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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. A village near us has water problems. They have had to re-drill their main water well. If an underwater reservoir dries up, where does the village get its water from? Can see a water-tanker or two flying about soon. We don't realise how precious water is. We just take it for granted. It's not until it's unavailable that people then see just how difficult it is without it on tap, or down the well. Songram is soon with us. Water everywhere then. What a waste?! a
  2. Some areas have had a down-pour. But that is the exception. When I've been going up and down the soi picking up rubbish, I can feel the heat. Only stay shirtless for 30 minutes max. Easy to do now, as it's just a maintenance job. When I first started, about 2 months ago, I'd fill up a sack with rubbish. The other day - when I went into the next soi - twins Nadia and Nadine, and their little friend - were helping. Picking up little bits and popping them into the sack. I went to Guy's shop and got them an ice-cream each. We must know about the DIY project Andy. Spill the beans; why don't you! My DIY stuff has dwindled down to zero.
  3. There is a decent repair place in Ban Dung. Took the machine there yesterday (Sunday). It's on the 2096; just out of town. After reading your post Andy, I think I should have investigated more. Never mind. Done now. Expect a bill of 1000 baht or so.
  4. Owl Log - 09-04-2023 - Sunday afternoon A bit annoyed with myself last week. On the way to Ban Dung with the Mrs on Monday, I overtook a tractor being towed by a pick-up. I wanted to stop for a pic, but Mrs Owl would have none of it. Opportunity for a quirky pic lost. Noi's hubby out of hospital. Although still very sore from falling off the roof, he thought that he would do better looking after himself at the farm. Not yet started the roof repair. Have everything ready; just enthusiasm missing. Mrs Owl don't like the colour. "Not same colour!" Said she. Make her right there. They will go just on the edge, where the others have slipped. Interesting at the farm. Chai is building a really professional charcoal unit. Not at all sure how it all works. Wood at the ready. Next thing; stack the wood. Cover the wood with straw, and make up lots of mud. And then I guess it's just plonk the mud around the stacked wood. I'll have a butchers later today, when we come back from Ban Dung. Bought two plastic units from Big C and swapped them for the worn-out one. Mrs Owl took control of the old one. A bowl for the dogs to get into; if they get a little hot. Mildred showed that it was also useful for her. She was not the only one getting a soaking. Little lad from opposite. It was bl@ddy hot last week. Well over 40C for four days on the trot. There was an emergency at the farm with a fire. It had cut loose and threatened our palms in number three. It was all hands on deck for a while. Good job there was no breeze; or we could have been on o loser. No problem for our farm, but one farmer quite close to us 'lost' 5 rai of oil palms. I'll get along there in a day or so and get a pic or two. Every day Mrs Owl sweeps up the leaves and fallen fruit from the yard. Then it's my job to take it all to the farm and chuck it onto the future rice field. Ten sacks in all. Drag them out into the field. Empty the goodies. A couple of huts were demolished down our village soi. This area is something of a mystery. Don't know what they are gonna get up to next. This extreme heat has finished off my avo. Been looking after it for 18 month. But!! think it's on the way out. No amount of watering seems to help it. At the house, some avoes have kicked the bucket also. Still got a couple though. If the farm one don't perk up, when (if) the rains start, I'll replace it. This is the lowest water level I've seen at pond 8, since it was dug out 14 years ago. This is the only pond that is subject to the water table. No use moaning; but it was over-cast virtually all afternoon yesterday. A thunder rumble or two in the distance. But no wet stuff. Dear me! This is chronic. Washing machine giving problems. When it starts up, the water flows, but it goes straight through. Gonna take it to Ban Dung when we go. Could use the spare; Nan's old one. We will see what transpires. Washing by hand for a while. Good job Mildred is off school at the mo. Played two games of chess with Mildred on Wednesday; 1-1. Specia1 monk in our area last week. Evidently he walks from district to district preaching the way of Buddha. Mrs Owl went to see him with her mate at three in the morning. Hundreds of people there even at that time AM. Later (Saturday), he was due to walk to Kham Cha Nod. He addressed his followers with just two simple messages. Two don'ts. Don't be greedy. Don't envy those who have everything.. Bit disappointed that he never said 'don't hoard hand-bags.' But Mrs Owl seems happy enough since. Thai news. ++++++++++++ Phuket Police yesterday morning arrested a 34 year old Ukrainian woman, at a popular viewpoint, for spray painting slogans critical of Russia. ++++++++++++ The cyberpunk who hacked into a government database and threatened to release the personal data of 55 million Thai people is believed to be an army sergeant. ++++++++++++ Pattaya authorities are on the prowl for foreign over-stayers and criminals. Pattaya Police say that they will continue to perform regular inspections checking tourists’ passports. ++++++++++++ Covid-19.::: China finally comes clean, and reveals analysis of animal samples taken from a wet market in Wuhan. ++++++++++++ As many as 10,000 thousand refugees have fled across the Moei River from Myanmar into Tak province, in Northern Thailand, after more violence between Myanmar’s military and rebel groups. ++++++++++++ A woman, who reversed one kilometre down a busy motorway in Samut Prakarn because she missed her exit, got whacked from behind by a big truck. ++++++++++++ A successful Chinese businessman has hired more than 10 sexy Thai girls to dance at a shrine located in Kamphaeng Phet. ++++++++++++ At a registration event in Khon Kaen, Thailand’s Election Committee, removed a PPP party member, who arrived with his pet king cobra around his neck. ++++++++++++ Several Thai women got sprayed with red paint, by a prankster, in the Bang Na neighbourhood of Bangkok. ++++++++++++ Governor of Bangkok Chadchart Sittipunt said that he hopes no more than six people will die during Songkran festivities from April 13-15. ++++++++++++ Thailand’s 45-day visa exemption is back down to 30 days for visitors to the Thai Kingdom. ++++++++++++ Forbes World Billionaires List includes three from Thailand. Dhanin Chearavanont, Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi and Sarath Ratanavadi are indeed wealthy, but generally 2022 proved to be challenging, with a drop to US$12.2 trillion from US$12.7 trillion the previous year. ++++++++++++ Thailand's Chiang Mai has been ranked as the most polluted city in the world for nine days in a row. ++++++++++++ If the winner’s prize exceeds 2 million baht, the GLO will transfer the money only to a Government Savings Bank account or an account with the Bank of Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC). No more cash to be handed out if one is a winner. Worldwide. ++++++++++++ A Ugandan government minister has pleaded not guilty to the theft of metal roofing sheets. ++++++++++++. The French president urges his Chinese counterpart to use his influence to end the Ukraine war. ++++++++++++. A Nigerian court has given the owner of a pet rooster 72 hours to slaughter it, after a noise pollution complaint by a neighbour. He said his human right to a good night's sleep had been violated. ++++++++++++. Police investigating the SNP's finances, last week searched the home of former SNP chief executive Peter Murrell; Nicola Sturgeon's husband. He was arrested and then released without charge. ++++++++++++. The Russian currency tumbles against the dollar as Western sanctions continue. ++++++++++++. Ex-POTUS Trump, in court for book-keeping irregularities. John Bolton said it was 'disgraceful', while Stormy Daniels remarked that she was 'saddened'. ++++++++++++. Anticipation is at fever pitch for Andrew Tate‘s first broadcast on Rumble in the next week. ++++++++++++. White House blames chaotic Afghan pull-out on Trump Footy round-up. ++++++++++++ Toon continue their quest for Champions League with away win at the Bees. ++++++++++++. Moysee safe for now, after way win at Fulham. Man City hit 4 again. Burnley promoted to EPL after win at Boro. ++++++++++++. Chelsea lose again, but there is hope for them in the Ch Lg clash with Real Madreid; as the Spain's top club lose at home 2-3. Lamps back at The Bridge. Only 'til the end of the season. But! If he can win the Ch Lg, it's his job for the following season 2023/24. ++++++++++++ Ipswich into automatic slot as The Owls slip away. ++++++++++++ Orient continue their relentless romp to the EPL with away win at Salford. Mrs Owl has stopped being aggressive towards me since going to see the special monk. Not whacked me, or bit me, since Friday afternoon. Cheese has gone. Can't really afford another whole Edam. Saving up for Mildred's PP. And now there's the faulty washing machine! Mrs Owl not mentioned Sth Korea for her daughter Nan for a few days. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  5. Not that I agree with them, (My idea is better), but getting into the play-offs gives just a 1 in 4 chance of promotion. I think you are right about the same two clubs meeting at Wembley to decide who goes up. I think Ipswich are on an unstoppable roll at the mo. It could be The Owls, but I think it will be Plymouth who miss automatic, and drop into the play-offs. I'll be sorry to see The Cherries go down. They might never get back to EPL. What manager is next for the chop? The Irons have a tough one tonight. Could be Moysee!
