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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. Surprised nobody defend this man, in comparison to the fine Swiss man who kicked the Dr in the back. Even in the bars, this is not okay.
  2. you also have Master freediver which you easily can optain after 4 - 6 months or less only if you living at Koh Tao. The Freediver master is only one month class after progressing from advanced class As trough as said.
  3. I learned by just doing, and I learned alot living in the same condomenium as many service workers in Patong. Internet cafe at the first floor and learned their lives for good and bad. Aslo write many e-mails and letters for their lovers and boyfriends, and maybe one or two here have recieved one I did write back in the early 2000 😄 Anyway it was a good learning and also seen who of those I met there and other places turned out to be good wifes later on. I still kept contact with many of them until I married myself. Even some of the most hardcore party girls I have seen manage to establish good lifes with what I could see was good men who lived normal lifes back home, but I rarely see the same happening with hardcore prostetutes who like to drink and party, and their man also enjoy the bar life setting, manage the same success. Every girl I hanged out with for a longer period, seems to have managed their lives well, and I have to say at a time, I regret I didnt give a couple of them a change, but today I do not regret. I did find my soul mate finely, and regret nothing, it was a great learning all of it. And maybe the best of all, I do not feel any negativity against any of the women I met, and hopefully they do not have any negativity against me. Anyway, I was young and fresh, and more of a buddy to them than anything else, even I have to admit I did fell in love a few times, but I promised myself, to never ever go in to a long distance relationship, and if I was going to have a relationship with a thai women, I would live here, and be here and learn them to know by time. Unfortunately, not one of those women I met, was faithfull to any of their boy friends, after they left. And I can understand why, since most of the men they met, promised to come back, and most did not, so they learned after a heartbreak or two, to not trust any man who promised to come back to them. I also learned they had a hearth to, and quite a few of them had serious brake downs leading them to doing stupid things. Service workers meaning all kind of different work from entrepenours to hardcore bar girls, or just sweet innocent freelancers.
  4. Hitlers way to power, is not that different, he also managed to win against all odds
  5. The question is, what is fear? And you are for sure right, it is Trump and his first and last. He doesn't care about the rest. Either you are with him, or against him, and that's representing a true despot or a Don. You choose
  6. The monarchy have no power! It is a parliamentary democracy that holds the power. The royals is just representing our countries What is in a parliamentary democracy? A parliamentary system, or parliamentary democracy, is a form of government where the head of government (chief executive) derives their democratic legitimacy from their ability to command the support ("confidence") of a majority of the legislature, to which they are held accountable
  7. His lack of being a decent human, a role model for the next generations. I have no comment about Biden, he should never been a president or Kamala, but in comparison to Trump, hell yes, Obama was a great statesman, but proved even he got 8 years, one or one presidency have limited power against the Congress, and ending up with what we call making horse deals. Yet, in the world, there have never been one government or one Emperor who was successful in everything. Yes, some can make great things for their country after wars and disasters, but seriously, as long extreme socialism and extreme capitalism exists, there will be unhappy people. If you look at the Nordic countries, and I guess New Zealand as well, that's the best optimal systems we can have. It will not get better than that, that's human perfection of ruling can become and satisfying most people.
  8. I guess it was the same when Hitler arrived, and of course the fear coming with both his followers, and also what he actually threatened to do. He also was unusual @thaibeachlovers and said many things, still yet a big difference both in time, and the logical statements for the time being. Anyway, he actually turns the clock backwards, because the great America with an boosting economy, is not realistic anymore, and for sure threatening your allies, will sooner or later backfire.
