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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Never mind about the CDC. If anyone has had the jab, they are more likely to get vax-related illnesses than the un-jabbed. Maybe death too.
  2. Not only didn't I know, but I don't believe it. You are certainly a MSM champion.
  3. Do you really believe that? What killed these people that didn't take the jab? A computer programme from Imperial College?
  4. TBH, I think this is a bit of a red herring. According to my information, only certain batches of the vax, actually had ingredients that were not harmful. There simply couldn't be a situation where everyone, who had the jab, was falling sick. The boosters were the same. Sooner or later anyone having a series of jabs - through sheer probability - will fall sick. https://www.howbadismybatch.com All these jabs carry some risk. I've read a couple of articles, that strongly suggest that the ingredients of the more toxic ones, could stay in the body for a lifetime. There are ways for the body to rid itself of some toxins. But beyond the scope of this thread.
  5. Don't get the scaffolding bit. Thought it was all done on a computer. These 'news organisations' may be well established, but that don't stop them either hiding the truth, or in the case of the BBC; telling lies. Don't even know what a troll is Bruce. Unless you mean:
  6. Sorry for any confusion Sir. It was probably me bad grammer dat confuzed you. Wot i was meening to say was. Wen the OP report was published, I tend to believe it. As soon as a fack-cheker rubbishes it, I'm all in with it. Hope that's cleerer now.
  7. It is true that we are all doomed. Soon we will be able to upload our brains into a metaverse cloud, and forget about our bodies. After all all we do is eat, have sex and foul the planet. In the meantime. Kick off those flip-flops, shed those unnecessary garments, and walk about barefooted. Experience the subtle vibrations of the Earth. Feel the energy coming from the very depths. Touch those leaves. Smell those mushrooms. Stroke the pussywillow. Wonder at the butterfly caught in the spider's web. Imagine being a fish in a beautiful clear lake, or a bird escaping from a hawk. Wonder of the sun beating on yer neck. Who needs Goggle? There is better stuff out there.
  8. Don't looked photo-shopped to me Bruce. I agree that someone could have done it for a laugh, and blamed it on some AT thing. Could have been an IT/AI error. When I see things with me own eyes, I tend to believe that it's true. These links to places like the BBC, CNN or The Guardian, I put a question mark up there straight away. And these fact-checkers are often funded by dodgy concerns.
  9. This is not my experience. If you go to one of the bigger markets. North Weald or Wembley you are lucky to get a shirt for under a fiver. And very often they are creased up, and could be seconds. Here in Isaan. A very decent shirt costs about 80 baht. Bought one the other day. '100% cotton.' 'Superior quality.' Very smart. Red and white check. But subtle, not at all ostentatious?. However, I have found difficulty in getting plain white shirts - with a top pocket - for less than 120 baht. When I'm out and about I always wear a 'taliored' shirt. When I go to farm I often wear a footy shirt. Have loads of different ones. Man City, Spurs, Italian National Team, even a Scottish one.
  10. It's all in the OP presentation. I can see it. It clearly says 'Glory to Urine'. Is that not good enough for you Bruce?
  11. Lots of named houses in the West Country and South Wales called 'Cartref'. I've also come across a couple in South Bucks.
  12. What could have happened, is the person on the computer couldn't spell Ukraine, and the Spell-checker took over. A lot of Americans have probably never heard of Ukraine.
  13. The family is trying to get the lad's body flown to England. A 'Go Fund Me' has raised over £10k
  14. It was you who mentioned 'children' Brian. I was simply responding with a nice post.
  15. Talking of children!! Absolutely stunning!!
  16. Are you saying that you don't think it happened? As soon as someone mentions that fact-checkers are on the case, I tend to believe the report is true.
  17. Perhaps that's what the conflict needs; some humour. Saw a report the other day that said over 70% of Americans couldn't pinpoint Ukraine on a world map. 4% couldn't even pinpoint Europe. There don't seem a lot of appetite for this conflict. Only among world-leaders, and US and UK war-mongers.
  18. According to the BBC (International Service), there will be no rain until Monday at the earliest. And who don't trust the BBC? So out with yer deck-chairs.
  19. Thanks CL. I laugh at your jokes on Worst Joke thread. Occasionally I put one up. No matter how much yer try; what can't you beat? a/ A carpet, b/ An egg, c/ Some sense into yer Isaan Thai wife, d/ Manchester United. Answer 'c'. Talking about my one naturally. Not other farang's sensible ones.
  20. Thanks for those encouraging words Sterling. Mildred had some exams on Wednesday, and is off school til Monday. She recons the Maths and English were easy, but the Thai History and Science a bit tricky. TBH, from what I've gleaned from her on the Thai History, seems more fictional than fact. A bit like watching Walt Disney to find out what really happened. On Monday she has some more tests. More Maths and English mostly. Pleased to hear that she will get a mark for her art offering. I recall my school exams at Erkie (name of school). When I took home my end-of-term result sheet, and handed it to Dad, he noticed that I'd only got 3% for Religious Instruction. ''How come lad?'' ''Don't know Dad, I left the sheet blank.'' At open day, Dad asked the RI teacher how I got 3 points for not even attempting any questions. ''One point for the date. One point for spelling ''Religious Instruction correctly. One point for being brave enough to put his name at the top.'' Dad seemed happy enough with that answer. And, if I can recall correctly, RI, was changed to RE in my last year. RE; Religious Education.
  21. One spot on Owl. The other was not correct. I used to run a sporting quiz night every first Friday night in the month in Willesden (NE London). The questions were somewhat loaded towards the footy and the venue was 'dry' so it kept sensible for three hours. I can still recall some of the questions. That 10-4, and 13-2 Spurs games for instance. But there was little in the way of internet then, so getting the questions ready was really time-consuming. Also, at the same time, wrote for a monthly UK Sports Mag. Just love sport. Here's another bit of trivia. Goalkeeper extraordinaire. John Burridge, played in over 750 games, including some top clubs; Villa, Newcastle, Saints, Wolves and Man City, He changed clubs 29 times (that's a good question in itself), but perhaps his most memorable game was playing for Wolves against Newcastle. He played the game dressed as a comic character. He had a £100 dare-bet with Kevin Keegan. When the news got out, a season-biggest Molineux crowd of 22,000 witnessed Burridge playing the match in what outfit? a/ Batman b/ Superman c/ Spiderman d/ Micky Mouse e/ Incredible Hulk f/ Barbie first half - Ken the second. Wolves gained promotion to the top flight that season with Burridge in goal.
  22. Bang on the money there Champs. Another teaser. The first Top Flight league after WW2 (1946/47) saw 22 teams contest for the title. Nine of those teams are currently in the EPL. Arsenal, Chelsea, Everton, Sheffield United, Liverpool, Man Utd, Villa, Wolves. and one other. Who? a/ Man City b/ Luton c/ Newcastle d/ Brentford e/ West Ham United Answers on a postcard to,,,,,,.
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