  6. I agree with you about 'half the story'. I've had the 'wool' pulled over my eyes so many times that I've gone 'anti' to anything that is suggested; even if it's quite legitimate. The last episode, where the wife paid off the loan business, and didn't tell me, was the final straw. Although only a small straw in the grand order of things, it got me hackles up. But! Now I'm thinking to buy the pick-up from the wife. If the worst comes along; I'll be legally entitled to just drive away.
  7. I think it would be a shock if they let automatic slip now. Ipswich are on fire though, and the game at Wembley for Plymouth, must have been a big distraction for them; in their push for the Championship. Even f they are a little short on quality, they should have seen off Lincoln and Forest Green Just as a side-note, who gets the better of the Sheffield derby, when they do meet? Just looked it up; met 131 times, with United winning 46 games and Wednesday winning 42. So very close.
  8. She definitely needs it Owl. Lots of things going on. Daughter wants to ho to Sth Korea; and aint got any dosh. Mother sick - and ordinarily that would bring the family closer - but she has to have 24/7 caring. Who is doing the caring? Some conflict there. Also, I think getting the pick-up through the MoT, and taxed, without consulting her, was like a slap in the face with a wet nin to her. What that means in effect, is that the pick-up is good to go, for another 12 months. She had her heart set on a new car; a leccy one even. Perhaps it's me that needs the Counselling Owl. The wife just wants her own way. And a few million baht to waste on hand-bags would do nicely.
  9. This division has some 'big' clubs in it, and they are contesting promotion. Wednesday, Ipswich, Derby, Bolton, Barnsley have all been Top Flight clubs recently, and not that long ago Ipswich and Derby were English Champions.
  10. Good point SiT2m. If one wants - shall we say a more sophisticated lady - one should do what I did when I first ventured into Pattaya. Seek out the clubs and events that only the professional ladies go to. Professional in the 'skilled' sense of the word. And what would those be? Well swimming competitions, fencing and chess. There was a thriving chess club in Hua Hin a few years back. Over the chippy on a Friday evening. Some of the ladies were quite good with their gambits.
  11. Start at the bins on the north end of Walking street. Walk north counting the tree offs on the beach side. I always saw a nice bit of fluff at tree number 23.
  12. Just seen that The Foxes have dumped manager Rogers. Think they have done a wrong-un there. Not at all sorry for the ex-Chelsea boss though; who also got his marching orders at the w/e. IMO, he shouldn't have left the Seagulls when he did. Would they take him back?? No way.
  13. Agree with you there Champers. Can't now get into a automatic position? But as long as they cement their form, they have every chance in the play-offs. There are some decent sides in the play-off positions though. This is a good, exciting season for the third league. Great stuff. Good climax for sure.
