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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Owl Log - 13-08-2023 - Sunday afternoon The rain has ended for the year. Good job the ponds are filled. Ponds one thru five are all levelled up. Did the last stage of the work just as the rain was ending. Muddy. Run out of 4 inchers, so two 3 inchers did the job. Have to have a smoke break. Soo always does a great job. And he was at it again (working) on Friday morning. This time in the village right outside our gaff. This was next to our wall in the Shop Lady's drive. Then it was outside to trim Bella's tree. He is up there with the bow-saw. Main tool of the trade. A couple of fruit trees along the way doing well. Yes mangoes!!?? This silly weather has even the trees confused. Went to Ban Dung on Thursday. Market day. Me and Mildred were off to get some pink catfish. No luck. The fish man seems to have not been about for ages. None of the traders near his old pitch had seen him for yonks. Next market to try, will be the number 4 market; just out of town, on the 4th of next month. Into Ban Dung to pay the interest on the wife's gold. Three different shops. She had told me that it would all come to ''two or three thousand baht''. Well, I could handle that. First shop; 450 baht. Second shop 3,120 baht. On to the third; in the bus station. Sorry dear; you not come for five months. Gold confiscated (according to the rules). So 50k of gold gone. Just like that. At least I didn't have to pay 5k interest. I'm finding out the truth about all this, in dribs and drabs. Nothing straight at the mo'. Was it ever?. As I wandered back from the gold shop, a pick-up caught my eye. Three pigs off somewhere. As I passed, I swear, the pig, in the top bunk, spoke to me. ''Hey farang. Please help us.'' What could I do. A tear came to my eye. Buy the pigs and let them go. like Bill Bailey did in China that time with the Owl. Before I could respond the pick-up was off. Sorry Pig. ''Thinking of you." 'Mildred's latest art work. Saturday arrived. Me and Mildred were going to Udon. Mrs Owl had said she didn't want to go. But that morning she changed her mind. Not what I wanted; as there are always problems. She is not keen on me looking at this and that, and stopping for some snapping. And so it turned out. After visiting 'VP', or is it 'VIP'? I said I only had one thousand baht in me pocket. She had to put half the stuff in the cart back. It was destined to be junk anyway. Not needed, and would never be used. That's the trouble with this huge shop. So much to choose from. Cheap too. It was very busy. The busiest I'd ever see it. The bill came to 955 baht. So just sneaked in under the limit. But she wasn't happy and wouldn't go with us. Me and Mildred went off without her. Had to make her own way home by bus. Next stop was to pick up my 90 day. Shop closed! Due to Queens Birthday. Was gonna go into 'Cheese to meat you' for some cheese. But the big red 'MAKRO' sign caught my eye, and we headed there instead. I remembered a poster, on the thread, saying that Makro had a big range of cheese. Into the car park. Was it busy!! Had a job finding a parking slot. There was indeed a huge range of cheese. Bought 2 kilo of Cheddar for 700 baht. Thanks poster. Andy I think. Then it was off to DoHome. Had a meal in the eatery, and bought the boards for mounting Mildred's paintings. Called into Sum Sao Wat on the way home. The huge rear build had not seen any progress, so didn't go over there. But took some pics anyway. A couple of new things. Baby crocs in the water. Don't think Mildred was enthused with the place. The sun was just right for a nice pic. Another traumatic week passed. Clarets 0 - City 3. The opener of one of the best week-ends of footy. Toffees lost at home. Leeds got done at Brum, and Owls lost their second match. As did Leyton Orient. I'm beginning to lose confidence that they will gain promotion to the Championship. Gonna be a toughie that. Some decent teams in that third tier. Two games; two defeats. Saints and Canaries share 8. Both these two for the top 6. Have to speak about the German DFB Cup. Eleven matches. Home goals scored all told; 7. Away goals scored; 45. Including a 9, an 8, a 6 and two 5s. Fed up with add sprawling across my work space. Can't easily get them off. So ends a week where it began raining as though it was never gonna stop. And the last three days; not a drop. At least the ponds are filled. Dry season has started. Thanks for viewing guys. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all. Nearly forgot the quiz. I liked her a lot. Strong willed lady. Changed her name to a long name for lucky; 31 letters Born 1984 in Nakhon Sawan Height 1.57cm (5ft 2in) Weight 52.72 kg. Who is she? -------------- Sum Sao Wat donation centre.
  2. Due to great demand. Another easy peasy one. One of the most recognizable footy faces. Seven foot tall George poses outside what shop? No clues. No hope. Answer Sunday.
  3. Far too good for me. That's it until Sunday when I play my Thai joker.
  4. Round ball CL. Is the lady wearing a kilt? Answer Sunday. Keep you all in suspenders til then.
  5. Getting there. A ball or balls were involved. Why is the lass's mid-region covered? Must slap myself with a wet fish. Enough clues. What could she possibly be wearing? Or not!! There I go again; giving the answer away. But not a snooker player CL. Although he might have had a game or two. More like;y pool.
  6. Jeeeeezzzzz! Top dollar! Too many clues!! Bobby and wife wandering through Epping Forest. Lived at number 43 Waverley Gardens, in Barking, Essex. Three lions on the shirt. --------------- Last one. No clues. Enough in the image. Want you all to suffer in frustration - 'cause ya don't know - until kick off at Turf Moor on Saturday. Who is he? Did he even play football? Was he a boxer? Was he a decathlete? Chess player perhaps! Have a great one, on Thailand, for Sunday.
