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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Who are you talking about? If you are inferring RP, then you are peeing up the wrong lamp-post. He don't like the way the whole covid saga has been framed and manipulated. Me nether. Probably most people are the same now.
  2. This post leads straight into the question; ''Did anyone catch covid in your village?'' Sounds like the villagers who got sick, did so because they were unlucky enough to have a toxic jab.
  3. Tripple-jabbed?! For me; this is a bit of a hit-and-miss study. Not to say is has not been worthwhile. I have resevations. If one is single jabbed, the chance of a bad reaction depends upon a couple of factors. One is how toxic the particular jab is. The other is if a person has any underlying problems. Let's say the chance of getting a toxic jab is 50%. A second jab opens the door to four possibilities; all rated at 25%. 1/ Both jabs are toxic 2/ The first was toxic but not the second 3/ The second was toxic but not the first 4/ Both jabs were benign. However, a further (third) jab swings the odds very much into the chance that at least one jab will be toxic (87.5%). In fact the chance of having three benign jabs are just 12.5% or one in eight. https://howbadismybatch.com/
  4. What science might that be Watthong? Much of the c-19 science is not so scientific after all. One of the difficulties, is that batches of jab ingredients vary so much. Some batches have little more effect than a sore arm, while others have far graver consequences for those accepting them into their bodies. Good that this study has revealed such interesting data.
  5. I think it good that the c-19 saga is not swept under the carpet. There is also the warning to anyone who would take a further jab/booster/shot, that all is not as the authorities would have us believe.
  6. The pick-up, now known as the Maserati, or Mazza, is OK for now. The problem at your place was really my own fault. The connection to the positive was not secure, so it never charged when on the move. A new battery is the answer. I should have some spare dosh next year. I'll have to give the AA man a little something for his help; next visit. Three weeks to get your new PP returned. That is quick! Mine took seven weeks earlier in the year. Have to do Mildred's soon; 2024 for that. 15 days since the last rain here. Mrs Owl reckons rain on Saturday afternoon. I'm not so optimistic. Hope she is right.
  7. War ships in east Mediterranean. Jordan and Egypt say they will not take in refugees; although Scotland will. Thousands of Iraqis ready for action. Iran playing it cool. US at the ready. Hezbollah primed. Israel waiting for the weather to change. NATO still committed to Ukraine. Russian planes patrolling the Black Sea. Ships collide in South China Sea (SCS). US say they will test China's SCS resolve soon. One false/forced move - or false flag - and the third big one is on the cards. Just round the corner from VofA in Isaan. Bunker ready. Stocked up with fuel, food and water.
  8. Lots of point scoring on this thread. Half the posts say nothing. Just name-calling and slurring towards those that have a different opinion. There are different views. Can't we hear them without the nonsense? Zionism breaks all Jewish values. This conflict breaks all human values. We are a 'mistake' away from WW111.
  9. You are probably right there WB. As I move closer to nature, I appreciate it all the more. Al least in Thailand, the lovely veggies and fruits are 'relatively' clear of toxins. However. in saying the above, a nice bit of bacon from a piggie that has spent it's life in the rain and sun, and grubbing about in the wood, could make me rethink. After all; I have strong principles, but if I have to, I can change them.
  10. Just think of that poor pig running about without his tail. As I say; I don't like to eat meat that comes from an animal with four legs. In fact I'm going off meat altogether. Even those insects.
  11. Owl Market Log Had a wander about in the Ban Dung Daily Market last week. It was busy at the time, about 4, and gets even more so, until 6 when it gradually packs up. At the town end there was some very pleasant music. vid - music while you shop.mp4 A lot of the market is dedicated to food. The far end is clothing and footwear. I didn't venture that far. Pla Nin. Generally known as Talapia. Pig tails. Shrimps and small fish. Crabs in a line. Food being cooked. Some big frogs. And toads. Plenty of insect delicacies on offer. I bought two terrapins (last Owl Log). Contemplated buying some fish and toads, but Mildred said I'd spent enough. I walked on, hoping to see some pink Dook. No! So picked up me terrapins and made my way out and back to the Mazza. Only one thing left to say; take care out there.
  12. There yer go again EP. Suggesting that my eyes are somehow faulty. I'll have you know that on Saturday I saw a cricket on a post a fair way off. I ventured towards it; counting out the paces as i went. Mobile camera in hand. Sixty metres, give or take a cm or two. I was gonna take a pic, but the creature jumped off into the undergrowth. So you are befuddled again EP. My eyes are fine.
  13. This 'International Law' only applies when it suits the powerful to point the finger at smaller nations. Usually ones they don't like.. The US, Israel and UK do what the hell they like around the world.
  14. Let's hope they can pull themselves out of the mire. I quite fancy them at Plymouth on Wednesday; 1-2.
  15. Thanks to our regular posters for making the thread so interesting. There are two villages not so far away that I think would be good for a long rest. One is Phibun Rak. The other is Sum Sao, on the 2022.
