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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. Do we excuse any extreme leftists? We can disagree with Trump and extreme left. If youdo not agree with magas, it is not automatically agreeing with extreme left, thats something different from those who admire Trump. We can also say Biden F up, not that hard is it, when someone cant do his job properly Will Magas manae to criticize Trump for what he do or not? Criticize him for what he says, that is wrong or not true, or just stupid? Nope, Magas always have an excuse, and their favorite is, Biden, Biden and change focus
  2. I had a plan to make my open balcony 36m2 a "wintergarden" with isolated glasses, aircon and air purifier, but I made a 180 last year, and moved back home. Thats how I delt with the pollution, heat and finely the proposed taxation. I still want to make a wintergarden here, but postponed for now.
  3. Im not here to convince you, because you need to have it in you. Like to work, feel cold, pain, suffer to feel gratitude for what you have and accomplished. As said, I like to work, and have always worked for something, against something, so for me, retiring esrly which was a dream, is not right for me. Im happy, but not satisfied. Imagine going out 4 in the morning pitch black, drinking your coffe, listening to the boat engine roaming, and you listening to the radio going out to the fish bank for todays catch, you see flares of polar lightd in the skies, the waves hits your boat, you feel alive
  4. I just ordered two beers CHEERS 🤘
  5. Blind and do not want go aknownledge whats actually have been going on to long! It is not a discussion anymore, you are stuck in denial, with a few others. So I do not care what you think, And the echochamber you and the others belongs to.
  6. Israels Jews is no better, and you cant see what I repeatedly have said, two evils doesnt make one right.
  7. And then the question is, how old are you? If Im not mistaken, OP is in his 50'ies. If you where 50 now, where would you move, what would your options had been? I moved here when I was 47, and still had the colours of my first years here in my mind where my 1,- NOK was 6,50,- baht, and now 3,- baht. Tax is a question, heat seems to increase, pollution is an never ending story. Other factors I would consider is the political geographic landscape and future possible alliances. I had Brasil as a target then, and by coincidence I did against all odds meet one here who are now my wife, so thats pure luck I think now I did not end up in Brazil out of many reasons. Two major is the crime and safety, as well the political situation there.
  8. Enjoy, wish you a great holiday. Well deserved
  9. That's why I go back and work, because I miss it, and also miss the dark winters, but also will enjoy Thailand even more when we are back for holidays. I have said this is a short term project for both of us, and not going to be stuck in one place or another. What I'm convinced of, life is more than tropical weather, drinks, and tropical weather for good and bad, and to me, the heat, Yes I repeat myself once more for you, pollution, and the future confusing tax enforcement. I'm not old enough to say F it, I have enough for the future and can comfortably say this is enough to secure both of us. I know things will change in the future, and I go back to where I can do my best for our future. And the best part of it, I do not have to do it, and that makes a huge difference to the psychology it it. You see the world through your eyes only, and can speak for yourself based on your experiences. And last not least, havent you noticed many expats struggle living comfortable in Thailand, even they have all they need of resources? And trust me, I would regret not at least giving both of us the chance, and for her, getting dual citizenship is priceless. If I could had gained citizenship here after 5 years, It might had been a different situation, and I might had felt different, since I could actually live her on the same premises as an local with rights to own land, investing money, and work without ton of paperwork and duties. Not to forgeet the risk investing in a future here in Thailand.
  10. So, you saving the world, get fat and disgustingly rich, and turn out to be the world bully, and dictate the world order because you feel you can do so without consequences? We will see how far it goes this time, because your overwhelming power now, is just talk. A F American wrestling show. Alot of words and a show on steroids. All fake
  11. Flat earther or not, what do you think of this experiment of Newton's 3 law? Where and how was this experiment executed?
  12. How would you know? How do you know what other people enjoy, cherish and miss doing? Deluded? Maybe you should ask yourself the question, who's deluded
  13. Oh man, trust me, I have a complete functional gym at my home in Isan, used to have 4 motorbikes, tools enough to build a house, large land to grow, livestock, 3 dogs one cat, and have in Thailand done climbing, kayaking, diving, freediving, Mui Thai, boxing, paragliding, hiking, walking the beaches, swimming, but now mostly only my dirtbikes and lifting. However never bored back home when Im fishing. Can fish for 8 hour straight, and not bored for one sec. Same chopping wood, I need the real thing and not going to try escaping boredom with time thiefs when I can do something productive. And to be true, I spend whay to much time here because of boredom. So thats a good reason for not invedt more here for me. Thailand is great if you happy to settle here and just meet up at the bars. Golf, read, touring once and awhile, and enjoy, but I find that hard. Especially to find silence, clean air, quality food, water, and also a secured future. I have enough founds for a strongher baht, but still I have maybe 30+ more years, and that worries me a bit when it comes to future living in Thailand. If I was 70, maybe not so much. Anyway, things can change in future, so always good to have options.
  14. Ah, thanks, and a good reminder for those who could choose retirement instead of marriage.
  15. Retirement extension is same day. Why is it so different for marriage?
  16. Funny you should say so, mob state, hu Where do you place Usa on the mob scale compared to Russia? What have Russia done Usa havent one? Im waiting
  17. It is the Biden Administration who have worked on this deal fro the last 7-8 months, but Benjamin Netanyahu wanted to wait for Trump take the seat to make it effective. So Trump and his experts have been involved the last few months
  18. To me, it is to have enough money, so I can do what I want, when I want even that doesnt mean owning an private jet and spend millions on holidays. It means being secure, and being able to live and healthy and sustainable life. Also be able to change plans and location when you feel enough is enough. Thats happiness. Having a meal with good friends, is great, but just a temporary feeling of comfort. A good lifepartner comes high up on my list, but economic secured comes first
  19. you can drink and do drugs as long you have good genes and also have resources. Most people do not have that kind of resources and not able to go to rehab and clean up both body and mind. It helps to have an passion and a strong mind as well will to live. Keith Richards, it is a miracle he is still alive, if he is real, and not just an rockn roll actor. Anyway, he is an legend who is still walking and even playing at an age of 81.
  20. And thats wise, and I also believe Thai women is a bit smarter now, and do not want babies with anyone. why would thai women have kids with men, when they can just run off and have no responsibility ?
  21. Maybe thats why most women live longer than men. There is for sure women who drink lao khao, but not as many as men.
  22. People seems to get old her in Isaan who have lived with smoke all their lives, and Im sure some is more genetic resistant for smoke exposure than others, even they most of their life only lived on a bowl of rice, vegetables and very little meat their whole life.
  23. Hope the Magas do not get too disappointed when their potus turns out to the the fraud the rest of us see! Good luck! Biden was not the right man in time, but Trump is not the solution, and you guys will find out sooner than later. What he promised is the end of an great area for the west. Maybe not so great in all the failed wars and politics when it comes to a more safe world, or a greener sustainable planet, but for peace in our own territories it have been great. Just to bad we didn't manage to pull Russia onboard with us when we had the chance. Thats the biggest mistake back in the end of last century. If Putin manage to split Europe, hell will brake loose! And Putin might succeed with help from Trump. We will see where this takes us the next decades. Im eager to see whats happens next
  24. And when was 20k the price? Material and equipment back then? It is 40 now for a decent tooth
  25. Tell us your happiness formula. I hear that quite often related to unhealthy lifestyles, and from people who obviously do have lifestyle issues.
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