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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. The BBC stopped being a balanced platform when Marmaduke Hussy (Baron Hussey of North Bradley) took the helm; way back (1986 -1996)). He was married to the chief lady in waiting, and confident to Queen Lizzi. Not been impartial since that era.
  2. Steady on there Boss, The BBC is not everyone's cup of tea. And certainly not expected to tell the truth.
  3. This post just illustrates my point.
  4. Really!!?? I'll tell you something EP. I can see a squirrel at 200 metres and identify fish one metre below the surface in a muddy pool. Nose is OK also. Can smell BS a mile off.
  5. After reading a couple dozen posts on this thread. One common phrase occurs regularly. ''Anti semetic.'' For me, this is not just a nonsense, but an umbrella term covering virtually anything that is not the main western or a certain historical line. ''Anti semetic.'' This term is so broad in meaning now, that just general political speech regarding Israel, can be deemed so.
  6. On a Sunday survey (15-10-23), across a number of www platforms, 94% said the west MSM was biased. Only 6% said it gave a balanced view. 36k voted.
  7. Owl Fishy Log - 18-10-2023 - Wednesday morning Called into the fish whole-seller on the way to Udon. There were three sellers - on this side of the highway - years ago. Only one open at the present. There is another further south towards Udon on the H2, but it's right in the middle of the highway road improvements, so shut at the mo. Went looking for some pink catfish. No luck there. Lots of other stuff to look at though. Frogs. Mildred having a wander around. The Mekongs were in the pink containers. 50 baht each. Just couldn't say no to the Pla Dook. Had three prices to choose from. The tiny one baht, one and a half baht, and the one we went for, the two baht each, bigger ones. The original plan was to pick them up about 16-00. That would have given time to take pics at the Sum Sao Wat, and relax at home for a short while, before releasing the fish into the farm ponds; well before dark. Due to battery probs, we didn't pick the fish up til 17-45. Arrived home at 18-45. What to do with the fish? Couldn't leave them in the back of Mazza with those inquisitive cats. So they had to come inside. And anyway, there was only so much oxygen available in the bags. We sorted out the fish. Mrs Owl was 'yak yaking' all the while about anything and everything and nothing. Put the 250 Dook into the big container. Mekongs were treated to their own ponds. Had to cover them. Just in case. Without the top covered the Dooks would have jumped out. A few did, but Mildred caught them. Next morning it was back into the bags they arrived in, ready to be taken to the farm. Mildred released all 250 Dooks into pond 5. VID_20231011_121345(1).mp4 My job letting the Mekongs go into number three pond. Don't really know how they will fare in the ponds. I think OK; but yer never know. Fish go missing. Fish die. Generally speaking, for the first few years, they triple their weight every 12 months. Then that drops to double when they reach 10 kilos. Once they get to 50 kilos, weight progress is quite slow. But Mekongs can get to 200 kilos. To get that much depends upon water quality and the amount of food available. If the fish are to attain monster status they need space and lots of food which they are unlikely to get in a small pond like ours. These ones certainly seem to be 'big-headed', so could put weight on fast. And that was that. Then it was off to pick up Mildred's cat (last Owl Log).. Still hoping for those pink Dookies. Only one thing left to say; seez yer Sunday.
  8. The people with ''underlying health conditions'' were the very people who should not have had the jab.jabs Don't think the mRNA therapies saved any lives. This ''saved millions'' is simply a Red herring, to make us think it was all worthwhile. Anyone not having the jab is now sitting pretty. Blood, sperm, and maybe eggs, will be worth a fortune in the not too distant future. ' All my opinion of course.
  9. Maybe the Americans have turned a corner in their general health thinking. Have they educated themselves? Now that the covid phantom is out of the bag, do people now realise that 'all' vaxxes are meaningless, and can only do harm to their general health? Two % is a step in the right direction. Nil % would be better; but! Soon perhaps. Will we now see the average American slimming down, due to less dependency on Big Pharma products?
