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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. Those reasonings opens up for many excuses for conflicts world wide, who originally lived there 100's and 1000's years ago. The main problem in middle east, is the religious connections for all 3 Abrahamic religions. Ignorance at its best, and narrow minded, single minded
  2. Live off grid in Alaska or Canada then? Thats the only way to escape the future on a place so distant and far from civilation and with enough recources to manage to survive as long you are healthy. The rest of us leaves footprints and marks everywhere we go 24/7. As long the democrazy survives it is sustainable, but as quick you have to many despots and dictators, you know where it will end. Most likely we are heading that way much faster than we thought, and for the wrong reasons
  3. Maybe thais blaim Israel for not bringing them home, and instead bombing Gaza back to stone age risking every hostages life have been the problem. People have different views on what was the actual cause and what could have solved the ongoing problem. But this is frankly off topic
  4. nobody complains when the brits constantly being named, and I also see Russians, and all other nationalites being named in media, but af Israelis being named, and hell is lose. Signs with Israelis not welcomed, I have seen since day one in Thailand, but not lately before I saw the news again now. obvously some business owners had enough
  5. Pai is not that big, and any larger group from one etnicity whould probaly managed to make to much disturbanced. I havent been in Pai since covid, but from what I remember and my impressions from before covid, Pai was quiet with a decent group of long term recidense who mixed well with the locals.
  6. There is pot smoking all over the country now at hot spots like Pai, and the more popular party islands at public places. Ridiculous and catastrophic for every other tourists and locals. The worst and most annoying egoistic type of tourists at the moment, drug tourists
  7. Milk in coffe is as bad as coke in whiskey
  8. This time it was Israelis, and last week it was russians, and the weeks before that, Brits, Finnish, Swiss, Current news
  9. I would look a the maintanance and service scedule for that bike, and I guess it is every 2k or so? Great bike if you want to take it to the tracks.
  10. We will see where this ends, interesting future for weed
  11. I'm a wreck now? I just highlight the stupidity of the "legalizing" proc of the drug ment for medical purposes, not recreational use, now attracting drug tourists. It will be changes, and it is not me who will be targeted, it is everyone who now enjoy the liberal situation for the moment, but sooner or later will kick back on all of you, because of a unhealthy culture that escalates to many places to quick.
  12. I go Holliday there, and have visited for many years more or less, and as I say, destroyed completely because of illegal recreational party drugs and drug tourists. Just answer me one thing, is it okay to smoke weed in public restaurant?
  13. I do not care what you think, you obviously found yourselves among them, or have no idea what I talking about or where.
  14. Same goes for them,.but they normally do not seek out those places I enjoy like. Visited 3 small islands this year, and one worse than other. The Islands is completely destroyed. Can't enjoy a meal anywhere without some dope heads light up their double. I guess most you like these cheap tourists, stays long time, spend no money, cultivate their spirituality, energies, wives, karma living ecological alternative lifestyle, sleep to midday and techno music poisoning the quiet nights. Their non binary sexualities tattooed smelly egoistic who think they owns the islands, and despise anyone who is not like them. I'm sure I missed a few points The worst is, they think they can smoke legally in public places, do not care If there is kids next to them, and also think they can polluting the quiet nights for their entertainment only.
  15. I hope they start practicing the rules and law the way it was executed and planned. So tired of dope heads everywhere I used to enjoy peace and quiet, and now completely taken over by drug tourists.
  16. Mostly headlines in alternative news channels
  17. As long they both want the same resources, and for the moment the territory with the resources is in hands of the rsussians, who have the best card on their hands? The problem is, Europe is also partner in the previous deals, but right now it is all about Usa and Russia, as it seems Exclusive: Zelenskiy says 'Let's do a deal', offering Trump mineral partnership, seeking security https://www.reuters.com/world/zelenskiy-says-lets-do-deal-offering-trump-mineral-partnership-seeking-security-2025-02-07/
  18. Many Asian have alcohol intolerance, but I had party friends who did drink me ounder the table.
  19. And how do you know? Personal experience or science based reading? Alchohol is the most common addiction, that is right, and you ned to be disposable to alchohol addiction, and that's something different than alchohol is more addictive than cocain. I would say for me, morphine is more addictive, because Im more disposed for becoming I addictive to that substance than anyone else. 15 days on morphine was enough and I had to take a cold turkey, because of prescription medication. I felt it , and I knew it, and I did it myself by trowing everything I had, and also future valid prescriptions in the toilet. I had terrible back pain, but rather deal with the pain, than becoming addicted to something I fell in love with the very first moment I had the right ammount and dosage available. Pain free, and happy. I would need a link to your source. My link https://www.addictioncenter.com/community/these-are-the-5-most-addictive-substances-on-earth/
  20. Where do I say ? I only point out many don't do drugs because it is illegal, and many can be exposed to drugs if it's become legal. I know people who have used cocain on daily basis, but non of them lasted long before they killed themselves, had an accident, jail and sentenced for some illegal activity, or sent to mental hospital or rehab
  21. So I'm clueless, that's a brave statement 😂
  22. I do not know what it is, but those Israelis I have met, did manage to ruin their own reputation by somehow call out poor service in a bad manner, where we, the other customers where satisfied, but also knowing we where in Thailand, comparing place, culture, price paid for service, and just enjoying our dive trip, or jungle safari. This was back in the early 2000, and signs around in Patong showing No Israelis welcome. Sad to say, it is not just recently they have gained bad reputation. Anyway look here top 5 tourists 1. Chinese 2. Guess who https://www.scmp.com/magazines/post-magazine/travel/article/2102308/who-are-worlds-worst-tourists-six-nations-stand-out I'm surprised there is no Arabs or Indian among the top 5
  23. 135 max pulse at ejaculations making love 158 max puls squats 150 kg 4 reps. 152 max puls 20 reps 120kg squats.
  24. In 2019, 970 million people globally were living with a mental disorder, with anxiety and depression the most common https://www.who.int/health-topics/mental-health#tab=tab_2
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