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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. I hear you boss. And I don't disagree. I'm here in Thailand for the long haul. If say; WWW111, was to break out, the ATMs and the www, would not be available. A bit of gold in yer pocket will see you through the bargaining at the local market. I'm not one little bit negative about btc. But! It has it's limitations. Just like gold has. Have to recognise what they are, and do the best we can.
  2. Of course not on humans, as we understand operations to be. But generally to everything living. Indeed yes! If the white-coats were to walk through the forest and observe, they might become enlightened. Then there would be less need for 'medical operations'.
  3. Of course if you are sick; go see a doctor. But far better not to get sick. And better to know what makes you sick, so you can keep healthy, in the present, and in the future. Doctors, on the whole, don't know, and dare I say care, what makes someone sick. Sure, they can read the symptoms, look at a chart, or a computer screen, and prescribe some medicine. But those symptoms are not what is making you ill. They are the result of a problem, and are trying to get the body back to optimum health, by doing a whole range of things. Those things, ironically, we call sickness/illness/disease.. We need a complete reshape of human and animal health. First thing is to start educating/training doctors in a completely different way. Understanding underlying causes not suppressing symptoms would seem to me to be the way to go for starters.
  4. I like gold. I like the feel of gold. I like the colour of gold. But mostly I like the idea that having some fives some security in this world. I have gold, not as investment; looking at the gold prices every few hours. to see if I'm a little richer or poorer. No! I like to have some gold because people will accept it as a means of payment. If, as many predict, things go wrong on the world stage, to have some gold is a means of survival.
  5. Even after all the evidence is pouring out, from those once secretive places, there are still some on this platform, who think that you can, and indeed should, poison yer body back to health. Be it into the blood via a jab, into the stomach via yer mouth taking in a tablet or medicine, or by putting stuff on yer skin. Nature has the answers.
  6. I don't believe the accepted narrative about AIDS. Climate change is real enough. Should we get hysterical about it. I say no. There are only two sexes.
  7. So you are right and I am wrong? I'm fully aware of what food does to the body. Never mind about me. What about Kennedy? What about all the 'independent' researchers. Are they wrong? Don't be fooled by vested interests, and compromised view-points. Do some research for yourself. Too much MSM I reckon. Nature has the answers we seek.
  8. Utter nonsense. Better ways of looking after yer teeth than ingesting toxins. Try eating less sugar for starters.
  9. I hear you on this. Kennedy is not going to say; ''The germ theory is a fraud. The terrain is everything.'' Although he might like to. And he ain't gonna enlist Dr Tom Cowan as his right hand man. Although he should do. But, what he will do, is publicly take down the Medical fraudsters and the Big Pharma pimps. The revolving doors will stop. The medical establishments that rely on Big Pharma, and government dosh, will be scrutinised more fully. Will the vax manufaxrurers/suppliers be made to be liable for their products? Will doctor training take a new course? Will the kids of America not see 72 jabs before their teen years? Long way to go. A lot to do. Is he the man?
  10. Thanks for that Chaz mate. I'd better tell the wife. She is still hoping for a Thaksin victory.
  11. Think the slight weakening of the Thai Baht is due to the uncertainly of the upcoming election results.
  12. The revolving door should be brought to the people's attention. Just another form of corruption. These regulators should be held upside down, and shaken, until all their dosh falls out of their pockets. Then lock them up for 69 years. Come on RFK; do your stuff.
  13. Trump was talking about an anti-septic throat spray. Covid is not a disease. There was no pandemic. IMO.
  14. There are always things to do and nature to watch. Sometimes the chickens come over from the adjacent farm. If I have some food they are welcome to it. The other day I made a bit of a booboo though. I was eating some kao pow, and I left the plate next to the hammock, when I went to investigate a disturbance by the side of the pond. It turned out to be just a farm dog in the shallows. When I turned round to go back I saw a chicken helping itself to me grub. It wasn't so scared when I got to the hammock. I shared my meal with him. He is now a regular visitor. But, as yet, will not let me pet him. I am thinking of building a raft that I can move to the middle of the pond to allow ducks to nest there. We had ducks before. I'll speak to the Mrs about getting some more. Maybe some turkeys too.