  10. Owl Log 15-10-2023 - Sunday afternoon. Made it to Udon last week. Trip didn't go as planned. Was a bit of an adventure as it went. First we had to get going. Charged up the battery for 10 minutes, turned the key and the Mazerarti roared into life. It was about 11ish when me and Mildred got onto the 2022. 15 minutes later we passed the Sum Sao Wat. The roof was well underway. I remarked to Mildred that we would stop on the way back for some snapping. She seemed enthusiastic about that thought. Got into Sum Sao and visited the ATM for some dosh. This is a very small town of no more than a few hundred people, but the area outside the Kasikorn bank was full up with people. Must have been a hundred, either sitting on Kasikorn chairs outside, or just milling around. Got the dosh and filled up with diesel. I like the filling station there, cause they give water if you spend 1,000 baht or more. And the girls who do the filling-up are so sweet. Next stop was the fish whole-seller on the Highway 2 (H2). We were looking for some pink catfish, no luck there, but they had plenty of other fish; and frogs. We ordered 250 pla dook and 10 mekongs. Came to 1,000 baht. Paid the man, and said we would pick them up later. Asked him what time they closed. Six! And we were soon on our way. Next stop the 90 day report place. That done, we were off to get some cheese. Mildred said she wanted to get some drinks too. So it was straight to Makro. Drink prices were really were no different to our local Big C. Bought a pack of 6x1 litre orange juice and, it was off to the cheese section. Andy D had said about the Anchor cheddar. Found it. and also the usual cheddar and some soft cheese. I'd brought a poly box loaded up with frozen mini-packs so that would keep the goodies cold for hours. VP was our next stop for a couple of big baskets. Also spotted some cheapish tommy juice. I was a bit annoyed with myself. Opposite the VP entrance there is a little pond with some absolute monsters in there. Can't see them unless yer throw them some grub. I had forgotten to bring some fish pellet. Next visit for that. Left VP and made the two minute journey to meet up with one of the regular posters. We were made welcome and I put the pick-up just inside his compound. Had a chin-wag for an hour or so. Had a butchers at his ponds. Absolutely beautiful. Mildred had a look around and found something special hiding away. I think it was asleep, so didn't want to disturb it. It was time to go. Said our goodbyes and the gate was opened for the Mazza. Turned the key. Nothing!! Just a faint 'click'. Fortunately there was a learned Thai guy that came to the rescue. Finally got underway at quarter past five. We arrived at the fish place, just before dark. He had the fish ready for us, and soon we were off again. Careful not to let the engine stop. Went past Sum Sao Wat. Too dark for pics. Next time for that. Got home at 18-45. Mrs Owl was not best pleased to hear what had happened, and gave me a yak yak for two hours. The fish episode went from bad to worse. A special Owl Log Fishy later. Found out what was the matter with the pick-up. The connection to the positive was not good enough and the alternator wasn't charging the battery. Sorted it out by screwing a screw into the positive battery connector. All sorted. No need to waste dosh on a new battery now. Went to the farm, and after releasing the fish, we were off to see the cow man. What is that? Mildred's cat was finished, and ready to be located in its new home. Paid the guy the outstanding balance and loaded pussy onto the Mazza. Into the Mazza; nice and secure. Now, I've always thought that cats had more pointy ears that our new pussy. What do I know? Weighs in at about 25 kilos. Settled it down to mature, until we get some paints later today (Sunday), when we go to Ban Dung. Mildred says she wants to paint it like Poo. So she will need three different colours. The intricate bits around the face she can do with her own oils. I think Ginger has great marking. Mildred wants to do Poo colours. Up to her. She has asked me to put some whiskers on the statue. I think a stiff fishing line will do the trick. Been some activity at the corner of our soi. No! Not for people. For the big truck. Wouldn't want it getting wet. Hope he lays off the Lao Khow when he reverses in. Should be finished this week. I was thinking to myself how all the children in the area are so strong. Then I found it. Couldn't resist a go. Lay down and did 40 bench presses. Not heavy; about 30 kilos. The grass was wet, so a bit uncomfortable. Will aim for 100 reps next time. We went out looking for trees the week before last. Mildred bought two, and one is already giving fruit. Have to water these plants regularly now. The dry season has well and truly kicked in. No rain forecast in our area until April first 2024. And that's my anniversary on AN. Seven years. Village shots. Buffs again. She knows I'm snapping her pets. It's usually dogs sunning themselves on the road. Meanwhile; at the farm. The puppies are out and about. Absolutely lovely. VID_20231011_122616.mp4 Must not forget the older farm dogs. Very good rice crop this year. I reckon about 5/6 weeks to harvest. And from the same spot in t'other direction. Full!! A little problem. Soon sorted. Fed the fish yesterday, but couldn't see the new Mekongs. Gearing up for leccy at the farm. New posts going in along the super highway. Opposite farm 2. Nice sky at sunset last Wednesday. Snails.. Put an empty can of peas in their home Thursday evening. The covering has gone!!! I've not seen them eating when I've looked. Perhaps they only eat during dark. Found an empty sweet-corn can in the bin. Put in a bit of paper. Will call on them regularly to see what is occurring. Georgia 8 - Thailand 0. Dear me!! I think I might offer my services as a centre forward. England 1 - Australia 0. Waiting for the main event on Tuesday evening. Lions v Spaghettis. Orient won at Carlisle. Banks O'Dee won away also. Terrible suffering in the middle east. Warships from US and UK on their way to sort things out. Just a word of advice for anyone using their company car for private use. Not a good idea. Fifty years in the slammer is yer get caught. Would be 100 years and twenty days, but if you plead guilty the sentence is halved. A new covid varient is coming. I've named it Viathon. That is well scary. And after that; Raptor! Get the fear factor into these names I say. Not 'Eps69' or something similay. People are too complacent. Been listening to TNT radio in the week. I like that Kate Shirimani. Freddie Ponton too. Conflict in Ukraine is centred around a town named Avdiivka at the mo. Soon be buckling down for the winter. Many moons ago I had a Russion girlfriend. She tried to get me to learn Cossack Dancing. I'm still suffering. Much prefer the English stuff where you slap yer feet and wear shorts. Not sure what it's called. Borat dancing I think. Dry season is here. Anyone watching cricket and F1? Just can't get interested. Only two things left to say. Thanks for visiting, and take care out there. Bye y'all. Mildred's latest. www.mildredart.com
  11. Poor Dr Lassen. All that extra dosh for jabbing people is not falling into his lap. Good on the people of Leck. There new variants are not scary enough.
