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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Try Linus. Been using it for the past 9 months. Coming from using MS for years, I find it's not as user friendly as MS. But for me anyway it is more stable. Also more secure.
  2. A lady in Ban Dung's Daisha (construction supplies), was telling me and the Mrs that she was thinking of moving to Udon Thani. There was a job being advertised in Global house, for an internal rep, with construction knowledge. Monthly salary was 9.5k. Free on-site food while on shift. And, if the applicant could speak decent English, the salary jumped up to 13k a month.
  3. A nun went to her Mother Superior and asked her to hear a confession. "Mother, today I experienced the pleasures of the flesh." Mother Superior got interested. "Continue my child." "Well, Father Saunders came to me, and said I had the gates to Heaven between my legs. Mother Superior got very interested. "Yes, my lost child." The nun continued. "He then told me that his penis was the key to Heaven, and he slipped it into my gates." "Why that lying ba***rd !" the Mother Superior screamed. "For years he has told me his penis was St Peter's trumpet. And I've been blowing it!" 8888 The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples.. The nun wrote a quick note, and posted on the apple tray: "Take only ONE . God is watching." Moving further along the lunch line, at the other end of the table was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies. A child had written a note, "Take all you want. God is watching the apples."
  4. Woman and guys are wired differently. Years ago it would have been quite commonplace to see a man dragging a lady by the hair, off to the nearest cave. After the deed he would sleep. She would chase out any vermin and generally tidy up. The new lady of the cave would prepare some food, but it needed cooking. So when our cave man woke up he had to light the fire. They eat, he looks around and thinks that it's not a bad place to stay for a while. She looks at his muscles and thinks he would protect her. Both sexes have their talents. We should respect that. Modern man spends his spare time in the garden shen. The lady likes the kitchen.
  5. What heavy rains would they be? Other than light drizzle, no sensible rain this month. Rice is is need. Will get the pump out later this week.
  6. Do they get free food? Have to factor that in. Three meals a day. Must be worth 90 baht a day? The ladies in our local Big C food hall all seem to be happy souls. Big money don't always make you happy. I buy my chicken-foot soup from one stall. Three big bags of soup for 40 baht. That does me for six meals.
  7. We pay our farm workers 350 baht a day. Plus Lao Khow.
  8. Seven of our ponds are about 80% full. The one pond that reflects the water table is little more than 60%.
  9. Went for a little walk round this afternoon. video_20221018_162226.mp4
  10. Point taken. Just as an example. Many moons ago I hurt my hip in UK Special Forces. Was in Military Hospital in South east London, and was pensioned off. However, I carried on playing footy until finally hanging up my boots at 42, mostly due to the hip. When it did play me up, my remedy was to take Magnesium daily for a week or so. Now fast forward 45 years to my present days in Thailand. When the hip started playing me up about 3 years ago, I changed medication. No more Magnesium. Instead a bowl of chicken-foot soup on most days. Also stopped drinking beer and replaced it with reishi (mushroom) wine; although I don't add the Lao Khow as I once did. The body is a wonderful bit of kit, that is working desperately 24/7 to keep us in good health. Some things we did in the past hurt us, and can never be repaired. Often the body will contain these abnormalities, and we could be quite unaware of the problem. We are after all; animals. And if we fully become part of nature, and try our best to eliminate toxins, we will be doing as best we can.
  11. I believe the body has an inbuilt maintenance. Every second the body id working to naturalise itself. Eating good food, drinking sensibly and engaging with nature will help the body. Putting toxins into it will gets the system working overtime. And, if the toxins are too much, or too poisonous, the body cannot cope and will suffer ill-health; or die even.
  12. The natural state of the body is good health. It is up to us if we promote the systems that keep us healthy or abuse them. One small step in the right direction, is better than one giant leap the wrong way.
  13. Two Eskimos, one big and one not so big, walk up to the convent door. The bigger nudges the smaller one and says, "Go ahead then, knock on the door." Mother Superior answers the door. Again, the bigger Eskimo nudges the other and says, "Go ahead, ask her the question." The smaller Eskimo timidly asks, "May we speak with the midget nun that lives here please?" The Mother Superior answers. "There are no midget nuns living here." The bigger Eskimo starts nudging the other and says. "Ask her the other question then." The Eskimo asks in a quavering voice. "Are there any midget nuns in Alaska?" The Mother Superior responds. "I know most of the nuns in Alaska and I think not." With this the bigger Eskimo falls down, rolls on the ground, laughing uncontrollably. "See! I told you it was a penguin!"
