm me if you need contact info.
  7. mistral53

    Isaan Woman

    I certainly would like to get an earful of the wife of the OP - it would be nice to hear what they think about the fantastic, flawless, young and strong princes riding into Isaan town's on white horses, as I am sure most pos(t)ers on these forums did........... ????
  8. One part is for certain - if Mr. Trump is found guilty, you can kiss the 'United' part of the US good bye. No real winners either way, this is one bridge too far for the Dem's.
  9. Not according to this, but YMMV
  10. I am a total cruise control addict, but I cant use it most of the time with the MG HS PHEV because it uses an idiotic design shortcut. On my Mercedes, the brakes are integrated into energy recuperation, the MG has skipped that essential function. (as does Tesla, btw) What do I mean by this? The MG has ACC (adaptive cruise control) and will slow down or speed up based on surrounding traffic. The main flaw is, it will only slow down by applying the brakes, not by blending recuperation with braking to achieve the desired deceleration. That means, when using ACC there is no hybrid functionality, which completely negates driving a hybrid. It also completely insults my sense of my engineering background, hence my wife can drive with much less stress not knowing what is happening under the skin of the vehicle.
  11. Looks like my prayers have been answered......... great news!
  12. With the present xchange rate the above cost you about $2000 per month, THB 66,666.67 per month or THB 800,000 per year. Courtesy your Thai government calculation.
  13. Invading a sovereign country is only a crime if the 'other side' does it, never when we do it ourselves.
  14. Air quality in Thailand is chiefly a function of how zippy the farmers feel on any given day........or how much plastic and garbage they have accumulated in the pit. 2nd in line are the chipped pick-up trucks that put the triple-stacked coal fired Titanic to shame when the jolly driver puts the pedal to the metal........
  15. Spoken like a true ignoramus......aka Teslafanboy -- my emphasis was, with exclamation mark no less! - on certified. Tesla has nothing certified, MB has. There is a world of difference between certified and beta testing, which I am sure you are not able to comprehend, so I rest my case. As for Sandy Munro, if there ever was a certified Teslafanboy, he fits the bill. I watched quite a few episodes years ago on 'Autoline Network' when he was still small fish - his take is entertaining and he has good insights into the automotive manufacturing world - but it also showed what his limits and principal interests are. He is in it to make money, I don't blame him - but to make him the ultimate arbiter in all things automotive is silly at best. And then there is this morsel of your (mis)understanding - I quote: 'That is why Tesla beats virtually every other BEV in range.' First of - range is not a comparative metric, consumption is. Now go back and watch more Sandy Munro - he got the finger on that one in a much more plausible way: Tesla's drive motors are superior and give them an edge in range due to higher efficiency. Plus aerodynamics - Tesla's are ugly for a reason, it pays dividend in the range, particularly at elevated speeds. But the competition is nibbling on Tesla's heels if we go by what TeslaBojorn found in real world driving - the MG 4 EV had a consumption on par with a Tesla model 3 LR at 116Wh/km......this I am sure will give Tesla pause.
  16. I assume you copy and paste this from a Tesla fanboy page, not so much rooted in reality here. Truth is, Tesla drive-train technology is second to none, and their software has many aspects not matched by the competition yet - but that is about where it ends. To claim that car companies that built cars for many decades 'pale in comparison to Tesla in every single metric' is hyperbole at best. To wit - as of today, only MB has a fully operational and certified(!) level 3 autonomous driving system, far ahead of the Tesla FSD. 360 degree birds eye view should become available on Tesla's hopefully soon - while standard on most high end cars already for years. Suspension and comfort - stay away from a Tesla. Interior design - meh. Build quality........stay away from US built cars. Battery technology: Tesla claimed to be leading, but is now buying batteries from Chinese companies. There is a potential Tesla designed/built a massive time-bomb with their highly touted mega castings - insurance premiums could detonate for certain Tesla models if slightly damaged cars have to be scrapped with even minor frame damage.
  17. He is a little bit of a dork........did he seriously expect the dog would eat rice separately, after wolfing down the meat? everybody knows you have to mix rice with meat......dogs are not that stupid! I know.....I know.........this thread is bout electric cars in Thailand. ????????
  18. As I said before, I will cancel my Tesla order in a heartbeat if the BYD Seal will come to Thailand within this year. For me, the Seal ticks all the right boxes.
  19. Who needs people skills on the Internet? - here is where I can show what kind of really bad ass SOB I am........ ???? BTW - between you, me and the door post....... good reply! borderline condescending, but I let it slide this one time ???? ????
  20. You should do some research first and not just babble about subjects you don't know: TB's first electric car that I could find was his 2013 Tesla Model S P85 - there was no MG EV at that time. TB has two client groups - the YT crowd and the EV manufacturers. He needs clicks on his YT channel, and he needs test vehicles. Most of his testing/recording is in Europe by far, so there is little doubt that he has to cater to them more than to the Chinese.......or so he thinks. That is why he is biased and not as balanced as I wish he were. In his defense, there are many YT channels on the subject of EV's that are much worse. 2014 video to back up my claim:
  21. He makes a living on YT, so he needs click-bait. He is also very biased in favor of Tesla (started out as TeslaBjorn) and is rather negative on Chinese cars. Wit these caveats in mind, he does good comparison tests for range and charging on a large number of EV's.
  22. I installed a 7Kw EV charger in my garage back in 2015 - run a new circuit directly from the distribution panel into the garage (on the other side of the wall no less) for peanuts, worked like a charm. Or as they say - where there's a will, there's a 240V circuit..........or something like that. Just for giggles - the 240V supply in the US is actually more rugged than a standard 240V in Thailand: it is a 3 (+1) circuit wire in the US, vs. the 2 wire (+1) circuit in Thailand.
  23. Meh.........charging speed at home is mostly a function of the on-board charger of the car, not the output of the wall charger. Granted, on-board chargers are getting more powerful in newer models, but AC charging simply is far slower than public fast chargers (DC chargers) To your point about US vs Thailand - worst case would be 50% slower in the US compared to Thailand using the 120V vs. 240V supply voltage. But that is mostly not the case since 240V is readily available in the US as well.
  24. Not exactly - the TOU for EV charging comes with an additional and properly sized set of supply wires directly from the PEA/MEA pole. They like to balance the draw on the grid also. Do you live in a rural area with limited grid facilities?
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