  16. Owl Log - 22-10-2023 - Sunday afternoon Another eventful week. We have one of those tubes with a slot in the top. In England - back in the day - they were known as piggy-banks. Me and Mildred spent an hour counting out the change on Thursday. All told; 3940 baht. We separated the coins and bagged them up into 500s. The following day we took them to Mildred's bank (the pink one) in Ban Dung. The procedure is to put the dosh in a sealed bag with the bank-book. Had to give over her mobile number. Should get a call on Monday to pick up the book. Back to school on Tuesday. Just early enough finish to get over there before closing. Mrs Owl not best pleased to see all that dosh going somewhere other than her pocket. So near; yet so far! Earlier in the week we went to Ban Dung for shopping. Also bought Mildred some red paint for her cat project. The cat was a prezzie for her birthday on the 19th just gone. Coming along. Slow but sure. She wants to put it on a concrete ring, and place it outside the house. No problem with that. Just have to go and get one. Paint it silver. Should look good. Don't think anyone will have it away. We also visited the daily market. The ladies went off to do their thing. Spending money. While I spend my time taking pics of the nice people and there goods. Too many pics for the Sunday Log, so I'll do a 'market special' later. But I was attracted to one particular stall. There were some big terrapins for sale. vid - terrapins.mp4 The lady was a little surprised that I was asking about them. Perhaps she thought I was gonna eat them with me morning cup of Rosy!! Couldn't resist buying a couple. 100 baht each. When we got back home, I put a bowl of water in the back of the Mazza for them. Almost identical. Terra twins. At the farm it was my job to let them go. And away they went. Doges thinking 'this is unusual'. In other farms, normally, someone is catching them. Don't know if we will see them again. Hope so. Might get some more. The leccy people are racing ahead. Two different posts. There's the ordinary one. And every so often there's the super one. Went to a meeting about the leccy last week. All the people that live on the local farms were there. Mrs Owl looked as though she was understanding proceedings, so I went walk about. So pleaded I did. At the old Nocatar (Grouse) farm, they had changed track. Now they are breeding special grasshoppers for the table. I say special, but they looked a bit like the ones back in England. Only brown instead of green We all know that bugs are the future. McDonalds are gonna do chocolate coated ones for their special 'cricket burger'. (Only joking!) I'll take mine with cheese please. And it was on to the next farm. Piggies. Lots of them. I like pigs. In fact they are one of the animals that I don't like to eat. To be more precise; anything with four legs. That obviously rules out crocs and giraffes. Pigs also. So I know I'm limiting myself as far as food goes. And even worse. If I've fed it; I'll not eat it. As I wandered even further afield, I could hear quacking in the distance. 800 ducks greeted me when I looked over the fence. vid - lots of ducks.mp4 The Mrs had joined me. They had found out what direction I had walked in and Gann had brought her over on his motorcycle to tell me the meeting had finished. Bella's farm is always hectic. What with the cows, the chickens and the older dogs; and the new arrivals. Curly Wurly sleeping. Not bothered by the puppies scurrying about, or the chickens making a racket. I Just threw some chicken food and Milo is tucking in. Bella's mum getting things organised. Her daughter is in Singapore at the present. Soon they will not need mum. But in the meantime. The lean-to for the truck is finished. Grand job. BeeApp was gonna do some grass cutting and clearing up for us. The day before, Mrs Owl went round banging in stakes, and tying on bits of something to let him know where the newly planted tree-lings were. If that's not done. they would just get chopped. Watch that hammer dear! BeeApp started yesterday. Mrs Owl said for him to move the PVC pipes. I went there at lunch time and couldn't see the pipes anywhere. But then! Spotted one behind the rice shed. I followed it along. Well I never!? Was is BeeApp's inspiration, the Lao Khow or the Mrs' instructions? Might never know. He came back from lunch and got stuck in. I was in the hammock. Mildred had gone to see a local friend and I was waiting for her call. Was looking at the new phone trying different settings. Saw a nice cloud coming over. Think I'm getting the hang of it at last. Man City and Pool march on. Toon get a very decent result again. Owls are in deep poo poo. Peacocks go two behind and come back to win away against Canaries. Foxes break Championship records with their away win in Wales. There is F1, Cricket and Rugby going on. Ladies' footy also. Just not interested in them. Mildred back at school on the 24th. The time has flown by. There are things going on. I can't find out what the details are for now. The leccy meeting went off OK?. News on that soon. Also a new solar panel water set up is on the cards. Again! Some news soon. Still not seen any Mekongs or Dooks. Spent a good half hour watching the ponds yesterday. They will show up soon. I'm learning about our snails. They love to eat the wrappers of tinned food. Also standard A4 paper. They don't like tissue and are not that fond of kitchen roll paper, although they do like to nibble at it. Dogs went bananas in the night. Mrs Owl went out and said to be quiet. This morning at seven I went out and was met with a big dead crab. Crab killers! That what guard dogs are for. Robert has got a fetish for grabbing women's clothing, when it's time to go out. Today he get hold of one of Mrs Owl's nice new trousers. She was not best pleased with him. It's his birthday on Wednesday. One year old. Still keeping with my 'bathroom yoga' programme. No rain for 12 days. Some early rice is being cut, but most will not be ready for another 4 weeks. Leccy bill late this month. Usually get it on the 20th. Not turned up yet. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all. Music while you shop at the Ban Dung market.
  17. Where did he get that Irish? I want one!
  18. Don't agree with you. This conflict is like a game of chess. The opening, middle game and the end game. Have to look at the whole historic picture. This is a move that could signify the end game. The conflict has been ongoing for 75 years. Sooner or later it was going to flare up again; big time. This time, however, there is a possibility of it escalating into WW111. IMO, the English are to blame, well over 100 years ago, for promising the zionists their own land (Palestine), in a deal to get the US actively involved in WW1.
  19. RIP fella. Thought you were wasted on the left wing.
  20. The prisoner Detectorists Grow your own drugs Honourable mentions Worzal Gummage Catweazle Shillingbury tales. Ali G - in da house Lost in space
  21. A survey among Muslims might show a different result.
  22. A little footy teaser. In three parts. Can use Google, Yahoo or DDG. Or just guess. But yer might know the answers anyway. 1/ What was the first southern team to get a top 3 finish in the top league? 2/ What was the first London team to get a top 3 finish in the top league? 3/ What was the first southern team to win the top league? Hint - all three are playing in the top two leagues this season. Thailand got a very creditable draw in their last match against Estonia. 1-1 on Tuesday.
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