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Everything posted by mistral53

  1. Scariest post I have ready in a very, very long time......... My science background had me absolutely convinced that there is no such thing as ghosts, but if you have heard them, I will revisit this believe of mine. I just noticed I am sitting here with sweat of fear running down my forehead, time for another blond one............
  2. aahhhhmmm..........missed that one - where did you find the instruction that the battery has to be below 20% for the OTA? Me ignoramus just pushed the button and sailed through the update without concerning myself with the finer things of update pleasures - went without a hitch.
  3. How about a wrap?
  4. Thanks for the hint........ I will have a look. Do you run VTL for only one phase?
  5. I have this in my shopping cart........ and this is for only 15 kWh https://www.lazada.co.th//products/i4363388164-s17397026808.html It would seamlessly integrate with my Huawei inverter. But in reality, the lifespan makes EES not economically viable, except if you live off grid.
  6. I have always found arguments based on outlier events amusing - the world does not operate like that, to wit, not every single EV will be involved in a fatal battery accident. As a matter of fact, I am going out on a limb and postulate this outrages argument - very few will. In an other life, I have always argued for 'management by exception' - and not the other way around! You will always be at the losing end of the debate when you try to make the potential accident the reason to resist progress.......... imagine cavemen resisting the wheel because a wheeled cart in an accident will run down a hill so much faster than a sled......... I for one do not aspire to live in a cave.
  7. This will sound a bit selfish, but I am already salivating about getting my hands on a 50+ kWh battery pack on the cheap as a home solar back-up battery from a salvaged EV.......... I am actually wondering whether I should buy one of the entry level EV's just for the battery, discarding the car bits - would still be half of what solar installers quote for batteries.
  8. Don't forget that they robbed us of this gold-nugget........or does this have to be filed under 'TIT'? (For those not familiar with the issue - there was a lot of talk that the the 'Build your Dreams' lettering looks silly, so export versions were changed to the simple 'BYD' - now we have those owners who want to put the 'Build your Dreams' back on. Well, at least it sounds better than "Bayrische Motoren Werke')
  9. Has this been posted? The heading reads: BYD Seal the top listed car in group D-Segment in Thailand November 2566
  10. Is this like where you live?
  11. Am I missing something here, or what is the inference to car warranty regarding an accident? Sounds like the usual click-bait YT video if this was presented in this way..........
  12. Is it possible you have reading comprehension problems? or did you even read the report? The last two paragraph pretty much sum it up: MG tried to market a stripped version for cheap of the MG 5 down under. It's not what I find a good policy, but it is far from possible to extrapolate from this policy what safety rating Chinese cars in general are sold with - but then again. that was not really what you are interested in? Its good the test was made and published, MG has responded positively to correct the shortcomings.
  13. I have bought very few cars for which the salesperson knew more about the car than I did........ probably have to blame myself for that
  14. Invite all the kids from the neighborhood........and their parents But then again - I believe your conclusion is wrong, from the demos I have seen from local owners, after the update the pedestrian warning can be turned on and off. Car is updating right now, cant test it myself until later.
  15. I had the same problem - finally I had the glorious idea to tell the BYD lady to turn audio back on for navigation.......lo and behold, she did. I had to do it a few times already.
  16. How many of these are active and of the DC genre? There are several places listed on different apps, but the chargers are actually inoperative, others have only AC chargers, which are next to useless except for hotel guests that stay over night and leave their cars hooked up. All in all, H-H is still stone age when it comes to real DC charger infrastructure, but it could change quickly.
  17. 3.8s, delivered 2 month ago, 3,000 km - no regrets. I am waiting for the BYD Tang - if it delivers what has been promised, I will trade.
  18. Unlock the car - in some cars, you can hit the central unlocking button in the car, or unlock the car with the remote (works on all cars)
  19. Are they counted as registered after the white plate is issued? I am still on the red..........already over 2 months now
  20. Is it far fetched to suggest to take this self anointed car 'expert' with a truck load of salt? I understand he is trying to make a living on the cheap and needs clicks.
  21. Good info, I did not know that. Where in this rating soup is the 3Ph vs. 1 Ph capacity? I would assume the 3 phases help for load distribution more for PEA than in the house?
  22. This is what you are looking for (e.g. our meter)......... it's on all meters in one form or another
  23. BYD seal in Europe charges with up to 11 kW: https://www.byd.com/eu/car/seal.html
  24. Wait, what.........no massage parlor on their premise? That would keep me busy while they massage my car.......... On a more serious note - it looks very professional how they go about protecting the car while installing the film, this imbues confidence in their work.
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