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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. As much as i think this geezer is wrong entering this competition in the first place. I think the organisers should hang their heads in shame for allowing this man to enter a 'Miss' competition. The world - in some quarters - seems to have lost their marbles.
  2. He is a bloke FACT. He is a man dressing up like a woman and moving into ladies domains. Shame on the organisers of this nonsense.
  3. What you bringing hate into it for? The guy that won the Miss Netherlands is a bloke. Are you suggesting that he is not? I feel for the girl that might have won if it was a female only contest.
  4. Yer! Well!! If you just choose any old number you can't expect to win. You have to have a system. A theme. Could be curvy numbers or numbers with only two;;; like 299929. or 5 on the trot. Last draw there was a winner 488888. But, Between me and you Andy, the way to riches for the next few draws is Palindromia. Yup! If you want the 6 million, look out for those numbers that are commonly called palindromic. On my way into Big C yesterday, i glanced at the numbers and one caught my eye immediately. 125521. A palindromic number!!! A winner if ever there was one. I thought that I would get it on the way out. But to my horror, after the shopping, when I went to get the ticket,,, it had gone! I searched the dozens of others and fortunately found another palindrome ticket.
  5. 1960s quiz questions. (1) -- Two eggs are being boiled in the pot. One says to the other, in a groaning sort of way. "It's getting really hot in here. I want to complain." What did the other egg say? (2) -- What goes up a chimney down, but can't go down a chimney up? (3) -- Three competitive guys are in the bar drinking. One says "My wife is so fat she can't get into her wedding dress." "That's nothing." The second guy says "My wife is so fat she can't move about the house." What did the third guy say? (4) -- What goes through the water, under the water, on the water; but never gets wet? (5) What came first the egg, or the chicken? (6) Knock, knock! Who's there? "Eggbert!" "Eggbert who?" (7) Extra, extra! Read all about it! ''''President Nixon has just had an a@@-hole transplant.'''' What was the headline in a later edition? (8) -- In the Garden of Eden two angels are having a chat. "I don't think it was the apple that caused all the world problems." "No! What was it then?" (9) -- What does George Best play football for? (10) -- What does an Essex girl put behind her ears to attract the lads? Answers. 1 --- "Stop moaning. When we get out we will get our heads bashed in." 2 -- An umbrella. 3 -- "My wife's so fat, she sits around the house." 4 -- An egg in a duck's belly. 5 -- Any fool can answer that. Why ask me? 6 -- "Eggbert no bacon." 7 -- The A@@-hole has rejected him." 8 -- "The pear on the grass." 9 -- Kicks. 10 -- Her ankles. Sofisteecation, or what?
  6. Owl Mini Log - 12-07-2023 - Wednesday morning Went to Ban Dung yesterday. Most important thing was to get my PP stuff in the post to Key Services. That was no problem at all. All sorted out inside 15 minutes. Just waiting for the business to confirm that everything is in orde, and they proceed with the renewal. Right now - and I think all this week - there is a big market and funfair in the town. Didn't go for a wander round, as we normally might. Just didn't have time. And anyway there is a bit of frost between me an Mrs Owl for the present. But I had to stop the pick-up, and get a pic of just about the biggest elephant I've seen in Thailand. Took the pic from the other side of the road. Would have got closer,,,, but,,,, with the Mrs awaiting, though it best to get back quick. Into the hardware store, on the main drag, for some sheet metal. That was for the roof. Just over 3 metres long; 120 baht. Will come in handy for fixing the busted lounge settee. With the roof; had to get a more robust fix in, before any big rain arrived. And where is the rain? Rain everywhere in the world (mostly) and none where we need it most; in Isaan. Especially in our area. Also bought some insect killer for BeeApp's sprayer. As soon as he has time, he will get spraying on the infested wood. I have burnt a lot of the old rotten wood, but there are still some termiteee things about. Then shopping in Big C. Cat food has jumped up from 29 baht a tin to 39 baht. Most of the staff had masks on I noticed. Bought two winning lottery tickets on the way out, and it was time to head off home. I'd arranged with Seng to help fix the roof, so after I'd seen Mildred off this morning, I got to work on the roof section. Gessimated the bit to be cut off. Bent it into shape. And it was ready. Seng arrived at 9 on the dot. Broke the ladder down into its two sections. and used one as a crawling board. Spread the weight with a length of 3x2. Kadilo would have been proud. Where is he? Plastic out. Metal in. Everything packed away; just 40 minutes all told. Great job. Looks grand. I owe Seng a drink for the help. But he does borrow the ladder. So perhaps we are even. Mildred has confirmed that she is on holiday - think in England we would call it half-term - after the exam week starting Monday next. Only one thing left to say; thanks for the encouragement. Over and out.