  15. This post is completely on the wrong track. Anyone reading it would think the Americans were the healthiest people on the planet and their teeth sparkling like the North Star. Without getting into too much detail, let me suggest that the US (and other western countries) has been completely hoodwinked by Big Pharma and their compromised politicians and funded white-coats.. It's been gradually ramping up since the early 1900s. As for fluoride being good for the teeth. ''fluoride in drinking water—a substance that has played a major role in reducing tooth decay in the U.S. and around the world.'' Utter dangerous nonsense IMO. A waste product good for our health. Give me a break. Simply a hit piece on the upstanding RFK jnr, from a anti-nature angle.
  16. Just about to move from our village to the farm; 2km away. No leccy, no running water. No internet to speak of at the moment, but I've got plans. Have a solar system pumping us fresh, clean water. Wonderful nature all around. Can sit for hours watching the birds squabble in the trees,. Or can sit by the pond flicking pellets of fish food onto the water surface, to see what fish is most alert. Yesterday I rescued a really long worm, that was about to come a cropper with one of the farm dogs. Any uneaten rice goes into the pond to encourage snail growth. Wear the same clothes all the time. Wash the shirt and shorts in the pond and dry them on the tree branches. So every day there is fresh kit. Always on the look-out for interesting cloud formations. The other week there was a cloud taking the shape of one of the farm dogs. I was lucky to capture the image on the camera. We have a well that has ropes hanging down for emergency use. As in WW111. We are quite close to the US dark site, so we have to be prepared. Great life here. Is there a better place to be in the whole world?
  17. Don't know how Prawit even got into the army. Let alone getting up to General status. The military height regulation says yer have to be 1.5 metres. He was only 1.45 in his prime; two full inches short. Why do they need him on the Thai Olympic Committee? Good grief.
  18. Well Sir, you are still with us. That's good. Hope you didn't get any problems after taking it. It does appear, that it's luck of the draw, what batch** comes your way. Many of the jabs are different and the effects can range from little more than a sore arm to getting brown breaded. My daughter in England is a district nurse. She was told she had to have the jab. She refused. Took a few months off. Done some house-cleaning for income. Then when the jab rules relaxed she joined a medical agency that pays 75% more than her NHS wage did. Bat-sh!t bonkers UK. ** www.howbadismybatch.com
  19. Just one small step in the right direction. When will these propagandized suckers realise, that if you don't get sick, you are not a Big Pharma customer? A well population is a terrible downer on Big Pharma investors. Nature has all the answers. The white-coats are continually trying to better it, and even alter it. It's a crime against nature and humanity. IMO. Of course. If you are sick, go see a doctor.
  20. Who knows what it could be by early next year. If more countries adopt Bitcoin it could rocket. Max Keiser thinks 100k+ by the end of the year. But he was well out of it the year before, when he said it would go to 220k. However, he redeemed himself a little when he encouraged investors to buy when it was under 20k.
  21. TBH, I can't see how this is even possible in the US. The government gets its money from the FED. Who charge interest; thus the massive national debt. The present POTUS could be brave and issue an EO, and print the money. Then buy gold and bitcoin. The last POTUS to do that with EO 11110 was JFK. That didn't go down too well at all.
  22. Put up a topic on November 1st. Entitled; ''Is the writing already on the wall?'' Man City had just leap-frogged into pole position in the EPL. I was suggesting that perhaps now they have got their noses in front, they will be difficult to dislodge; and might well stay in front for the rest of the season. Well how wrong can yer be? Since then they have been dismal. Losing all matches since; two of those in the EPL. Liverpool are now top of the pile; and looking good. Talk about the 'kiss of death.'
  23. A good game by all accounts.
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