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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Owl Log - 16-10-2022 - Sunday morning. The farm next to our number four grew cassava this season. All looked good on the top. But it was a disaster. It was the big mango lady's venture. I feel for her. No idea why the yield was non-existent. Mrs Owl says there was too much grass. She has stock-piled another load of twigs. I can't believe she is gonna do it all again. Perhaps in a smaller area. Only enough twigs for quarter of a rai. Our cassava waste is gone. All 41 tonnes of it. vid put cassava.mp4 Me and Mildred did manage to grab some before it all went. vid cassava00.mp4 Mildred having a go at spreading the cassava. I'm sure she secretly wants to be a farmer like her dad. vid cassava01.mp4 Top section of the village Buddha is complete. Walkway soon I reckon. A couple of the trees that were energetically trimmed at the farm had to be held in place to stop toppling over. Only temporary. As soon as the roots start to stabilize we can take the strings off. There was also a bit of tree trimming being done opposite us in the village. Bella's father Soo up the tree. Poom keeping an eye on it all. Electric bicycles and three-wheelers are commonplace around the village now. The children like them. Five up. Good thing about our super-highway is that it is only sees a vehicle about once an hour. So pretty safe for learning how to ride. Looney's garden looking good. Mildred's latest painting. www.mildredart.com The delightful twins, Nadille and Nadene, were in their garden playing. vid twins on slide.mp4 Not been to Ban Dung since two Saturdays ago. Unless we want to stock up, there's no need. Mildred's birthday this week. I'll ask her if she wants anything special. Get it on Lazada. She goes back to school next week. Had six games of chess in the week. 4-1-1 score. That's Mildred 4; 1 drawn and my solitary win. Footy round up. The Owls march on. While their rivals, United, squander points at home. Brighton seem to have lost their mojo. The reds put seven past Rangers in the Ch Lg. World focus. The resident of number 11 gets the boot. Pound is holding it's own for now. Bridge blown up in the Black Sea. Pfizer rep lets the cat out of the bag in the EU parliament. A big scandal in the chess world over cheating. Not the sort of cheating you get with cards; ace up your sleeve and marking them. No! This is to do with ranking. The world champ Magnus is at the centre of it. Watch this space for riveting news. US Championships on at the present time. The weather is letting us down. We want rain and lots of it. What are we getting? Overcast skies and drizzle. There is flooding everywhere it seems. Oz, Crete, Pakistan. Isaan dry as a bone. Went looking for some limes earlier this morning. Visited three shops. Nothing! Even the mobile veggie man didn't have them. But! A very nice lady - who I hadn't noticed before - picked a few from a tree at the back of her mother's house. She didn't want paying, but I forced 20 baht into her little chubby hand. Lovely smile. I can pass that way when I go to the farm. Put my urine challenge on hold. It was playing havoc with my eyebrows. Had to trim them in the week. Crab man came round early today. I've been warned about buying more crabs. Mrs Owl says she will hurt me if I get any more. He had some lovely snails though. 20 baht. Just looked and they are ll over the back of the pick-up. Need to hide them. I really fancy 52 or 25 on the lottery today; or maybe tomorrow 'cause of the holiday. Only things left to say; bye y'all, and take care out there.
  2. Yes! Same over here. Promised so much, and delivered so little. Has got noticeably colder too.
  3. My girlfriend friend loves mobile sex. I came home hungry the other evening, She had just been chatting to her mate on her mobile. I went over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Ah! Fish tonight." I said. "No!" She replied. "That's the phone; we're having chicken." oooo Me and Duncan were fishing at the lake. "Dunk," I said, "can I ask you a serious question?" "Of course Owl fire away." "Well, you have been with women?" "Sure have Owl." "Tell me Dunc'; what's it like? "What's it like? How best to explain. You know when we go fishing, and gather up a big jar of worms. Some boys put their dickz into the worms. It's almost as good as that." "Give the women a miss then. Stick with the fishing!"
  4. I was with Sharon in the back of my Ford Cortina. "Sharon dear! Put those things behind your ears to get me excited." "You mean my ankles Owl? OK." oooo I came home from the pub after a good night out. Fatima had already gone to bed. I was feeling a tad horny. I lay on the bed and my hand began to wander. I soon found what I was after. "My word Fatima, you are getting so hairy down there. So soft and lovely." My finger began investigating. "Very tight too." Fatima replied. "That's the cat. I'm further over."