  7. Indeed! And going back a bit further,,,,. We would whack the ladies over the head and drag them into the nearest cave, by the hair. She would of course be squealing, and half-hardheartedly struggling, like a little pig, but hoping he didn't see a younger bit of stuff on the way. Into the cave, and he would have his way with her. Then - as men often do - fall asleep. She - on the other hand - would look around the cave and think that it was not a bad pad. The new lady of the cave would tidy up and chase out any undesirables. She would light a fire, roast a rat or snake, and wait for her man to awake. He would wake up, smell the food and think; this bird aint no bad catch. Nine months later, little caveboy/girl would pop out and the family was started. Those were that days. We didn't have anything, but we were happy. Be returning to those day pretty soon I reckon.
  8. No rain. Sun is almost out. Getting noticeably warmer. Looked at the world weather forecast for our village a while back. Rain will start again at 11-35 on Saturday morning. Early end to the wet season in 2023 though. First week in September. Nut growth is so poor it's not worth the bother of cutting. All the present rain will not help. The damage was don 18/20 months ago in the first quarter of 2022. Very dry then.
  9. Fantastic little story Andy. Don't blame you for not washing that hand. Many moons ago I used to write comedy scripts for the radio and TV. Our small script-writing team came up with a new sport. Called 'Foot-washing'. Wish I still had the original scripts. Anyway the contestants would have their feet in a bowl of water and wash them. Marks would be given for preciseness and artistry. We got an England footballer to do a stint. He said that the training for 'Foot-washing' was far harder than that of football. It was of course, one big joke. Although the humour was so straight and dry, it could easily be convincing. It was suggested that the first view of it be rolled out on 'Big Train' (TV comedy series) on April 1st. So it was sat on for a couple of months. I moved on and don't know what happened to it. Got to meet a couple of famous people during that spell. I've had some wonderful experiences on my travels also Andy. Met some famous cricketers in Jamaica and had great times in Cuba.
  10. Who is that in the forest with his Mrs? Difficult; so a couple of clues. It was Epping Forest. Also a number clue; 43. What's that on yer shirt Mrs?
  11. These little teasers are just too easy for you enlightened chaps. It was indeed a Merc. Just one more to see us through to the most exciting week end of the year. Next post.
  12. We all know Pele. One of the greatest. Here he is showing off his new car. What make of car was it?
  13. Yup. It's big Jack Charlton all right. You could be right about Terry Cooper CL. Back in those days, woman expected their men to be 'men'. Now they have to put their hands down yer pants just to be sure.
  14. An easy-peasy one. Who is that guy? And what is he doing? Answers on a post-card to,,,,,.
  15. Sorry to hit you with another heart-breaker Owl. No! a/ Named after a local playground. ------ correct b/ Named after the founder of the club's wife's first name; Lady Molineux Sabille. c/ The area had links to Molineux District in France, Going back to 1800s. d/ Molineux is French for 'great arena', and it was thought appropriate to name the ground thus. The name originates from Benjamin Molineux. A big landowner in those parts. Molineux Playground was donated to the town.
  16. Wonderful pics B. Thanks for sharing. Is that you in Black with little sister?
  17. Listened to the commentary til half time. What has happened to the swashbuckling approach, that served them so well a couple of seasons back? A change in staff perhaps? But even that shouldn't change the ethos of the team. Look how well Seagulls did last season with a similar mentality. Biggest crowd of the opening w/e. Canaries topped 30k too. Not counting that nonsense at Wembley of course.
  18. A good guess Owl. Ipswich did well last evening. Leeds not so. Leicester eventually cracked a tough nut in Coventry. My top six come the end of the season: Saints Foxes Hornets Potters Canaries Sky Blues Dark horse; Swans. Sorry bro'. Cant find a place for Owls or Peacocks (Andy). But you never know. It's football after all.
  19. G7 The answer is right in front of us. G7. The seventh letter of the alphabet. G, What has this got to do with smelling nice? Well 'G' is for three essentials. Garlic, ginseng and ginger. Use these and you will never have any worries. No problem getting the ladies either. Ditch the chemical stuff. Get into natural like nature intended. G7!! You know it makes sense.
  20. Three very good teams went down from the EPL last season. I think it is possible that the same three will come straight up. Don't think that has happened before. If not automatic; then Foxes. Peacocks and Saints will all make top 6.
  21. Been to your area a long time ago Garry. Went to one of the many beautiful mango farms that adorn the area. You certainly get more rain south of the Sakon Nakhon road than we do to the north. Mrs Owl doesn't like a storm also. Covers her eyes and ears. I love em. Make me own coffee or tea? What???? Sends shivers down me spine thinking of it. I had 4 sisters and they would say; "This kitchen is girl-talk area. Get out." And when I later got married, I had four daughters, and they would say; "You are making the kitchen untidy. Get out" To be honest, I'm scared of the kitchen. Good job Mrs Owl understands. But in saying that, she can be a tad slow making the drinks. The other morning I waited from seven to gone ten o'clock. Got fed up with whistling. So to teach her a lesson, I hid the remote. Only stumbled on it when Mildred came home from school. That'll teach her; I thought. There are better ways of keeping women in check than using the whip Gary lad. Keep a 20 baht note showing from yer shirt top pocket. That'll focus her. Works for me. Do anything to get their hands on it.
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