  12. No sign of beer bellies with these hunks. In the bar. Or on the sport's field.
  13. I think footballers wearing bras are not normal. Have they been paid by a company that wants ti introduce a new fashion line?
  14. Couldn't see his age. But I reckon he will be retired before the 50 years is up. I think the 50 years is a tad OTT. I think the years given should be so that he is let out at 69. So if he is, say 45 when sentenced, then he gets 24 years. Much fairer that way. Not good to know you will probably die in the monkey. Give the guy some hope.
  15. Where is the Samsung service centre Garry? I have a very good camera that needs repair. If ya don't like to shout or whistle, get yerself a little bell. When yer want a cup of coffee or tea; just ring it. Of course the wife might start shouting when the toilet needs unblocking, or she needs a nail banging in.. But a small price to pay for returning things to their natural state. After all, it's out job to go to war, or to the footy, or to the pub, while the ladies suckle the babes, and keep the home nice. Now I've got me new phone, and Mildred has got LINE and WhatsApp installed for me, it's easy to send a message when I'm after something in the kitchen; or the bedroom.
  16. Will she get any time off for good behaviour? Perhaps knock off the odd 10 days.
  17. There are over 20k Thais working in Israel. Hope that jumbo has enough fuel for 20 trips. At last look, there have been 30, killed, captured or missing. Many for my area.
  18. Me neither until I saw it with me own eyes. I think most of us care for snails in our own way. Sometimes I see a big snail crossing a soi. I know it aint gonna likely make it, so I prize it up off the ground and take it to safety. Ah yes! Monsieur Vous. He is busy somewhere in the Toulouse area. Probably fighting off the local lasses. Plenty of nice mature ones about those parts. Will probably get an ecard from him at Xmas. But back to snails. I'm gonna do some experimenting with different paper. If I can find one that the snails particularity like, it will give great pleasure to our posters and readers.
  19. Andy! It was you that put me onto the Makro cheese before. I had bought 2kg of Horteca last time and found it to be just about OK. Pickettywitch said about '''Cheese to meat you''' being on the same drag as Makro in Udon. Bought some real tasty food there. Cheese and sausage. More pricey than Makro though. I'll have a look about in the week.
  20. Owl Log - 08-10-2023 - Sunday afternoon It was Wednesday 4th of October. And that meant;;;; the 'number 4 market'. The market itself is about 2/3 km out of Ban Dung, on the 2096, going south to Nong Mek. This big market has moved about. It was in the centre of Ban Dung for years. Then moved to the east of the town. It was not that popular there. Moved after a few months to where it is now. What we were really after was some pink catfish for Mildred's pond. Not lucky enough to see the pinkies, but they did have some koi carp. We bought all they had for 120 baht. Eight in all. Then we had a wander around this fine, once a month, shopping area. Bought a couple of baskets to replace the ones ripped up by dogs. And there are clothes to buy. There is always something nice to buy. Shall we go this way Milly? Mrs Owl sussing out the fruit. Can get yer body sorted too. Then it was my turn to splash out. Mildred found a nice pair of size 44s for me. Not a bad price; 39 baht. Finished at the market. We made our way into town. Paid the leccy and kept on that road. Came across a new place. All in about 9/10 rai. As I passed I saw some little windmills in action. Just had to investigate. I'll get some better pics next time. This place looks interesting. And in the corner?! Took a chance and poked the camera through the wires to get a nice shot. Was rewarded with a cracking pic. Som is always doing something. Never see him lazing about. Big mango wife keeps him fit. More Reishi. I think it's been the wettest wet season for eight years. Some mushrooms are taking advantage. Had trouble getting the pick-up dropper down. Had to get stuck in. Pineapple doing great. It has already given two fruits. Will we get another? Poom showing me his puppies. VID_20231001_163937.mp4 Then into town, to get some fish pellet, cat food and a big tin of my pineapple biscuit. Bought two light bulbs in the 20 baht shop. To fix the light in the week. Done the Big C shop. And we were off. But a couple of stops on the way back. First was at the mini-factory where the guy makes the concrete ornaments. Me and Mildred went in and ordered a cat. It was a special birthday pressie for her later this month (18th). She asked for it to be left undercoated white as she wants to paint it up herself. 