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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. What a statement!! 'Scattered', 'randomly', 'suspicious', 'lingered', 'alleged'.
  2. Yes! That's the lady. She don't go a bundle on the covid narrative it seems. Has her own ideas on health. Let you know about the urine therapy. Seems to be working so far.
  3. There is something in that. The half time team-talk probably went; "Just play it around, enjoy yourselves, and don't take chances." They should have pushed on, and really put them to the sword. Utd were demoralised. Not unsurprisingly, after all 4-0 is not an everyday HT score.
  4. It's difficult. He is on big bucks, at the tail end of his illustrious career, out of form and has serious personal hang-ups. We would take him, but our offer of 10k a month would not be acceptable to this world star. Will he see out his days at Utd?
  5. I thought Utd were the better team in the second half. Rashford has knighthood on his mind.
  6. I am aware of the queen passing away. She died of 'Old age'. That's official. A couple of days earlier she was at a dinner party, scoffing the scones. All seems a bit sudden to me. Strange indeed. If Amandha's therapy works, and it seems to be, I'll be sending her some dosh for sure. https://yummy.doctor/ Mrs Owl has just arizen and has whacked Poo and Ginger. "Why you let cat in house? Farang ting tong."
  7. Amanadha Vollmer. She is the lady to set me free. Stage one - find those little places that need attention. Stage two - sort out those inner problems. Stage three - rejuvenation by reverse induction. Seriously Bannork; I am noticing a difference. And it's only week three. Amandha says to wash the urine off each evening during the first phase. I'm with you on the footy. My team suffered their first loss of the season. Just a blip. When they get to the Ch Lg, the players will all be on ten times more a week than they presently are. That's modern sport I guess. Simply big business. As for dreaming! I often dream of Hainault. Sitting by the lake, often in the rain, throwing bits of bread to the geese while I wait for a big fish to grab my bait. A pretty young lady walks by. She stops and stares at me. "Are you Owl from Dagenham Dock?" "That I am miss." "Well, my mother would like a word with you. Dad!" Luckily a fish runs off with my maggot, and I am fully focused on the angling contest. But the fish gets away, and the lady is gone. Mrs Owl pokes me in the ribs. "Gas has gone. Need new. 500 baht; give me." Such is life.
  8. I love footy. Not just English either. I like a couple of Scottish teams too. Hamilton, Cove and Banks O'dee. Played myself at quite a good level until retiring at 42. Like a wager too. I'm not alone in this. It is estimated that 7/8% of footy supporters in England like a punt. No good at the week-end; but I have my moments. Mildred likes the number '4'. On the way home from Ban Dung on Thursday she pointed out the time on the dash at 4.44. That sealed it. On Friday I went to the village boss' house to get a Thai Lottery ticket. Lucky to get one; 444469. Couldn't lose. But no luck on the Saturday draw. Got four of the 6 million jackpot number (484669), and one winning number was 444448. So on the right track. But what would I do with such riches? Put it in trust for Mildred I guess.
  9. Thanks DJ. I'll pass on your comment. She will be thrilled.
  10. The are different phases. I'm still on phase one. Not drinking any yet. When I was in special forces we were always told not to drink the pee. But when you are in the desert sun, you don't pee much anyway. When you do it is a deep gold colour; and not at all appetising. The third phase is the most interesting one. To do it properly you have to get a kit. I'll have a look on Lazada for one. I've not looked that far forward as yet though. Still on phase one.
  11. Remember Mr Knighton? United was up for grabs for just 12 million. Can't tell me that with a bit or organisation the fans couldn't have bought the club. There was 60k of them at every home game. Just 200 squids apiece. At the very least they could have gotten a controlling interest.
  12. Remember Mr Knighton? United was up for grabs for just 12 million. Can't tell me that with a bit or organisation the fans couldn't have bought the club. There was 60k of them at every home game. Just 200 squids apiece. At the very least they could have gotten a controlling interest.
  13. Fortunately Mrs Owl is +1.50. I am also keen on online footy games. I didn't do so well yesterday, but I did the two weeks previous. Noticed a trend in the English footy that is well worth considering. PM me to get the low-down Andy; if you are interested in becoming a zillionairre. Like me.
  14. Agree! But some of these club's supporters have themselves to blame. Man Utd fans could have bought their club a while back. If they had been brave enough, they could have been the biggest fully supporter owned club in the world. Others too. What about Derby County? It was on sale for peanuts.
