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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. A virus is cell debris. It is expelled from the body; and that's the end of it. Covid is a just a name. What has made millions sick you ask? They didn't catch anything from each other. What we are told made them sick, and the truth, are poles apart.
  2. Owl Log - 27-08-2023 - Sunday evening A bit late getting going today. Couldn't find the camera. Looked everywhere for it. Mildred suggested I look in the farm. Off we went. And found it. Where someone had put it; safe and sound. I can remember all sorts of stuff,,,but!! Big thing in the week was selling 24 sacks of rice. We have two varieties. Basically 'Thai' and 'Sticky'. Had to re-bag a few. BeeApp was dragging them out, and I was stacking. Then off to the the whole-seller in Ban Dung. When I first came to the area; there were three places to sell rice. Now just the one. First thing is to get weighed on the weighbridge. Then over to the sheds to get unloaded. Very quiet right now, but in a couple of months time there will be dozens of farmers queuing. Or is it queueing. Should have paid attention at school instead of thinking about the colour of Dorothy's hair. Just bags left. Prices at the present are pretty good. Sticky is 15 baht (after the 10% deduction) a kilo. Thai rice just one baht more at 16. So a 25kg bag of rice gets yer 375/400 baht respectively. Mildred has a new rice farm. After the calamity of her last effort, it's good to see the present batch thriving. Mildred had a problem with her mobile. So it was a trip to Ban Dung on Friday afternoon. The telephone sorted, it was the usual visit to the evening market. Mrs Owl came back with some fruit and veg. Mildred returned with three eels and a terrapin. Next day she released the eels into number 2 pond. Terrapin set free in pond 7. Still not got the pink catfish. Strange! A couple if years ago they were on sale everywhere. Can't get any now. The fish guy, who has done the Ban Dung Thursday market for years, is no longer visiting. Buffs come home every evening. Turn left at the crossroads. Dark and dingy, but no rain. Owls lose again. Four on the spin. But have a doddle of a home game against Mansfield Town this week. The three teams at the bottom of the Championship::: Middlesbroro Huddersfield Sheffield Wednesday. All three in the top flight in recent years. In fact Boro hit Man City for 8 just a couple of years back. Now all looking dodgy. Irons get a fantastic win at Brighton. Toffees are doomed. Bottom, with no points. Leyton Orient start their march up their league; with a win against Cambridge. Wrexham's goals so far are averaging five and a half a game. Exciting team to support Just can't get interested in F1. I think it's the Red Bull connection with Thailand. Turned me sour. Thaksin arrived, as I thought he would. Evidently he is now sick, and has been moved to a hospital - cum hotel - to recover.. King's son also came to Thailand. Pheu Thai guy is now PM. Are the three things connected? Last month was the warmest on record. All the temperatures were collated. And it's official. It was very warm for 6 weeks during April and May. I reckon one of the measurements was taken in our soi. War continues in Ukraine. No end in sight. Did a quick visit, on me own, to Big C on Friday. Tried to pay the two leccy bills. Ours and Grand Ma's. Sorry farang. Must have your passport or Thai ID. Can't pay otherwise. Happened to me in 7/11 a while ago, but not Big C. Had the ID in the pick-up so no problem. All sorted. Ours 2,600 baht and MinL's 500. Also bought some cooked chicken and cat food. which had been reduced down to 29 baht a tin. Still keeping with the bathroom yoga. Seeing huge differences. Urine challenge now a memory. Friends returned to UK in the week. Except that Yoo's daughter couldn't board at Swampy, due to her visa running out. Reckons it will take 3 weeks to get another. She came to the farm with us yesterday. First time she had seen it for 6 years. What else? Nothing much. Quiet week. Except to say I've seen evidence that Big C is indeed short for Big Care. Remember that discussion three years ago? Definitive proof coming soon. Bluesofa; where are you? Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  3. Let me be straight with you Brian. I do not believe there is any such thing as a pathogenic virus. Because of that belief, it naturally leads onto the belief that vaccines are simply a money making harmful load of junk. And In saying that, it is obvious to me, that putting any noxious substance into the body, will not do any good; just harm. And those most at risk from the jabs are those who are not as healthy as they should be. As for links. I think Stefan Lanker's court case in Germany is the best place to start.. https://www.covid19reader.com/german-court-no-proof-that-measles-virus-exists/
  4. No prob's Brian. Many comorbidities are quite serious. A jab (vaccine) cannot improve matters; only make things worse. The jabs are bad enough for healthy individuals, let alone sickly ones. One must also ask; 'what is actually in the fluid that is injected.? Whatever it is; it is toxic to the body. And can have serious effects. Death being one of them.