  7. Thanks DJ. It's a bit stressful at the mo. But I'll survive. Mildred asked me to do some work on her web site. What she wanted (in effect) was a complete revamp. She had been taking notice of what her friends were saying. Took me about 8 hours on and off. But all done now. www.mildredart.com She has written a story about dreams. It's on a Thai www. If we can somehow get it onto the computer I'll translate it and do a 'Story Section' on her site. Also, she has designed a couple of front pages for her friend's telephones. I'll try to get hold of some examples and post. The electric pen she uses is a cracker. Gives one pixel lines. So can do detail real good. She also has a colouring-in one. All that is well above my head though. Far too old to learn any new stuff. I'll stick to the html coding, and web design. That's challenging enough. I'm so proud of her. A real shame about the family problems. She knows most of it. We will muscle through.
  8. Owl Log - 11-07-2023 - Tuesday morning Late posting the latest Owl Log. Lots of work and plenty of domestic. That's my excuse anyway. Another hole in the roof. Not big, but in the lower bit of a roof-tile; so had to be sorted. It was gonna be a temporary fix. So cutout a piece of a plastic oil container. Slotted it in and job sorted. Will buy a bit of sheet-metal next time in Ban Dung. Bash it into the right shape, slot it in, and that will be a permanent job. Also did a bit of repair on another section that had a crack along the top. Silver sticky tape did the job. Had to take down the staircase at the farm-house. Little insects had infested the wood and it was spreading to upstairs. Me and Mildred did the biz. It was bolted in at the top, so couldn't just rip it down. Mildred had the job of looking after the posts. Pulling the nails and screws out. All down. Sorted out the bits that were infected and had a burn up. Still have a bit more to do. BeApp is gonna spray the upstairs floor with an insect poison. I have to cut off any infected parts and burn those also. Gonna make a light-weight ladder that can be pulled down and stored up top. No need for a big staircase now. Not much going up and down nowadays. The grass cutting has finished. A few days time the new growths will shoot up. But it looks good for now. Have to do something with the pipes. We have to be careful taking Robert and Oscar to the farm. Have a window of a couple of hours when there is virtually nothing on the road. That's between 1-30 and 3-30 in the afternoon. After that, the kids come through on their motor bikes and then the farm workers go home. There is a back way, but it's muddy after rain. vid go to farm.mp4 Also filled up the water holders in the farm loo. Simple job of running a pipe from the water holder and letting gravity do its job. Bella's farm, at the back, has a new arrival. Walked down the path to feed the chickens and,,,!!!. Just a few days old I'm informed. View from their farm to ours. Right hip been giving me some jip. Loading nut-bunches into the pick-up at dusk, about five weeks ago, when I took a tumble. Got spiked on my right elbow, and bashed my hip on the ground. It was a thorn off a nut-bunch that got my elbow to the bone. Pulled it out when I got home. That's almost healed. But the hip hurts a bit. The left one was a bit iffy anyway, but the right one is the more painful right now. England 1 - Ozies 2. Next test in Manchester. I see Ashley Young is going to Everton. One of the most blatant divers in the game in recent years. That Arsenal player Eduardo being the worst. Ronaldo knew all the tricks too. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all. Nice isaan skies. All done.
  9. Sorry guys. don't know how I could be so silly. First match was in Edgbaston, Brum. Headingley, Leeds next one.
  10. Owl Log - Sum Sao Wat Couldn't go out, in the direction of Udon or Phen, without calling into my bestist Buddha. I walked around, and went upstairs. Didn't see anyone at all. Just a couple of lovely cats. The golden hand might be ready for my first visit in 2024. Huge roof build at a standstill. No workers. No anyone. Something might have changed downstairs. Didn't go in. Red paint soon. vid sum sao.mp4 Down again. Did a vid of the main story-book. I am beginning to understand the concept behind the four faces of life. The planner, the builder, the maintainer and the destroyer. Our bodies work on the same principles. vid sum sao walk round.mp4 First time up the stairs. Nice views. And then, a nice surprise. So this is how they spent all my donations. A giant ruby. Looking forward to my next trip.
  11. Be good to see you and Mem bro. Dogs will be happy too. Dogs are fine. Oscar is a beast. Don't like anyone. Only us five. Robert is different. Wants to lick everyone. He is very popular with little kids. As was said in the last Owl Log; their friend Coffee is not with them for a charge about any more. He was a smashing dog. Sad.
  12. Thanks for kind words Rats. Long way to go to sort them out. Think by the time it's all sorted there will be best part of a million baht down the drain. Mildred didn't go to school yesterday. So gonna get on with my PP stuff today. And get the pack sent off this week to Key Services.
