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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. I guess you are talking about me. Let me tell you something Sir; I am an authority on viruses. Although I've not had a paper in Nature or Lancet, I've published many essays on the subject. In fact I write for a monthy newspaper/magazine on this very subject. None so blind as will not see.
  2. And you cannot produce anything to support your claims that are 'truth'. The Nobel prize for medicine is simply to reinforce Big Pharma, and those that have thrown their lot in the ring. A total nonsense if ever there was one. What about a Nobel prize to Andrew Wakefield or Stefan Lanka? Much more worthy IMO.
  3. You have it completely the wrong way round. Your position/stance is not based on any proven science or 'fact' or 'truth'. Evidence even! Nature has the answers. It's been around for a lot longer than us. Nature shows us the way. Try to learn from it Brian.
  4. Most fact-checkers regarding medical matters are, in my opinion, compromised. Look at who funds them. Don't bite the hand that feed you. As well as being compromised, they are starting from an unproven source. Going against nature. If one builds a skyscraper in a swamp; sooner or later it will fail.
  5. What facts? Interesting to look at where these 'fact-checkers' get their funding. In my opinion the medical, and sections of science peer reviewed papers are compromised nonsense. A well, researched and documented paper will not get 'peer reviewed' if it does not adhere to the main line. What is the main line? Simply follow the money. Can't get a article in Lancet or Nature if it asks uncomfortable questions.. Just a big boy's club.
  6. This is a statement of your opinion. Nowt wrong with that. I con't agree with your first-line sentiment. What segments of the population would that be? But I do agree with the second line. the west's MSM have gradually turned the screw on opposing views. One of my major beefs, is with the compromised MSM. In the UK, we now have OFCOM saying what can and cannot be said on the www. The BBC, was caught out many times during covid. Not heard them retract much.
  7. So how much to take the club into fan ownership?
  8. Move to somewhere like Nong Khai, Phen or Phibun Rak. Easy to get accommodation for about 5k a month. Leccy 1k. Water 100 a month. For food' 100 baht a day is you are a fruit and veg guy. 150 baht a day if a meat eater. To eat in restaurants occasionally say 200 a feed. Clothing; too cheap to even consider really; 200 a month. Telephone and internet 800. Transport 500. Female company; lets say 5k. And there you have it. That works out at 5.000 Place to live. 5,000 Ladies. 5,000 Grub 4,000 The rest Easy peasy - lemon squeezy. change out of 20k.
  9. Thank for that CL. One of the 'pups' has his 12 month birthday later this month. Thinking of a pressie. Mrs Owl says 'food'. But I'm thinking; why not fill up a big bag of rubbish and invite him to rip it apart and scatter everything all along the soi. Then give him a treat rather than scold him. At seven this morning. For doggie into; send ''picketywitch'' a PM.
  10. Thanks for that CL. I agree about cheating in the Ryder Cup. I can recall a huge bit of sportsmanship in a match; Nicklaus v Jacklin. If I'm not too wrong the Americans were not too pleased with Jack picking up Tony's marker at the last. I'm not a golfer or a golf fan, but I do like a bit of sport nostalgia. I'll look that one up. It was certainly in the last century. Maybe I just drempt it up!
  11. Jumped out of bed, nearly knocked the fan over, and rushed to the computer. Turned it on. Was shivering with anticipation. Leyton Orient had a home game. Just had to get the result. We were winning at the time of the sad incident against Lincoln. '''''Tuesday’s fixture against Lincoln City was abandoned due to a medical emergency in the East Stand of Brisbane Road. The thoughts of everyone at Leyton Orient Football Club are with the individual involved and their loved ones at this distressing time. The club would like to thank all supporters in attendance at Brisbane Road this evening for the understanding and compassion shown, during a very difficult situation. The club will provide a further update in due course.''''
  12. I looked into this at the time. I think what Mr Trump was saying that a spray - like some antiseptic to make the breath smell nice - will kill off any nasties in the throat. I was thinking dentistry. But he definitely didn't say, or imply drinking bleach, as he was widely ridiculed for, by people that didn't like him.. I think the bleach came about because the Chinese were spraying the sidewalks of some towns. That's my take on that era.