'No problem', the craftsman said. 2,000 baht. Paid half down. We got back to the pick-up. Mrs Owl was tutting away. Have to pick it up in about 10 days. Even more tutting to come. But it was worth it. Got a great shot of the creeper invading the pylon. Couldn't get directly underneath, due to the undergrowth and the wasps and snakes. But sill a nice shot of nature doing a bit of reclaiming. Off to the farm for Mildred to let her carp go. Probably will not see them again 'til next year. Whenever we got o the farm we have something for the dogs to gobble up. Took the quarterly pics at the far corner of farm one. Looking East. North-east. And North. Some right spindly sods in this sector. Been taking pics every quarter, from the same place since planting in June three and a half years ago. So trees will be 4 years old next June. Will have to make some decisions on cutting them. Run out of wall for Mildred's paintings. Have 29 mounted now. At last we are getting the rice to grow. Mrs owl chucks the empty cans of cat and dog food in the plastic bucket. And a couple of days later the plastic (or is it paper) printing on them has vanished. It's the snails. So a tip there for everyone. If yer want yer snails big, buy tin cat/dog food and let them feast away. Man came round with some crabs in the week. Bought 40 baht's worth and we let them go in number 7 pond. Now the good thing about putting crabs in the pond, is that if the water disappears, the crabs will simply climb out, and go somewhere else. Not like those silly pla nin and carp. Always something going on at Bella's house. 'E' had locked the chickens up, but they found a way out. The little cow is adventurous. Twins relaxing with Grandma. The buffs came down our soi to find some nice grass to eat. Twins came out with auntie to see them. VID_20231004_170633.mp4 The Owls got a point at home. Leyton Orient won. Aveley came unstuck at Yeovil. Peacocks did the biz, as did Ipswich and Leicester. Bit of a shock at Sunderland. Fresh from that 0-3 win at Wednesday, they must have been hopeful of another victory at home to Boro. No way!! 0-4. Some cracking match-ups today. Including Gunners v City and Wolves v Villa. Mrs Owl's sister; Pook, has been practising her English. She came over Friday and uttered 5 words that were so good, it was like a Dagenham lass has started talking to me. '''Jack cat not have food.''' Very sad state of affairs in Israel. At least 8 Thai workers got caught up n it all. Three from Udon Thani. I'll try to get to Udon myself this week. Want to o pick up my 90 day, and get ready for this year's visa extension. And get along to see one of our regular posters. And get some cheese. Go into Big C, or 7/11, to pay yer leccy and they want passports, IDs and special numbers. Went into Ban Dung PEA to pay two bills on Wednesday, and all they wanted was the dosh. In and out in less than 5 minutes. Been busy whenever I have any time spare; doing my ebook. Will be free when I've got it finished. Progress a little slow. But must keep at it. It was one of my last NY resolutions; ''finish some bloody written work.'' Hope to have it completed by the end of the year. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all. That www art that Mildred got a little something for. Well I got permission to post it. Nice enough. But not worth 50 million baht. www.mildredart.com
  21. Banking - Big Phama - Military complex - Oil industry. Big money business. For me. This is a massive 'Red Herring'. Viruses are cell debris. The ones that cause illness are in a computer; nowhere else. Might be able to design something in a computer, but until some evidence arrives that show viruses cause illness, I'll stick with nature. I've yet to hear anyone define a bio-weapon. Making poisons in a lab; yes! Developing toxins that can harm and kill; yes. But so far no-one has found a 'bio' particle that can be transmitted from person to person. They tried very hard with the so-called Spanish Flu. But not yet. Could I just add that 'virology' is not a science at all. In my opinion naturally.
  22. I agree. But for me there is far more. Long before covid was thrust upon the world; in fact going back 40+ years, I became more increasingly aware that things were completely wrong. And, I'm talking about the whole 'germ theory'. I don't buy into it, and have my own views, that I can't state on this platform, at the moment. The 'germ theory' is the biggest money spinner the world has known. For some. that is! Easily surpassing the military complex. But it's not just to do with money. It's essentially to do with life itself. I want to return to 'nature'. The body is fine as it is. Can't poison a healthy body to good health. Not in my book anyway.
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