  13. Indeed! 72 runs to win - 4 wickets and 30 overs left. Still Oz favourites but less so as it continues.
  14. Yep! June was decent enough for rain. Not nearly enough from my stand-point. In years between 2009 and 2018 the ponds would have been virtually full by now. Each pond has an overflow pipe 'cause of the ponds overfilling. Wishful thinking in recent years. Gonna fill the water bowls in the farm loo today. Need Mildred to help me with this. Was gonna do it yesterday, but she didn't go to the farm 'cause she was upset with her mum.
  15. Owl Log 02-07-2023 - Sunday afternoon Such a big deal over a red stick. On Wednesday Mildred had to do a walk with most of the school (it turned out) with the red stick. So on Tuesday evening she told me not to forget to take the stick the next morning. Not my stick, and she knows that if she ells me, everything will be fine. The next morning I walked her to the bus as usual. Red stick in hand. The driver said to but the stick in the back with some others. About 11ish the call came in. "Daddy get red stick from the back of bus and bring to the school gate at one o'clock." So off we went. Got to Ban Dung bus park and our bus had gone back to the village. Where we had just came from. I had said to Mrs Owl to call the driver; but she don't want to listen or talk these days. So off I went to the shop to get another red stick. Just about got to the rear gate for meet-up time. Mildred arrived and presented me with a little gift. How lovely! That will be useful. Friend joined her. Without her stick! I have since been informed that the proper name for the stick; is 'walking sick'. Learn something new every day in LOS. And the gift. Sits proudly in Mildred's art corner. Just waiting for those pens and pencils. Old 'Pringle' tube put to good use. After meeting Mildred at the school, spent to next hour getting my passport stuff together. Went to the local photo-shop, got me pics taken, and processed. Also downloaded the ''''OS Form 010''''. Got two copies just in case. Bought a black-ink pen specially for the filling-in. Then it was time for Mildred to be picked up at 15-30. Parked up at the terminus and waited for her. Fantastic euca trees giving shade to some of the buses. When the kids come out of school they are hungry, thirsty, and just can't wait to spend what's left of their daily allowance dosh on drinks and grub. Plenty of choice for them. Then it was off the the vegetable market soi. Parked up in my usual spot. And told Mildred to pay the 10 baht toll on her way out. For the eagle eyed out there. You will notice Mildred's different clobber to earlier. Popped into Big C to pay the leccy bill. Bought her a nice T-shirt on the way out. The Mrs and Mildred were waiting in the pick-up for me. So no dilly-dally. What did I see as I drove out of Big C? Just the most fantastic sky. Now Mrs Owl don't like me taking pics; especially of clouds or trees or old cars; or anything really. Returning from the farm at dusk, there are often some nice skies to be seen. On the way to the farm in the week, I stopped to pick up a plastic bag that had blown into the side. Good job I did, cause I saw something special. I was in that part of the farm a week ago. Those termites - or whatever they are - work so quick. I know the Ozzies eat them though. vid termite house.mp4 As far as I know, we have four trees breaking the 50cm mark. Me and Milly checking on growth. Pulled the bark off to get an accurate measurement. And another. The eucas have been in the ground three years. Those lights outside were giving problems again. The right one went out a few days ago, and the other on Friday evening. So a little job for me on Saturday morning. Must get some braces. A bit of mastic. A plastic bag, and a couple of cable ties. All sorted. The other side just needed the bulb replacing. Fortunately I'd bought a few at the 20 baht shop a while back. What with the lights. The dogs. And the movement detectors at the back. Don't expect robbers any time soon. Except those from within that is. Don't know how we managed before. As soon as I take the pick-up outside, Robert is in there. Oscar is not keen on either the inside or in the back. Mildred wanted them to go in the pick-up, but the Mrs said to let them follow the bikes. I agreed with Mrs Owl; but didn't say anything. A bit of a stand-off ensued. Anyway; the Mrs got her way and the dogs followed the Mrs and Mildred didn't go. There are eight ponds at the farm. Plenty of water for a bit of lap-swimming. But no! I showed Mildred the pics when we got back. Not best pleased was she. '''Why you let them go into my little pond?''' Robert and Oscar had a run about with the dogs from the other farm - after an initial bit of growling - and then it was time to go back. Grass needs cutting. I think it was Tuesday, when Mildred last fed the fish. Usually me. vid feed fish.mp4 That Oscar is a strange one. Built him a nice house but he prefers to sit behind it. Ever watching to see who he can bark at as they pass by minding their own business. Came over really dark at about12ish. Thought we were in for a drop. Skies have darkened even more and some thunder has