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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. Lets the excuses flourish I have been told not to take to religious texts literally, I suppose this is same same but different?
  2. You mean signing up for asian travel forum, to discuss politics?
  3. Hummin

    Food in Isaan

    I tried this yesterday, and have now tried quite a few In Korat city, included an Indian. Nothing special yet except Chez Andy. However the wine shop next door to Nailed it downtown restaurant, did surprise me. And worth a visit if close by https://maps.app.goo.gl/kkaB69CH1bEs1JAz5
  4. Hummin

    Food in Isaan

    I tried this yesterday, and have now tried quite a few In Korat city, included an Indian. Nothing special yet except Chez Andy. However the wine shop next door to Nailed it downtown restaurant, did surprise me. And worth a visit if close by https://maps.app.goo.gl/kkaB69CH1bEs1JAz5
  5. Yep, many things can be excused, claimed or explained with mental illnesses. Abuse of drugs, alcohol and humans is also related to mental illnesses
  6. Every ideology have its faults when first have power, and desperately wants to keep it. Any tool will be used sooner or later, no matter how noble the cause was from the beginning. Especially when they start to take short cuts ant go by their gut feeling. Other purposes Religion etnic As well something to revenge. Hitler had somthing to revenge as well blaim to adress. Mein kampf is a interesting read in many ways, and still highly actual
  7. I would put some swiss cheese on it ♥️
  8. Did communists cheese to exists with Mao, Lenin or castro? Ideology never dies, people die
  9. We shouldnt need a Trump (card) to be able to do that
  10. Fine with me, it is when the society have to pay for their ops, other costs, as well the byrocrazy that comes with it, the Reps gets provoked. For me personally, I do not care But to be true, when males want to compete in female sports, I am provoked, or a trans wants to shower with little girls, there is something inside me that also gets provoked
  11. Well, thats normal where I come from to, but, I want risk anything here. Still one month left
  12. Even they feel different, why is it so hard to accept their biological sex? If you have penis and vagina, yes, please choose, but still for everyone else, you got your chromosomes, you have your sex. Still you are free to choose whatever you want, and if you feel your need for toilet is different than your sex, use the unisex toilet (Handicap)
  13. You had inflammation, tooth extraction or implants?
  14. Dinner/lunch Just arrived our hotel
  15. They do not do in Scandinavia, but Even I was thinking about taking my chances without, I did not, because this is Thailand.
  16. Im on holiday now, so just swimming and easy work out. I do not want to risk bleeding the first week. When back at farm 7. February I will do some heavy lifting again, and 30-60 min rowing. My experience a month off doesnt make any difference, and sometimes I have gained strenght just by maintenance exercises.
  17. Thanks, I will finnish these two in may, and then make two new, and hopefully finish in september. Got two visits back home to Norway in between. And Im happy to see Im getting 4 teeths done for 1/2 the price and hopefully without any complications. I will let you know when each step is completed. Please do also. May I ask what you paid? Im estimated 160k + the work and medication. Yesterday for two Titanium pins and work + medication, antibiotics and pain killers 42k
  18. Kukri correct Snakes can be both, venomous and poisonous. Keelbacks is one of them, but harmless to people, if you do not let it chew on you, or you chew on it 🤔
  19. Im over it, and most are, it is just all these mini musks, Trump's and other primates who continue to knock their chests and cant stop celebrating something that havent happened yet. You see the difference when democats win and loose? They loose with dignity, Do not need to remind you how those sophomoic reacts, you living it right now. How did Trump leave the office? What did his Magas react What did they do? Did they attack the Congress? And now what did Trump do? Released them, and you guys do not see what he is about to do. No see evil, no hear evil,,,,
  20. Oh please, read one more time, Cant blaim me for not think Musk act appropriately in such settings. You guys have no class or dignity at all, and no respect for norms. I you managed to do half of what I have done in life, respect to you.
  21. Breivik is a true wholehearted Nazi, Musk is just a stupid boyish genius inventor. Breivik had practiced in front of the mirror for years prior to this Picture
  22. Hotel breakfest set day one Can be better, much better
  23. Cheese? Missing cheese
  24. The forum reaches new highs You guys are fantastic deleted I count my days,
  25. Every famous Nazi and right wing world wide have posted their salute to Musk on X even the Nordic org and Norwegian https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/elon-musk-salute-reaction-right-wing-extremists-1235241866/
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