  5. Two nuns are biking down a cobblestone path. One nun says to the other, "I've never come this way before." The other nun replies, "It's the cobblestones. I come this way all the time." HHHH "Mother Superior," said the novice nun . . . "I have to confess that last night I committed the sin of fornication; six times." The Mother Superior thought a minute. cut a lemon in four, and handed a slice to the novice. "Here, my poor, lost child, take this, and suck it dry." "Will this absolve me of my sin?" Asked the novice taking the lemon. "No," said the Mother Superior. "But it will take that smile off your face!" HHHHH I saw a Nun with her clothes inside-out today... I asked her about it, and she said it was *one of her bad habits* HHHHH At catholic school... An old nun, a bit hard of hearing, teaching at a catholic school, asks the children what they want to be when they grow up. Mary raiser her hand, "Please miss. I want to be a prostitute!" Shocked, the nun says, "What did you just say?" Mary says, "I want to be a pros-ti-tute!" The nun replied, "Oh thank the Lord. It sounded like you wanted to be a protestant."
  6. At the top of his game he was something special.
  7. Make you right there Gary. Before this last interested entity came on the scene, I'd been saying to Mildred that I'd like to get Tong Ann's farm. And put it in her name. That would join number one with number four. Tong Ann's farm is marked on the map in yellow. Our four are in red. In this uncertain world, land is a real asset.
  8. Same here. I was in the farm and a shower started. All over in less than a minute. Speaking of 'extracting the urine; I have shelved my programme for a while. On Wednesday last, it didn't go to plan. Whist showering I got some of the saved stuff in my eye. Quite sore for a while. I'm gonna do a bit more research before starting again. But to be fair to Amandha's system, I did notice changes. And she is so yummy; in a natural sort of way. I'm sure to give it another try; starting today perhaps!?
  9. This sale has been on the cards for a couple of years. Had offers. and then the people are not interested.. a few times. Now! Whether they are offers for real, or just Mrs Owl's interpretation or imagination even, I don't know. But I did send an aerial pic of the farms off earlier. I don't want to sell any part of the farm. What for? The Mrs wants to do this and do that. Changes every month. TBH, until there is leccy put in, I don't think a sale is even possible, not for a realistic price that is. Went to the farm this afternoon. One of Mildred's carp died. The bigger one with the long tail is OK. But I didn't see it come for food.
  10. Owl Log - 09-10-2022 - Sunday afternoon Our pineapple got half-inched a while back. That was grown from a 'top'. Had to start anew. The roots have done the biz. Mildred holds up the goodies. The scavenger man did his weekly visit. What did he have? Crabs and a new prize. A small bird. 60 baht for the crabs and 40 for the bird. Mildred let the crabs go into her pond. vid crabs into 7.mp4 Mrs Owl saw the bird, and couldn't believe we were going to let it go. "Very nice food for Thai. Farang ding dong. You too Milly. Much like father." And it was off. Been busy on Laadza. A couple of sets of scales. First to arrive was a stand-on one. Mrs Owl tried it out first. "Mearure not right. I am 49 kilos; just." Then, not to be left out, Poo had a go. Next day's delivery was the small scales. I needed one to keep a check of my precious metal stash. Big scales 99 baht plus P&P. Also included; 2 batteries. Small scales 150 baht plus P&P. No batteries. While searching for bargains, I came across this little wonder. What a beauty? Just 990.000 baht. I thought I'd get one. Cash on delivery available. And delivery just 38 baht. And if I didn't like it, I could do a return withing 7 days. The info said that; "Whoever wears the item, will gain big lucky." Still considering it. Can't ever have enough luck. Mildred's latest painting. Very futuristic and surreal. Don't think I'll ever understand it. But I'm informed the ladies are 'angels'. Must be Thai angels as they have no wings. www.mildredart.com In the mornings I often find that a dog has raided the rubbish and dragged away its prize. Was gonna pick it up, as I normally do, but Bella beat me to it. Looked in the village Buddha to see how the build was progressing. Roof nearly finished. But what did I find as I was wandering around the trees? A whole mega-load of reishi mushrooms. But I thought. If I pick this year's supply, I'll not see Ting, the Hat Lady', for ages. Best to leave them be. Spotted our old tractor in the week. We bought it new from a dealer in Ban Dung for 810k. Sold it 18 months later for 460k baht. Quite a loss there. But there was some wheeling and dealing, and we did get farm 4 as a bit of compensation. On the way back from the farm on Thursday; got caught in the traffic. Milldred accompanied her mother to the veggie market yesterday in Ban Dung. Came back loaded with veg' and also three koi carp. Put them into her little pond when we went to the farm on the way home.. Mrs Owl had a bit of tree cutting done. Only 1500 baht! Have to clear away the branches yet. I'm keeping well out of it. The nut man is grafting away putting the cassava waste into the farms. vid sort out cassava.mp4 He is putting 8 or 9 bucket loads around each tree. Have 41 tonne all told. Mekongs looking good. vid more mekongs.mp4 Been hot the last couple of days. I think Bannork is right. The start of the dry season is upon us. Footy roundup. The usual suspects are gradually rising to the top in the English Premier. Irons and Cottagers play today. As do The Peacocks. In the championship, the top two both lose.The Owls have a comfortable win and move up to third. Orient lose their top spot to Stevenage. World focus. Two terrible tragedies. Police fire tear-gas into the terraces at a footy game in Indonesia. In the panic to get clear, nearly 200 supporters die. A madman cuts loose in Isaan. Many little children are killed. Death toll 40. Rest peacefully to all. And my utmost sympathy the all the parents and loved ones of the victims of both terrible incidents. As I type the Log, Mrs Owl is in negotiation with a lady in BKK. She wants to sell the farms.The Mrs is holding out for 16 million. Lady has offered 12. We will see. Only on thing left to say at the end of a very sad week; bye y'all.