arrived. But so far just noise and now the wind's got up. Rain!!! Where are you? Last month was nothing special. Hope the next three months improve. That lovely dog 'Coffee' has gone. Evidently he hurt a chicken. Me and Mildred are sad. Gonna fill the PP form in on Monday and get it sent off to 'Key Services' early this week. What an absolute pain. It was so,,,,, so easy last time. Must stop moaning about it. Only once in ten years. Me and the Mrs not talking much. I'll respond if she says anything to me. Still not gave her any dosh to cover the debt payments. That in effect are my payments. Been working on a plan to get Mildred's name on the farm deeds. We have four, and two are in hock. Get the PP stuff sent off and take stock. Still in shock to be honest. But have to face it soon. Fist time for a couple of years I actually took an interest in the cricket. Second test is at Lords (Nth/west London). Going on at the mo. Last day today. Lived just up the road from the ground in Cricklewood many moons ago, and had a shop in Wembley. The Ozzies look to be firm favourites to take this one, as they did in Leeds. Swimming starts later this month, and the Tennis at Wimbledon too. But my enthusiasm for it all has, if not waned, then certainly diminiished. Or should that be the other way round. Footy next month. Hope I've stopped feeling sorry for myself by then. Still doing coding for the web-sites. But still no interest from the Sth Korean animation team that were so interested pre-covid. Think they might have disbanded. Started a programme called "Toilet Yoga". I'm full of hope that it will help many farang here in Thailand. Anywhere in the world really. Will open a new thread on AN, and explain all. Ditched the urine stuff, after Amandha Volmer didn't reply to my email. Keeping up with my diet and a bit of fasting though. Daily food intake. Morning - two cups of tea with a few ounces of cheese. Mid-morning - three boiled eggs or a fish. Lunch - dates or/and figs. Rest of day - dried cranberries. Evening (before 7) apple or mango. or cabbage. Along with lots of water and reishi wine. . Rain has started. Full of hope for mankind. Leccy just gone off. Humanity is doomed. Worth reminding ourselves, that although the early bird catches the worm, it's the second mouse that gets the cheese, and gets to bury 'speedy'.. Except if they are in New Zealand. Where they are all doomed. Along with humanity. Leccy back on after the storm. There is some hope after all. Only one thing left to say; love ya all, and take care out there .
  16. Interesting. Don't want to make any dosh out of Mildred's art. Just want her to gradually hone her skills. Could help her immensely in the not too distant future. If there was an 'art school' anywhere near, I'd try to get her in there. It would have to be a daily trip as being without Mildred at home would be unacceptable. But not so. And now, with the big money revelations, I'm sure my wishes would be squashed out of spite to me.
  17. Back in the day, in England. The first adds on TV, that I remember, were housewifee stuff. Washing powder, soaps and toiletries. Think that's where ''soap-opera'' came from.
  18. Damage Control. That just about sums up what I'm thinking. Often read posts on AN about the daft farang, that had his brains in his pants and got ripped off. You think; 'serves him right for being so stupid.' After nearly 15 years of sometimes volatile marriage; could I be excused for being stupid and not seeing the tell-tale signs? TBH, there were not many. The odd letter soon disappeared; that I was told was sent to next door, and we got it by mistake. A few thousand baht in her hand-bag one day; and skint the next. I'm still in shock TBH. Although it's a decent lump of money, the 'trust' part hurts far more. Can't ever be the same after this. Must ensure Mildred gets her dues. Or as much as possible. I'll work quietly on that.
  19. Thanks HP. Kind words. Thanks. I'll look after her.
  20. Mildred knows all about it. But that's not something I want her to carry about with her. Mum and dad have to sort it. Don't know how at the mo though. At the back - at the front - of my mind is getting Mildred's name on the deeds to the two big farms. They , I'm informed, have not been hocked. Yet!!
  21. Plenty of rain. But not so hard. I'll take as much as the rain-goddess up there can offer.
  22. Well Andy! We all think these catastrophes happen to other, careless and naive farangs here. Stupid even. But perhaps you are right about being easy-going. Never a one to buy anything for myself. Maybe a hammer or a saw. More recently I bought a new pair of sandals, cause Robert chewed up my old ones. Now I regret that as they are not very comfortable. Waste of 50 baht really. What makes it worse - well not really - is that life was comfortable. Always a bit of dosh left over every month for something or other. Remorse!!!!!!!?????? Not yet! Perhaps soon!
  23. The Mrs has come up with a solution. Hock the big farm to the bank. Get 500k. Pay off the debts, and next year, when we do the first euca tree cut, we can pay off a good part of the new debt.
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