  14. Can't make it out Owl. After running up a record twenty something games undefeated they went the next four not winning one. Expectations are still high though. 28k at Hillsborough for Saturday's draw with Lincoln. Unfortunately, the sudden rise of Ipswich make automatic promotion - that once seemed a formality - in doubt. And to make things worse, the other lot - the red and whites striped lot - are on fire, and could easily make it into the EPL.
  15. I agree SJ. But AFAIK there are over 60 English towns/cities hell-bent on this policy.
  16. Two good teams in London. Plymouth have let it slip in recent games. Are Bolton faves?
  17. What about golf and fishing? And what if yer local footy club is not withing 15 minutes. I can't see all this being achieved before 2030.
  18. I'll pass that on DJ; thanks. I didn't put it in the last weekly post, but Mildred bought a small mounted canvas on Saturday in Ban Dung. It will be interesting to see how she gets on with using oils and canvas. Up to now she has used artists 'board'. Really very tough paper. 200gm. www.mildredart.com
  19. Owl Log - 02-04-2023 - Sunday afternoon It's back to the Ban Dung Hospital again. This time for the aunt's husband, who fell off the roof at the farm on Thursday. The first news was that he had broken his back, but it turned out he had a severely bruised body and his hip was knocked in (or out). Went to see him yesterday, and although in a lot of pain, was hopefully on the recovery road. Another villager in hospital was the shop-lady next door. She went in for an op. Not sure about where she is in the hospital. If we find out we can kill two birds with the same stone; next time we go. Spent a lot of time at the farm last week. Did a few bits and pieces and let the dogs exhaust themselves charging about. First jobs were to clean out the pick-up and burn the trash. Number 7 pond is just mud now. And if we don't see rain soon, pond 6 could go the same way. The shallow end is devoid of water. I want this pond to dry up anyway. It was poisoned last year, and a bit of sun-baking will sort out any toxins left in there. Mrs Owl was looking for something. Watch that leaning tree don't fall on yer nut teerak I can see you hiding down there. The two smaller avocados are lost. I'm trying to save the bigger one. Have to give it plenty every couple of days. I'll keep em crossed. Had to get a couple of rice sacks from the store. On me head guv'. Could have moved the pick-up closer I guess. But it was easier to carry the rice than push the pick-up 10 metres. Easy enough. Into the pick-up with you. The Mrs off to do something. Let Robert and Oscar charge about and then it was time for home. The Mrs only goes if we take the dogs. Me and Mildred usually go by ourselves. Mekongs enjoying their grub. Mildred trying to catch a fish or two. She does get em. Who is that starting fires? On the way home we saw that some oil-palms had been cut down. Couldn't have been giving any fruit. Som is making something for the Buddha. Been at it, on and off, all week. In Ban Dung someone had been cutting down the trees at the road-side. For about 200 metres. There was something happening in the town. The police had stopped all the traffic. Mrs Owl said someone important had died. In the same spot as the last yellow car!! Another one!! Think they belong to the gold shop boss. MG next week. Pile em high - sell em cheap. Mildred's last two paintings. Her pen-name is Anlin. There's me saying 'Hi'. World focus. =========== Jeremy Corbyn to stand as an Independent in Islington North after losing Labour ticket. ===== Giant gold find in Victoria, Oz. Mr X (don't want to be named). Found the gold using a metal detector. Weighed in at 3.6kg. ===== Pollution is causing a serious male fertility crisis; BBC report. ===== The UK's government advisors urge a "Climate Step Change Policy" to avoid an increased risk to life. ===== Scottish boxer Ken Buchanon dies. ===== Pope out of hospital. ===== Tate brothers out of prison; home detention instead. ===== The old women chew corn, spit the mash into a clay bowl; which then start the 'chicha fermentation. Outlawed since 1947, it is now being sold openly in Columbia. Thai musings. =========== Thailand releases 'Pad Kaprow' flavoured condoms. ===== Thai man was fined 200 baht after being