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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. The big plus for me is that more people are now awake than ever before. Of course, I feel for the people who died unnecessarily, due to government, and WHO policy, but in the big picture, covid will give way to something else, to instill fear into the populas**. Klimate change perhaps. Some people, who took the jab/shot/vax, will continue to die prematurely. However, there is simply no excuse, or reason, why thinking, informed people would be fooled into the same thing again. A great interview on the Richie Allen Show Tuesday gone, when Matt Le Tissier was his guest. Never forget or forgive. ** As I wrote in my book (written before 2020). For the people who wish to control us; 'fear' gives the opportunity.
  2. Only if she wanted the experience of a lifetime.
  3. From listening to the radio in the UK yesterday, I now know that last month was the hottest September ever recorded. It was just a tad under one full degree C higher than the previous record.
  4. Is Scott still a racing cert Owl? Give me the latest before I risk me 2 squids.
  5. It's a start. How many hoops will the poor unfortunates have to jump through to get any dosh? Or will the set the bar be set ridiculously high, so as to keep the numbers low? I've changed my mind about Canada in recent years. I frowned when Ali G called it a 'crap' country Is this just the start for all 'decent' countries?
  6. Not here. Dry season started last Sunday. Next rain 11th April 2024.
  7. Thanks. As you are probably aware I am somewhat restricted in what I can post. And would like to say. But here goes. All of nature has evolved through billions of years. There are species, and plants, and animals that have died out through a multitude of reasons. We, at the present time are top of the heap. Instead of rejoicing and trying to understand how and why, we are seemingly heading for self destruction. If H-bombs and poison gas were not enough we now want to mess with our DNA. Why? Some of us ask. What can a mRNA jab do that nature can't? In my book; nothing at all. We are a wonderful bit of kit. We, through or defence/immune and maintenance systems. can cope with just about anything. Just being here shows that. However, there are a couple of problems. One, as has already been said, is the research, production and experimentation of ugly, filthy weapons. But there is more; much more. The adulteration of our food. The contamination of our beautiful rivers and oceans. The dubious quality of much of the air. And now the belief that we can somehow poison a perfectly healthy back to health. If that sounds gobblegook, it is because it is. But that's what is planned, and coming our way soon. Toxins are all around us. Mostly our bodies can easily deal with them. But not always. We can help our bodies, or hinder them, in fighting toxins. And what are these toxins? Some are naturally occurring. But the vast majority are human made. From metal fillings in our mouths. The stuff we put onto our bodies. The additives in our food. The contaminants in our water. Pesticides, fungicides. Herbicides, DDT! I could go on but life is too short. In my book the role of the WHO should be to ensure that we - as humans - do not foul the very earth that we depend upon of our survival. To help fight against the filth that is pumped into our water, and into the ground. As it is, the WHO has IMHO, completely lost its way. Of course big money steers it away from what it should be doing. That brings me nicely onto the subject of 'modern health care'. A pill of every ill. I prefer to say 'modern ill-health care'. Soon a mRNA jab for every complaint that poor living, and an unhealthy environment; happens to bring along. Weight challenged; a jab. Cancer; a jab will sort it. Arthritis; no problem. There will be a jab for this and that. It's absolute madness. What we should be doing is ensuring that everyone has fresh air, clean water, appropriate food and able to live in a loving. caring world. The body will look after us, if look after it. Don't need no pills. Don't need no jabs. Nature will see to it that we not only survive, but thrive beyond our dreams.
  8. The problem is plain to see. Do you believe in God? No. Prove there isn't one. The natural state of the body is good health. These people are trying to out-do nature. Getting very well paid for their efforts too. We can't improve on nature. It has seen us good for billions of years. Messing with nature can only end in disaster. We must learn from it. Not impose our filthy ways on it. Nature can be destructive. It can be devastating. It can be viscous. But never ugly.