  14. They are doing just great. Have three at the farm. One looks big enough to give fruit soon. The other two are a couple of years away. The house ones are growing fast. Keep saying I'll move them to the farm; but no progress as yet. The biggest one is about 3/4 or an inch in diameter at the base. Went to check on the price of stone on the way to Ban Dung yesterday. Crushed stone - as in concrete mix - 650 baht a load. small stone - what is used to make blocks - 650 baht a load. Coarse sand - 350 baht a load. Really I'd like a bit of each. Our road has not seen much maintenance in the last 12 months. I'll get some pics posted later in the week.
  15. Getting to learn more and more about the rosella system. We have 30 rai spare, and at the moment unsure what to grow. Pic #1 Preparing the flower by removing the seed pod. Pic #2 Drying the rosella (that's my shadow; not some daytime peelaw). Pic #3 Bagged up. Pic #4 Drying the seed pods. The lowdown on the rosella is as follows. The lady reckons on harvesting 300 kilos from her 4 rai. At 100 baht a kilo. Easier to grow than rice but post-harvest there are many days ahead; de-podding, drying and bagging up. Very interesting this, especially if this drought cycle continues for more seasons. A lot of the Oz folk on the forum would know about rosella already.
  16. It does indeed. I would boil up my rosella (called sorrel in Caribbean) for a couple of hours. Let it cool and add 25% Lao Khow. Very good night-cap. Covered extensively on this thread a couple of years back. Think you might have hit the time D4dong.
  17. The thread 'Diary of a farang in Isaan', has been discussing this for sometime. A totally free solution to those bald patches. For ladies and men. But have to be careful. Individual hairs can be as much as 500% of the others.
  18. ",,,,,talking to someone else." This guy is nuts. Good she is free of him. Go find a nice farang love.
  19. Four nuns were at the Pearly Gates. St Peter tells them that they must each answer a biblical question to get in. The nuns look a little apprehensive. But he reassures them that they're quite easy. St Peter asks the first nun. "Who was the first woman?" "Ooooh that's an easy one. It was Eve." She replied. "Correct!" Said St Peter, and the gates swing open for her to walk through. He turns to the second nun. "Where did Eve live?" "That's an easy one. It was the Garden of Eden." "Correct!" The gates open again. "Who was the first man in the Garden of Eden." The third nun was asked. "That would be Adam. Easy Peasy." "Correct!" The gates swing open once more. St Peter says to the third nun. "Now, as you're a Mother Superior, you must answer a slightly more difficult question. What were the first words Eve said when she saw Adam in the Garden of Eden?" "Oh, that's a hard one..." Said Mother Superior. "Correct!" The gates swing open.
  20. The Sheffield rivalry must be one of the biggest in English footy. There are many others; and long may they continue. I remember the Scots fan saying on TV. Don't care about the World Cup, as long as we beat England. I see that once mighty club, Notts County, were knocked out of the FA Cup at home by,,,, wait for it,,,,, Coalville Town. Although they are not exactly neighbours, they are not that far apart on the map. A future rivalry brewing? Coalville Town; I'm your new fan! But some sadness in the cup. Both Hornchurch and Aveley have gone out. On the upside; Dagenham and Redbridge (one club) put seven past Beckenham to march on to the next round. The urine challenge had been shelved temporarily. It was doing the biz with my war wound though. Might start it up today. Not likely to graduate from phase one for a while. When I do, I might skip phase two altogether, and move straight on to phase three. But to do that effectively, I'd need a special kit. Could always make one rather than buy it. We will see.
  21. The wife timed us making love yesterday afternoon. At dinner I asked her long it was. "Two hours, fifty-five minutes, seven seconds." "Wow!" I replied. "Nearly three hours! Call me super-stud why don't you? Tell all ya friends dear. Make them envious!!" "I do Owl! That time included our pre-sex financial negotiations and your sleep afterwards."
  22. Had to pick up the snails. They were crawling everywhere in the back of the pick-up. Some really pretty ones among them.
  23. Fatima, my second wife was a fun-loving lady. She was in front of the big mirror. Turning this way and that. "Owl. Can you notice my bomb under this dress?" She asked. "Oh no! Don't tell me you're gonna wear it down the pub tonight." "Don't be silly Owl. Wouldn't waste all this explosive on you and your dead-beat mates would I now?" oooo All the neighbours were out in their gardens; enjoying the sunshine. We had had a rowdy tiff, and they had an ear to it all. "I'm going to my mothers'." She proclaimed. With that, she stormed out. As she got to the gate, I shouted out to embarrass her. "I sh@gged you rotten before we were married." She shouted back; "so did all yer mates." Some women just have to have the last word.
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