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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. The biggest economy, gives least out of the countries from the free world. The country who demands everyone else to obey, or face the consequences. If you cant present the whole true picture, do not even try! Ridiculous attempt, especially when you know, aid is not free money, it comes with terms and obligations
  2. Cant have a sensible discussion with Magas, dope heads or sexpats, and all 3 in one, lost case
  3. Agree Spent a few month all together 3 trips, fantastic people. Memories for life 😅 True Favorite Jasmine tea, and totally worth going to a well established Tea ceremony.
  4. Typical Typewriter warrior. Even I have background, experience and training, I would never threatening anyone online or irl, because you have no information about who you ctually dealing with, and most likely, you just pick someone you for sure think you can beat. As every cowards do With your approach, Im sure you already had your share of beating, if not, just empty words
  5. 😁 Well, you are obviously one I have stepped on the toes in here, and very representative for the old grumpy men, who cant change, or relocate. Stuck in Thailand and here. So thank you for your compliment, I appreciate it very much. Especially you actually take your valuable time and energy to say it in a way, which makes me smile. Anyway, it is just a forum, thats all
  6. Would be more boring for you guys if a number of suddenly quit, not many real new members who are active, si it is a slow death for the active part of the forum. Already registered less activity here, so it is not only me thinking the same, it is already in progress.
  7. Shenigans in Silom is nice sitting outside facing the street. Alot going on there
  8. Not only spineless, easily provoked to. Old grumpy sad men
  9. Spineless cowards, but the mods see who they are, so not completely anonymous
  10. Bottles have larger volume and weight, while cans and plastic can be compressed.
  11. If you fill the beer in to frozen beer glasses, you get another taste of the beer.
  12. I have actually intervened a couple of times when the customers have been abusive to the staff, and they didnt have anyone to back them up. Especially one Time at Centara in Hua Hin, a new girl was shouted at by two guys for minor mistakes, and as useall, the orders can take long time to be executed. The other staff didnt do anything, so I told them to behave. Either he misunderstood the situation, and was a lunatic (offer you a beating outside) or you where out line.
  13. Normal part of the procedure to inform the passenger about emergency landing, fasten seat bealts and to take their emergency landing position. Do you want your neighbour next to you take you out if landing goes wrong?
  14. Any hugh rise building after dark seems like a good spot to watch people in their appartments. If special needs, buy binoculars
  15. Do you live permanently here? I live less than 180 days a year now, and are not obligated to taxation.
  16. And if used for common living expenses between them. But I guess that will be hard to prove.
  17. We had this plaque since day one, and I remember my history lessons from my schooldas, where you get the big lines, and impression of the black and white truths, but what we didnt learn, was everything they didnt teach us. Continues the same way today, but at the same time bombarded with conflicting news and live stories in real time. Even presented with hard core facts, many still choose to only believe one side of the stories blindly.
  18. It is convinient to explain the differences between stay in Thailand based on marriage or 50 years and above. And also the one year extension based on same requirements. Even Thai embassy using retirement and stay based on family. https://oslo.thaiembassy.org/en
  19. Science will always be up for being approved and disapproved, same goes for analysis of statistics, where I feel the politicians often plays their numbers out of conviction and convenience.
  20. There is many great sources for information on internet, but at once something goes against your belief, I se many are quick to call it out as lies and biased without even trying to digg deeper, and if try, go to there trusted biased sources instead. Often quasi science, articles and news channels to support their beliefs
  21. Ask Alexia or Siri 😉 Public and private cooperate in solving Koh Tao's waste problem. The shops on Koh Tao will replace bottled beer with aluminum-canned beer, starting from September 1, 2023. https://www.exri.co.th/post/d-day-for-koh-tao-to-ban-selling-beer-in-glass-bottles
  22. Thai Retirement Visa If you’re over 50 years of age, the Retirement Visa Thailand gives you the chance to spend your golden years in Thailand with fewer hassles. Before acquiring it, you will need to apply for a Non-Immigrant O Visa before converting it to a Thai Retirement Visa, which will allow you to extend your visa up to a year. You can also renew it every year, allowing you to extend your stay indefinitely, as long as you continue to meet the requirements https://www.siam-legal.com/thailand-visa/1-Year-Thailand-Visa.php
  23. Quit social media last year January, and now this forum is on a thin line as well. We will see when back in Norway. Think it is time to pull the plug and start reading books again. Real hardcover books.
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