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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. 100 squats every morning will prevent that! Build some real seats on your bum, not just big belly flat ass guy
  2. Can't you guys just agree we are allowed to stay another year based on retirement visa. Not that complicated?
  3. I have the most expensive agent you can get for your money, my wife
  4. I think most of us we should manage to stay clear of the above mentioned
  5. Just understand you take an calculated risk by using any agent.
  6. Less documentations provided, and done same day if provided correct necessary documents.
  7. You mean the Russian intererfernce and X this election, as well Tik Tok? Why else would Biden punish them on his way out? You guys are so single minded, that even served right in front of you, you couldn't see the truths.
  8. Zuckerberg Mr bend over, he follows the wind. Can't trust him.
  9. 500 years or so, there should happen one or more serious natural catastrophes that could limit or take out Mos of the population. Most likely in combination with destructive hostile human activity, if not AI completely takes over and treat humans as pest, and wipe us out.
  10. Thailand still deliver in High season. 22 Celsius this morning, now comfortable 31. Water around 28 I think.
  11. Know what? He is a Russian in Usa, living his dreamlife in Asia at AN?
  12. I wonder how strong you really are, lashing out here. Must be hard to have one foot in Russia, one in US, and one finger in Asia
  13. If Thais is in Us illegally, I'm quite sure there will be no counter actions against Americans who live legally in Thailand. It is when legal US businesses being targeted and US citizens who living her legally who meet all requirements there will be tensions.
  14. I will not predict anything else than Thailand will be expensive to live in future for those who already have limited resources. Right now I'm pretty well off with savings, pension l, and assets, still I'm worried about future requirements, taxes and also changes in world politics. Maybe I would not have been so concerned if I was 70+. Still I personally think I would think twice if I was thinking or wanted to settle here even at that age. Of course I consider my options from my point of view, others might not have the same concerns as me. My parents is still alive and mid 80'ies, and my father can expect to live maybe 10 years more due to family history. Me being 56, that's a long run in uncertainty if I live as long as them
  15. If you are on fb check their expat page and market pages for Korat. It is quite a few years ago, 2018, I did rent a fortuner for 9k a month, so I doubt the prices have doubled since then. I used to see car offers quite often until I quit fb last year, and long term rentals where advertised from 8k and up.
  16. Depending on year and km, but you paying about double price for a newer same size car and low km
  17. You mean mandatory insurance and proof of living cost could be added and changed? That's something everyone should consider before they even thinking of settling here.
  18. Read If you meet the requirements and do not use visa agents because of lack of requirements.
  19. As long you meet the requirements, Thailand is a very safe place to retire thinking of visa for stay.
  20. Everything is good until it is not. How many more years do you think visa agents can operate in the Grey market? Covering up for income as well is beyond gray market, it is illegal business
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