  9. Although not addressed to me, I think I should answer. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are both poisons. They are essentially used for eliminating parasites, which can be a big problem in Africa and Asia especially. I believe AFDs have it wrong in that they promote(d) the use of 'these two' for covid. In my opinion, there is nothing that can help covid. When 'mectin' and 'droxy' have been used, there is sometimes a cross-over for parasite elimination and 'covid' improvement. The symptoms are listed as being similar. This is in my book where the confusion lay. An incorrect diagnosis of covid, that is subsequently eased/cured by 'mectin' or 'droxy' is really often the result of parasites being eliminated from the body. Resulting in the patient feeling better. There being no covid, in the first place, but a heavy parasitic infection. Of course this raises the question of how accurate covid infection diagnosis in third world countries actually is. If the patient can be gotten better with the parasitic drug then it was probably a parasitic infection in the first instance rather than the vague covid. Hulda Clark wrote a book* on human parasites many years ago.. Still worth a read. * The Cure For All Cancers Major themes in her books (from wiki) Diet Cleanup: Clark said that most foods and supplements were sullied by contaminants such as heavy metals and mycotoxins Homeography: According to Clark, a "new science ... which is the electronic analog of homeopathy." She said an electronic signature of a substance can be transferred into bottles making a "bottle copy" of the original substance and that it can be done indefinitely. Liver flush: She advocated the use of a "liver flush". She said it removes gallstones and parasites from the liver and bile ducts. This involves fasting, epsom salt laxatives and a mixture of olive oil and grapefruit juice (the latter being known to interact with many prescription drugs). Parasites: Clark said people have parasites that cause numerous problems. She described herbal and electronic methods to remove them, such as her Zapper device (see below). Syncrometer: A "bioresonance" device developed by Clark and claimed to detect contaminants in substances at an accuracy of one part per quadrillion (ppq). Zapper: A device to pulse low voltage direct current (DC) through the body at specific frequencies. Clark said this device kills viruses, bacteria and parasites. In one case, a patient with a cardiac pacemaker suffered arrhythmias as a side effect of her "Zapper".[18]
  10. And fortunately some were not fooled first time round. Their sperm, and blood, will be worth a fortune in the not too distant future.
  11. Nature will cure all. Given the chance to do so, without human abominative projects. The illnesses that you mentioned were, the body's natural response to a toxin, and often the direct result of man interfering with nature.
  12. What I would be willing to do, is a series of essays on different aspects of the same topic. Natural Health:::::. Including; Big Pharma health products; the role of vaccines in combating illness; the Spanish flu and its implications for today; how big money killed off natural health, in the early 1900s; history of viruses even. If I could get the OK from AN that they would not take them down, or suspend me, I would. Obviously not on a thread such as this. A new one.
  13. Sad news. The poor chap died. A life-long supporter of the club. 74 years old.
  14. I hear what you are saying Rabas. I do not agree with any of it. Except the very last sentence; perhaps.
  15. You put me on ignore!! Dear me! If you read my earlier post, you will see that I do/did not support their promotion of ''' ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for treating Covid.'' And wrote an essay to explain why. Their position (as quoted) goes 100% against my beliefs. It is anti-nature. If you think that AFDs are discredited; so be it.
  16. Not opinions at all. Well they are, but based on proven facts. Can't give you a link on this platform RW; sorry.
  17. Joined their ranks to get a different perspective on covid. I am not in agreement with some of their statements; including the use of Ivermectin and Hydrox. And have expressed the reasons why. To get a decent range of opinions, and why people have those opinions, one should, IMO, read all possibles.
  18. They are essays on the subject of modern medicine, the role of Big Pharma and the folly of believing in the 'white coats'. No peer reviews that I know of.
  19. The early 1900s were the start of Big Pharma. Truth has taken a back seat ever since. Manufactured medicine pushed nature out of the way with big money.
  20. And I say there are more worthy candidates. As I have previously posted; why this award has been given when it has. This is all simply a 'house of cards'.
  21. So you are not done?! Good to see you back Brian. Nothing I post is any more off topic than your musings. In fact, I'm very much on-topic; as you well know. You just have no argument against the truth.
  22. Throwing your rattles out the pram, because someone doesn't agree with you? Very adult. If you are done with me; so be it. Hope you learned something.
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