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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. We feel sorry for you, who have to continously remind yourself year after year you can not afford a wife, by repeatedly posting the same over and over. It becomes a mental routine for you, generalize the same statement over and over. 🤗😘🔥
  2. do you know the hight of the Antarctis icecap? Do you understand the climate there, or is it just a huge freezer machine controlling the earth temperature? Do you know the age of Antarctis icecap? Who built it? and why do the compass always point north ?
  3. Periodic less rain and higher temperatures is just plain physics in a combo with more wind due to temperatures changing at a coastal enviroment.
  4. Greenland fight for their independence as Greenlenders, and not Danish. They where colonized, remember? Panama is a good example of false claims, and being used as a brick in the ongoing trade war between USA and China
  5. Well, you refer to one occupation 84 years ago only, and it shows your laziness and ignorance, and I have no time for someone who obviously never have opened a book in his life, and paid some attention, but still claim he knows the history, and also can predict the future of Thailand. Waste of time
  6. You can call me what you want, it only takes som basic history knownledge to know what to expect in future. Thailand will need their forces at some point. Most likely, China will never put a boot in Thailand, but either expect them to have a decent army for the alliance, or they will have a proxy war controlled from Beijing.
  7. And one of the reasons Thailand do not get F-35 is because of their potential future China alliance
  8. Cambodia? Myanmar? You never know what China starts to Orchestra if Thailand continue to be American friendly. Thailand still have serious border conflict with Cambodia involving oil and gas, and not just old ruins. Thailand need to choose side soon, and their choice could make them vulnerable to their neighbours who already chosen China.
  9. How was your previous relationships back home? Any good experiences? If you struggled back home, it want be easier in Pattaya, but your chances is better if you manage to sit back and establish a decent friendship first, and not just jump in to the buffet and loose sight of the good ones. Through a friendship you learn the person by time. I knew my now wife for a long time before we established a physical relationship, and later agreed we where a couple. And by being patient you might experience less surprises. Easier if she already had one or more long term foreigner relationships. At least my experience. Just forget the fun wild party girls,
  10. So, you think what Putin does to it's Neighborhood is necessary, to prevent more influence from Usa, Eu and, Nato in general? What you say, nobody is free to choose who they Want to collaborate with.
  11. If I fly out in the night, I book one extra night at the Airport hotel we use. 12-15 min away. Last time I went home, 45 min from my hotel and through the emigration. Checked in online, and no delays at all, and got to use my pink card for the immigration line for Thais.
  12. And all those manipulated drugs both herbs and chemically made, as well cheap crap beers they consume. Most "chemtrail" boys and girls I know consume large quantities of all kinds of drugs they have no idea where originated from.
  13. Seriously, just another wind up? No video, it never happened
  14. If he is a youtuber, why don't you post his channel? It would help this poor soul with a few more views and also give us a better picture what you talking about.
  15. I'm sure your Thai grammar is perfect as one of your non native languages. You continue to make a fool of yourself with your generalized posts.
  16. I appreciate everything her earlier bf's have teached my wife, they have really done a good job. Made my life 100% easier, and the last thing I wanted was a young pure poor girl who knew nothing about life. Those who speaks good language, and mean proper English shows character and willing to learn to improve their life.
  17. 70 mandatory vaccines? Show us the list of mandatory vaccines in Usa If it's true, I will start believing in the conspiracy Mandatory vaccines in Norway https://www.helsenorge.no/en/information-in-english/vaccination-of-children/
  18. As much for safety the speed limits, it is because of air quality, both emissions and also dust from tires, street wear etc
  19. It is not that easy, they did not vote for yes or no to abortion, they voted for the package. And to be true, who should decide the matter of abortion? The religious? ?Dr's, Women only? Or those who just vote for Maga? And could not care less about abortion? "While public support for legal abortion has fluctuated somewhat in two decades of polling, it has remained relatively stable over the past several years. Currently, 63% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 36% say it should be illegal in all or most cases." https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/fact-sheet/public-opinion-on-abortion/
  20. Ai, the American way, And this used to be comedy, now reality
  21. We have choices, and we do not need to choose the same, but I agree with OP, this is not good. I have been here more then 20 years visiting, and living 8 years, and there is no changes what so ever in traffic safety or accessibility walking, and I feel the pollution have become worse. I have invested as much I want here, and no more, because I se no improvements. To make it better for me, I need to invest in better facilities, and I'm not willing to do that.
  22. In Detroit, I guess this is normal, in most developed countries it is not.
  23. Exactly, you guys have been here to long,
  24. Another good reason for not grow old in Thailand, due to what you said. Can't solve simple problems, or there is no will to solve problems. Same as the yearly pollution by fires
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