  15. Owl Log - 01 October 2022 - Sunday afternoon Haven't seen the sun for three days. Very dull this morning, but not masses of rain. Just drizzle. I'd like more rain. Although it is the best wet-season for at least five years, the water table is still at least a metre below what it should be. Veggie man comes every morning; rain or shine. Found two beautiful snails at the rear of the house first thing this morning. Put them safe until Mildred got up at eight. She was excited to see them. One had travelled out of the saucepan, and was looking to start a new colony somewhere. Let them go in a safe spot. 'Safe spot'? What is that? Poo - the killer cat - will seek out anything that moves. Another casualty. Well dead before I found it under the table. About the same size as the last bird. Most sort out that bell. Mildred off school for three weeks. Will get a few games of chess in before she returns. And hopefully she will do a few more paintings. Latest one. Finished just yesterday. "The triplets." www.mildredart.com There is this new thing she does. Well it's new to me! She does these fine line drawings on her phone and sends them to her mates. A week or so ago she asked me to get her an electric stylus pen. It arrived last Monday. Rechargeable! One of her early with her new art toy Treated myself to a new pair of glasses. My eye-rating is -1.25. Mrs Owl picked out the pair in Big C. Very suave. Pinky-gold frame, Slight tint. Quite expensive at 249 baht. Mildred says they are ladies' glasses. It was that time again. Nut cutting! Got a nice haul of 4.620 kg. The price has dropped big-time. Just 4,25 baht a kg. 6.25 three weeks ago, and over 10 just a couple of months back. Should start to give nitrogen granuals and cassava this week. The animals and fish are pleased to see me and Mildred. The chickens come running when they see the pick-up. Mekongs are also very happy. vid feed mekongs early.mp4 vid mekongs in close.mp4 Bought a new hose. The plastic old one was forever kinking. The new rubbery one is much better. The crab-man was around again in the week. Bought a dozen big ones. Just 40 baht. Let them go in number 7 pond. Still raining. Could do with being a bit harder. The last two nut monies were spent in the gold shop on Thursday in Ban Dung. A nice bracelet. Just a tad under 16k baht for a half-baht piece. I've given up suggesting that we should save for a 'rainy-day'. I'm putting together my own stash anyway. Will get a Laz delivery this week. Footy round-up. Looks like Brighton have already gotten over losing their manager; 3-3 at Anfield. Orient beaten at home by Newport. 'O's dominated throughout; but that's football. Fulham crash at home. Irons have comfortable victory. Owls win at Port Vale. One of my old local clubs; The Urchins, get through the latest FA Cup round. Week three of my urine challenge. Certainly noticing things. Mrs Owl keeps saying I smell. Don't care, 'cause that can't be helped. Anyway; she will get the benefit soon. Found a snake while walking round the ponds yesterday. Could easily have stepped on it if I'd not been careful. Could be dodgy with just flip-flops on. About a metre long. Very dark grey. Tiny pattern. It slithered straight into the pond.when I touched it. World in perspective. Plenty of gas going free in the Baltic Sea. Big wind in Cuba and in Florida. Thailand can reinstate their leader; court says. Good to reign for another two years. Conflicts all over the world. Squid shoots up to 42.3 baht. If I thought that the budgies would be OK in alien surroundings; I would let them go. Where I sit with my computer they are just two metres from me. Would they survive out there? Just watched the new Oracle film on YT; 'Safe and effective'. I think very sad. Only two things left to say; stay safe and bye y'all.
  16. Most Thais I know are not bothered one way or other. More worried about earning a few baht and sorting out their bank loans.
  17. Does it even matter if he he not the full biscuit? He is being prompted what to say, just like the next Dem' leader will be.
  18. There is one in the H of C at the present time. Don't know if she is troublesome though. Have three cats to care for at present; Jack, Poo and Ginger.
  19. That fire ant I believe is native to Central America, The Mexican drug people use then as a torture They just tie someone up naked, and tip a tin of ants on them. They soon spill the beans. Didn't Ali G mention them once when he was interviewing a CIA big cheese? I'll try to find the clip.
  20. If I make it sound like an everyday occurrence I opologize. Mrs Owl has only thrown one cat at me, I think it was more like a shot-put than a discus-throw., That was a few years ago now. Got me on the chest. I didn't have a shirt on and got a couple of scratches. What is the problem with the banana trees? Do the roots get water-logged and rot? Ants! If I had a baht for every bite I've had (from ants) I'd have enough to buy Mrs Owl a whole load of designer handbags. The ant that seems to get me every time I walk round at the farm is the big red ant. Some Thais call them 'Lemon' ants; 'cause they taste like lemon I guess. There are also the little red ones that attack in big numbers. But there is one little black one that I'm fond of. They seem harmless enough and can they run?! Wow! I worked it out that if I could move as fast, I'd be able to get to Udon (55kms away) in just 13 minutes.
  21. Oh yes! RT. I had forgotten about them. Not watched for weeks. Thanks for the cue. I'll take a look right now.
  22. You would be wrong in that assumption Placeholder. I watch and listen to independent sources. If one was to watch just the western MSM, one would get a very distorted view. Russia has tried to keep civilian casualties to an absolute minimum. The Ukraine forces on the other hand are - even as voting continues - are firing rocket indiscriminately into areas where there is no military presence. I have just listened to Ukrainian political commentator Dagny Taggart saying as much.
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