  9. Trump manage to pull the hate against himself just by being him. What he manage to say, is not acceptable from a world leader. And you, pull down your pants, and bend over to this lunatic. Amazing But clearly, he have some charm for the misfits and those who think they will gain something back from him
  10. Well, that's the ideal way and how it should be, but we need to make everyone pull the same way, and not against each other. Unfortunate we have seen and experienced, war and war rhetoric is the perfect distraction to force people to pull in the same direction. Partly because of to many people gets to comfortable, laziness or lack of purpose (decent work, pay, belief in the future,) And lately massiv distractions by social media, making people to segretad and distanced from the real purposes and also lack of moral. Everyone can be what they want, and believe what they want, and on top of it, to much drugs, and that involves in very big scales the flooding of cocaine in Usa and Europe and also later more legalized marijuana makes huge structural changes in societies. There is a middle ground where everyone or most can thrive, but humans will never be satisfied with the middle ground. They want gladiators and witches for entertainment. Bread and circus = distractions When our competitors and enemies seems more intelligent, we know we are heading the wrong way
  11. Wokeness in a positive way, but it has its negatives when to extreme wokeness makes us vulnerable and week to our competitors and enemies. Same goes for extreme environment activists gets to much power. One thing is climate changes, another thing is the complete suicide we execute to our self together with extreme wokeness as a society in competition with more pragmatic forces
  12. And still nobody admits Usa and it's rhetoric is on level with Saddam Hussain, North Koreas last presidents and the priests back in Iran, but the difference between them and Trump's government, they actually have the biggest army and arsenal in their hands. Makes Putin looks like a decent man, and Xi as an great statesman and a better solution to take over the Empire for the next century. Usa need too be disarmed for its Nukes
  13. Natural catastrophes and coexistence happenings such as defforesting on a larger scales has happened before humans as well. It is not really a big Brainer to understand nature produce emissions to, and when we contribute as well, it has a devastating effect. Stupid me or the naysayers who cant understand? Do you believe wa can change local climate?
  14. After been to Cha Am 3 times, I can't say that place was crowded by beautiful ladies, but I guess beauty is a wide individual definition and taste.
  15. Im Getting 4 implants at the cost of 160k now. Price list Pattaya dentist. I'm not using this one https://digitaldentalpattaya.com/fees-offer/
  16. Moving polluting mining and production to the space is the answer.
  17. All that is fine and numbers we really do not know much about yet, but we starts to get an overview of how this have actually changed and influenced climate during 100 000 of years due to ice samples which gives us quite accurate numbers of the big events that have actually changed climates temporary. The biggest problem is defforesting and removing old forests, rain and tropical forests, important wet lands, tundras melting, human made emissions do affect the atmosphere, If we can change local environment, we for sure change the world enviroment, and this is on the top of natural cycles. Remember, humans have just actually existed on this level for only 100 years if not less. Open your eyes, we poisoning our environment, and not only for our selves, but everything we going to live of to. Again, I have no kids, I do not worry, and really do not care,.but sad to see the pure stupidity and people who lives in denial. You guys see the madness, and still do not want to believe in a better future for your own kids! Everyone knew smoking was bad, but how many lived in denial as long the tobacco companies addressed the lies through their marketing? And some of you guys still smoking, and still offended you guys can not smoke in public the same way as before.
  18. What comes around, goes around, and you should understand that, or do you feel not guilty? I despise Trump, his character, and what comes out of his mouth, and see him and the Magas as the biggest threat to our future. Shallow people with little or no insight about the world at all. I dare to say stupidity have reached its maximum
  19. periodic bush and forrest fires is normal world wide, some places there is more fire because of human activity, other places it is less. But still tragic for those who get hurt one way or the other
  20. and the stereotype of those who you see walking around with their wife, is not especially something Thai women with options in life want to be associated with, myself also do not want to be associated with.
  21. In another perspective, every proud Emperor or tyrant managed to pull som decent musicians, be it Napoleon, Stalin, Hitler, and even Putin, but Trump, what do he manage to pull?
  22. I see irony in it, good for the old band, take advantage of those Magas, and give them some glam jam in their lives.
  23. 😄 You do not see the controversy of your opinion at all do you? Well, obviously you living now, today, and see it through what we call a tunel sight.
  24. Obviously back to the pissing contest, where you just excuse yourself for only rely on short time, and justify you paying someone having sex with you. 2. You Obviously haven't figured out how real relationships works, and the duties comes with being in a relationship as well the comfort both provides as well security. Not to forget the bounds involvement between two people. But living in Pattaya or being stuck there, makes you believe in a different realism, than those who are not exposed to the same day by day, where everything is an transaction, even friendships
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