  11. V of A. Voice of America. Dark site. Underground dungeons; allegedly!
  12. I've been thinking about this happening. Unfortunately we live just 7km for the Vof A site. That's sure to get a nuke. But on the upside, we have a 7 metre deep well at the farm. Stock up with crates of water and Bully Beef. Get over there quick when it all kicks off, and get underground for a week or two.
  13. We have only just started putting out the Nitrogen and cassava waste around the oil palms. Need some rain to get the nutrients into the ground. Last year the biggest rain was on the 22nd of October. Who knows? I feel the same about the massacre Bannork. Can't even read the reports of it; too upsetting. I feel for all those who are suffering. Just a thought about the copper that did the nasty. I have read that he was not only a drug user, but a dealer also. That was why he was kicked out. Don't know if was still using. I know of a first-time-caught (in Thailand) drug dealer, in Udon Province, who got 4 years in the monkey. I paid for him to get out of jail in Laos a year or so earlier. So why wasn't this murderer locked away; or at the very least sent for trial?
  14. Reminds me of an old girlfriend; Mary Hinge. I miss her.
  15. Such honesty Andrew. Big up to you. No wonder you are a zillionairre. I'm the same with the ladies, although I often get accused of sending Chinese ladies money on the internet.
  16. Bang on the money there AR. Note the time! They should start there programme at 3am, if they really meant it.
  17. I'd have to save up for a few months to get that cheese. Sorry about your pal Andrew. When I first came to Thailand the ex-rate was 70+ baht to £1. Now it's just over 40. Not everyone is rolling in it. Some here are on the basic state pensions. If I had to return to England I'd get a top-of-the-range bivvi and take out a season ticket at a nice fishing venue. Could easily manage on my 500 squids a month then. But I digress. Thailand is my home and I love it here. The weather,,,,,. And other stuff too. Quite happy with my 20k baht. And when/if the ex-rate gets up to 70, I'll splash out on those little life luxuries; cheese, beer, ladies. haircuts etc.
  18. Many do Andrew. But you are over-simplying things. Out of the 20k, must first put aside the monthly spend. Take out the rent, leccy and internet. That leaves 13k. Put aside 2k for the m/c. Also the 1k for Wat donations. What we have left is 10k. You just spend as you go for the month. If you can't go fishing then that's a saving there. Celibacy for the month! Gonna be a surplus. I suspect you are a big spender Andrew.
  19. Did love BKK. I was a frequent visitor to Bang Kapi. Lured by the fishing at Bansumran. Then the developers bought the place and now it is condo blocks. I know there is a 'New Bansumran' somewhere or other, but I think it terrible that the owners sold up. I've not been to BKK on principle since.
  20. I'll break it down for you Sir. Per month. Rent, leccy, water and internet 7k Food 4.2k Beer 1.8k Motorbike upkeep and fuel 2k Donations to local Wat 1k Donations to wayward ladies 2k Other items, flip flops, hats etc 1k Fishing fees 1k Comes in at exactly 20k.
  21. Dear me! Thailand is cheap! Many farang living a great life here on under 20k a month.
  22. Don't put me in charge. The BBC would be the first to go.
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