  13. Indeed! '''Biden isn't a doctor nor a scientist nor did he work any medical establishment.''' '''What harm did it do exactly?''' These are silly arguments by a pro-vaxxers who have lost the plot. Many have had the jab themselves and are feeling poorly. Personally I think these two scientists' were awarded the Nobel prize to keep the 'authenticity' of it all in the public's mind. After all the establishment trust has been shattered.
  14. Sorry to hear that. How do they know it's 'covid' they are suffering from, and not the effects of the shot?
  15. I even read the BBC www. Like to read a lot of things, from different sources, and make up my mind on varying issues. Joined AFDs in the early days. The Perth group is well worth a visit. Mark Bailey has just put out a vid to run along side his 40k word paper; 'Farewell to Virology'. (Link available). Can't look at just one side of the argument. As I have stated many times; nature has the answers. It gives us clues, evidence and proof. IMO, should not be messing with mRNA, with the intention of making vaxxes.
  16. Nonsense!! Really!! So blinkered! Because I don't see things your way. Check out Sam and Mark Bailey. Or the Perth Group. Or one of my own groups; American Frontline Doctors.
  17. I do not agree with this paragraph. The people you are suggesting to take the vax, are, in my opinion, the very ones who should not be going anywhere near it. Seems to me, you are simply echoing a trodden line, and not applying common sense.
  18. Ah yes chocolate. When I lived in the Caribbean, very dark chocolate was readily available. Ladies would come round the streets with balls of it, as big as coconuts. Selling it off their carts. They were simply harvesting the tree's fruit and making a living. A big ball of it, weighing about 2kg, was just 20 dollars Jamaican. And the exchange rate then was 80 dollars to the pound; so quite cheap. It is extremely bitter to my taste, and I liked it mixed with pure honey. However!!! Any good it was doing me was somewhat negated by the copious amounts of rum consumed.
  19. Sorry you don't agree. I actually spent a year in medical school, back in the day. I know what I'm talking about. Don't think much has changed between then and now.
  20. I like the G3 for general good health. Ginseng, garlic and ginger. But I have researched 'Magnesium' and think it's well worth considering for those aches and pains. Sometimes there is a lack of synthesis of calcium causing inflammation in the joints. Magnesium helps 'me' with this. Obviously can't give out medical advice. Of course for ultimate good health; visit your doctor.
  21. It is indeed a beautiful number. If I had seen it for sale in the market or Bic C, I would have bought it. Not five though. Just one. The number is 727202. I look at it like this, 72 72 02. Or even 727 202. 202 being our house number, but that would not have been of any significance in the big picture. I like those special numbers. There was a winner in last week's draw. 552255. Palindromic! They are the ones to go for. I don't buy tickets online. Too risky. As these people found out.
  22. I do not agree with anything on this post. There is plenty of information in the covid archives that show it was specifically stated that the jabs were 'safe and effective'. Also that the vaxxed could not then get covid, or pass it on. To say otherwise is just ignorant and untrue. Why was this narrative being hammered into everyone with a tele or radio? In my book they had to drum into us, that the jabs were so safe and effective, that anyone not taking them was a fool. And could even 'kill granny'. As time progressed, the words were tempered to describe the reality. As the jab injuries became more apparent, the narrative had to shift again. And we are where we are. Massive distrust all round. '''''Do your homework and make an informed choice.''''' I have made an informed choice.
  23. '''''On 29 September 2023, following fan protests, owner Dejphon Chansiri said he would put no more money into the club, unhappy with fans' treatment towards him and his family. While the club, sitting bottom of the Championship, was not technically up for sale, he said he would be open to offers.'''' Here's the big chance. Get the fans organised and buy the club. Man Utd was up for sale a while back and if 20k fans had put their hands in their pockets for 600 squids each; the club would have been theirs. This is maybe, a once in a lifetime chance to own yer club. Get in there Owl fans.
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