caught having sex with his 20 year old girlfriend near a public park under the Bhumibol Bridge 2. ===== Hacker, 9Near, threatens to publicly release the personal data of 55 million Thai citizens unless the government contacts the cyberpunk by April 5. ===== The Women and Men Progressive Movement Foundation (WMP), criticized Bangkok Governor over his recent Songkran Festival ban on women wearing sexy dresses. ===== A Kamphaeng Phet underwear thief, has been arrested after stealing over 100 pairs of panties from local ladies. While in Songkhla a CCTV camera captured footage of a perverted man, climbing over a wall into a ladies' house, sniffing her underwear, and licking her shoes, before leaving. Man has not yet been caught. ===== Golden Leaf Spa and Pyramid Spa in India were raided and 11 Thai ladies set free from where they had been held prisoner. Footy round-up. =========== Thailand lose again in Middle East. Beaten 2-0 by UAE. ===== Scotland beat Spain in Euro Qualifiers. The roaring Lions see off Ukraine by same score; 2-0. ===== The Owls lose again. This time to bottom club; Forest Green. ===== Argentina 7, Curacao 0. Looked it up and it Curacao (6 islands) is just off the coast of Venezuela. ===== Man City and The Gooners both win at home 4-1. Chelsea lose at home to Villa. ===== Banks O'Dee hit 7. Cove hit by 5, at home, from Partick Thistle. Now in relegation zone. ===== Spurs get rid of their 'loose tongue' manager. Big Sam in the wings. Bid problems with me and Mrs Owl. She found a 'designer' handbag on the internet for 1200 baht, and asked me to get it for her. I said I was a little short of dosh this month. Didn't go down well that. She wants to finish with me. Sell the farm and I must go away. My cheese has gone. It's very expensive in Thailand. Can I make some myself? I'm sure other farang have done it here. Must get some goats. The trip to the bank was a disaster. They couldn't - or wouldn't - help me get all the payments to a specific acc' no for the last two years printed out. I understood it, that their system wouldn't allow such a thing. BUT,,, for 500 baht, they could do it. Had a big moan and left. On the upside, Kasikorn (K-Biz) internet banking is now up and running. Did a 'Wise' transfer, and a couple of local ones. Everything OK. Mrs Owl's daughter, Nan, wants to go to South Korea to work. An 'agent' can sort it for her; only 70k baht. She was chucked out of the place a few years back. I'm thinking that there must be some sort of 'entry' ban on her. Did my 73 hour fast last week. Really only 60 hours as I ate a couple of dates before I should of. Feel OK. Just one meal a day and snacking with berries and a little fruit. Scrounged three roof-tiles from 'Tieng'; (who was getting the new roof) down the soi. Have to fix the roof before the rain comes. Not a big job. Just edge tiles. Told the Mrs what I wanted to do. She wasn't happy. "You see roof is red and tiles new are blue. Farang stupid." "We could paint them when they are up teerak." No answer, just a snarl. Big change in the kitchen. Bought two new small cupboard units, and chucked out the old one. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all. Changed camera for the farm trip. Pics not so good this post.
  20. Simply don't go to these places. They would soon be crying in their beer. Much better things to do in Thailand than wander about in a park.
  21. I'm envious. Only seen hail here one time. That was about 10 years ago. TBH, most sugar and cassava plantations have had it for this year. Too late to save these crops. Yields will be so bad come November, that it will not be worth harvesting. The Isaan farmers are in big trouble. Just hope the rain normalizes from April onwards.
  22. I think WinXP was the nuts. Is W11 free?
  23. This is sad. did you know him well? The BinL fell out of a pick-up, but never hurt himself much. Just a bruised elbow. He hadn't been drinking as far as I know. Reckon he fell simply fell asleep. Good job it wasn't moving.
  24. Maggots are getting on for being 100% protein. The old-uns knew how to make cold ares in the soil. I don't think too much went to waste by rotting. Then of course there was cannibalism. Plenty of that going on in Asia and Africa. I think people were much happier back then.
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