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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. Came here in '98, got my first car here in '00 and I'm on my sixth car now, and going shopping for a new one at the Motor-Show this weekend. Worked in at KIZ in Prachinburi and drove the 350km round trip at least once a week to Bangkok for over twenty years until I retired a few years ago. Also driven all over the country for holidays and whatnot. You?
  2. Did you not just compare them? In both cases, the idea is to spend less buying healthcare than buying insurance. Most everyone has care available to them in their home countries, and it is often "free". In the US you have Medicare if you're 65 or older and Medicaid if you're not. If one has a few million baht, they can cover most any medical issue in Thailand, except maybe long-term care issues, in which case they would have to repatriate. I like insurance, and I have always been treated fairly by them, but they are in the business of collecting premiums, not paying out claims. I "self-insure", but I have Thai SS medical and US Medicare to fall back on if need be.
  3. Yeah, it's possible he got his load the day before, then took the truck bar-hopping, and was on his way to Makro where he can take a nap.
  4. That's true however all off topic from the OP.
  5. What about you paying for Putin's invasion by buying Russian oil & gas?
  6. Not if you use cardless withdrawal.
  7. Where are you from, and what atrocities are you responsible for?
  8. Same with the dumba*s start-stop in my 'tuna. Seven years and it still bugs..
  9. It is worth nothing that people generally do not post rave review for insurance provides, and when they do, they are often discounted as shills. With any real insurance policy I've had, I have never had a problem collecting on something that was clearly covered, and have even collected on a few things that were not covered.
  10. If you're want to get it in the US, and you're flying cross-county anyway, check the prices in Texas. Much cheaper than CA and the people are nicer too. I'm 65 and I had two implants done in Thailand in the last year, the last one just finished a few weeks ago. I thought i was money well spent, but everyone's situation is different. You should be prepared to spend $1,500-3,000 in Thailand, which is about the same as in Texas. Your current dental should pull it "free", and you'll have to wait a few months to have an implant done anyway. If you don't want to spend the dough, just have it pulled and get a removable partial-denture for the one tooth. Sounds like it's in a decent spot for a partial, and they are cheap. The partial will also keep the teeth spaced correctly in the event you want to get an implant later. I would not get a bridge,,,,
  11. Where are you from? It seems to me like it happens more and more in California, while it seems to happen less and less here. It also seems the roads here get better and better here, while getting worse and worse in California.
  12. I like talking to them. I just put it on speaker and f with them. They go on and on, then ask something, and I say: I'm sorry what? Can you hold a moment? Yell at the cat a little, then: I'm sorry, what were you saying?
  13. And it is pretty hard to imagine not being able to get a push...
  14. You must be straight if you like katoes.
  15. I think the second one is 7, yes? I think that's been 120 for over 20 years.
  16. Yes they are. Which clearly shows YOU don't know what YOU're talking about.
  17. Seriously? Did you not notice the quotes were in separate paragraphs? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You quoted the first paragraph where I said: "The road was wide open, no reason the moron with the gun could not go around" I was talking about the moron with the gun, not me. And yes, the road was wide open, and he easily could (and should) have just gone around. Hopefully he is convicted and incarcerated, perhaps he'll know better next time. You quoted the second paragraph where I said: "If I'm doing the speed limit+ and moving faster than the left lane traffic, why should I have to slow down to allow some a-hole to break the law? Let them go around when they get the chance" discribed a completely different situation. I understand it's really complicated, but in the first case, the road is wide open, but in the second it is not. Is it clear now or do you want me to go over it again? How about the separate paragraph thing, we good there now? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  18. How about we make everything handicap accessible, but discontinue welfare payments? (just kidding)
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