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ed strong

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Everything posted by ed strong

  1. Yes we 'brought' a few years ago in hua hin. Very similar set up in terms of the house building from scratch and you pay per month as the build progresses. Well still 5 years on now from completion and the house is still in the name of the property agent that sold us the build! All monies paid from us but no property. Most lawyers were off little hope as most of them work with the agent. Lol won't be doing that again. I really thought we would be ok, seeing as the woman that sold us was a known established firm and had family in hua hin.
  2. The government just getting a cash inflow here, subsidised by the poor people of Thailand. If I give you a thousand baht today and you pay me back a thousand in 3 years time. I've just lost around 20 % of my purchasing power through inflation. Government treats its citizens like right plonkers!
  3. Pay your bills and be respectfull, dont be aggressive and you wont encounter this sort of trouble. Was it excessive, yes but most 3rd world countries are the same. Rare incidences like this actually do create a better safe place in the long run. As tourists see this and think twice about being an a hole whilst there and tbh it seems to work, as the only other incidence it's compared to is the family in hua hin which was like 8 years ago.
  4. "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice." That quote by Martin Luther KIng and Barack Obama seems to use it to. Suggests that things arent always as straightforward as they may appear.
  5. Its made up to create discussion on the forum
  6. Is this one of your AI posts, as this sounds completely made up with fictitious characters!?
  7. Its of no coincidence that the decline in quality tourists begin to wane around the same time that i left Thailand a few years ago lol. Fear not statisticians, I'll be out here again in around a year, gentrifying Hua Hin and the surrounding area once more.
  8. I remember a few years ago, when they limited the water supply to the poorer areas but were still watering the golf courses.
  9. Its not uncommon for bar girls to visit the temple at 3 or 4 in the morning, i had one leave my hotel about 4am and returned a couple of hours later with a tattoo / etching of a temple down the back of neck and upper back.
  10. I have walked at night and drunk in pretty much every city in Thailand and hardly had any trouble at all. You cant say that for most major cities in the world and tbh wouldnt even entertain in most cities, regardless if i look like i have been working out lol.
  11. Hope everything works out Bob, but posting on this forum cant be good for your general well being. This is my 1st time encountering you and your posts and im not sure if you are like this in real life too, or you are just bored pulling the tails of the forum members?
  12. Resistance at 73K and also 76K, if it can get past that, then on to 80+
  13. There's even more rubbish along the back roads from soi 88 down to soi 110, just dumping ground. They don't normally advertise this in the brochure, just get used to it
  14. How are you supposed to take laws seriously when the people in charge don't even know what the laws are. There's many thing illegal in Thailand that everyone seems to do, yet do the wrong one of those and you are in prison for 20 years!
  15. What are you talking about, you dont get 25 years in the UK for a vape pen with THC lol. Source please!??
  16. Lol they wheeling this old codger out agian. Anyone buying into this rubbish needs a stern talking to.
  17. Sadly enough not sure if anyone can recall but a young Belgian man in Hua HIn did exactly just this, about 7 years ago he jumped off a local hotel roof. Guess what he was working with the same 'lawyer' Accounting firm, that i had the unfortunate pleasure of dealing with and also lost lots of money with. Sad place at times.
  18. Lol that aint cheese!!
  19. Of course you cant just switch systems, however as you say the possibilities are there.
  20. Bitcoins don't actually move or get sent anywhere. Ownership is assigned and maintained through a shared public ledger. By owning bitcoin what you have access to a digital signature that allows you to sign transactions that you can claim ownership of or anything that its assigned to. At this moment in time it represents a dollar value and you can track ownership on the public ledger to see and search every single owner and transactions that occured. 'Sending' bitcoins basically means giving up the rights over units on the ledger by signing them to another user. You can sell or transfer the rights to these asset(s) by digitally signing a transaction to someone else therefore they become the owner of those assets. Essentially soon, any transaction of value relating to any asset could be transfered over the bitcoin network.
  21. Everyone understands bitcoin at the right time and not before, juts look into it now again and at some point you will have the eureka moment. No ones should have to be able to convince you to buy bitcoin
  22. Hardly a Mensa moment i only did it a few times as every time i went to a new bar is was always hearing the 3 month thing and just did it as a bit if a joke. Anyway if you really are asking or were just taking the mickey with your Mensa moment reply. There reaction depended on whether they had actually been working at the bar for 3 months. Most of them were lying, so they would give a coy smile and weird body movement as if to say ok you've caught me out there a bit. If they had been here for only 3 months they seemed impressed that i knew something about them and would be genuinely intrigued but then would always be a bit naive. .
  23. Hes in a mobility scooter, over weight and undervalued by his ex wife whom im presuming was not a looker, so im sure he will will be pleasantly surprised by the attention that he will get in Thailand from both the girls and ladyboys. Of course hell have to be sensible but that the norm for any trip to a foreign country.
  24. Sure but when their English is pretty good and they are not educated you have to wonder how they learnt it.
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