  5. Can they be seen with an electron microscope? Point me to a paper or study that supports what you say.
  6. A virus cannot remain 'dormant'. A virus is part of a cell that is decaying or in the process of being broken down. It is not alive. It passes not one of the tests that show a particle to be so. The body is constantly rejuvenating itself. Millions of cells are dying all the time and are being got rid of through various bodily functions. Much of the cell debris is regarded as viruses. Virus; from Latin meaning poison or obnoxious substance.
  7. Where did I state that? If you don't get down off that high horse you will fall off it.
  8. I have to take issue with this. How do you know it was a dormant virus. Viruses are dead to start with. Where can they live in your system for one minute, let alone 60 years? Would that hiding place be inside the cell or outside? As far as you taking another the MRNA jab; I agree, and hold up your courage, and common sense.
  9. Seem to recall you saying similar to some posters on the recent climate thread. Change the record boss.
  10. Actually it's quite a funny story. I did ask questions. Maybe too many. We were due for a two week research break. The Professor (lecturer) said he went to his local, in Hornchurch (town in Essex, England), on a Friday night, and he would be delighted to see any of us there. Well, I lived in Dagenham (just next door) and turned up. After a couple of drinks, I hit a nerve or two, regarding asking him about the role of medicines; as in medications. Really quite rude of me; now I look back. Got a call to see my personal Tutor; who went on and on about how difficult it was to get placings, and exchanges, arranged. But as he showed me the door he said; ''Doctors never ask questions. Physiologists always do.'' Think he was a bit proud of me, but couldn't say so. That's the inglorious story.
  11. As long as they continue to get their grant dosh, I don't think they care TBH. I'll run with anything to do with this topic. Fire away.
  12. Quite correct Brian. I left before my 12 month placement was completed. My personal tutor said it was because I asked too many questions of the learned professors.
  13. I don't agree with you Sir. The people that live with 'comorbidities' are the people most at risk if they take the jab. From the effects of the jab itself. Back in the day at medical school we called them 'underlying conditions'. After all; you wouldn't want to start cutting into them, or filling a patient with drugs, unless you knew. Same thing. 1) How do vaccines not stop transmission? A healthy person - vaxed or not - has nothing to transmit. 2) Is it not the un-healthy lifestyle that is responsible for ill-health? The jab cannot help; only make them more un-healthy.
  14. TBH oxo, I don't know about restrictions. The most I have ever transferred is 6k squids. And that was a result. Sent the dosh at 55.5 and the next day it was 49 something. What I do, is keep checking the rate, and when I think it has hit peak on that cycle, I send the dosh over. Don't send it on a fixed day, or anything like that. Sometimes 200 squids. Other times 1000. Just depends on the x-rate. I was a very early user of WISE (then transfer wise), They would send me free dosh, and ask me for a screenshot when it arrived in my bank. It would take 24 hours or so.; even longer at W/Es. That was when they first started up. Now-a-days, it is just a couple of seconds.
  15. Transfer the required amount to WISE by debit card that is linked to my English bank account. One of WISE options on their payment page.
  16. I pay by debit card. Comes through in less than 10 seconds; every time.
  17. The scoreline suggests a comfortable win. The BBC report says the score flattered the Blues. Not seen ant highlights as yet. I wouldn't write off Luton. although much depends on their home form. Can't see much joy away from home for them.
  18. Been here 16 years. Travelled a good deal. Stayed in dozens of places. Never even knew about a TM30. And certainly never been pulled up for one. When do these TM30s kick in?
  19. Talking about Scientific consensus. Much, of what we are told is true (the science is settled), has it's foundations on very shaky concepts. Some of which are factitious.
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