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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. Just back from Trat,I miss trat already with nice summer, back here home 10c. Anyway, just 10 days going south again.
  2. Not really, There are quality paper here to, and can recommend a few hotels who have paper you do not put your finger through. Even in Spain, most places have decent toilet paper.
  3. Europe and the world is not your enemy, you, Americans is their own enemy, and you guys can't even see it yourself. And still do not understand Europe made you guys rich fat and wealthy, and you guys needs us to keep your position in the world, and it must be tough for you to realize the hard facts. Usa wouldn't be where you are today, without Europe, who you obviously despice Sad really
  4. Jesus will reappear as blue eyed American. Just saying
  5. Bring it on, do you think I care? History speaks for itself. You guys have no solid culture that brings you together, and obviously more that actually separates you. Obviously you just do not want to aknownledge facts, even the 3 last elections proves it black and white how much each part hates each other.
  6. He asked for transport, and I advised him to use grab instead of tuk tuk and motorcycle taxi. Grab is the best option, and if you have a good driver, you ask for his/hers phone number.
  7. Modern nations with segregated seats, shops and schools all the way up to 1960-70s With a police force who do not know how to protect and serve, invade countries of convenience based on lies? The population of USA is not a matured nation who have a strong culture to bind them all together.
  8. Take a look at base camp at Mount everest and all the way to the top. Full of human waste, dead bodies and garbage. Trust me, if there where a opening, it would be flooded with people willing to pay alot of money for an adventure. There has been several expeditions in Dronning (Queen) Mauds land for climbing and other extreme sports. And trust me, if they open up, I will be popular.
  9. Shouting lod and clear from Cambodia. Impressive, your opinions matters, just sad there is so many of you uneducated paranoid lost souls who actually voted for Trump. Enjoy your sheep drugs and sheep ladies with no cough reflexes. You continue to impress me every day you post something of value. Will make sure you read this post even I have to message you it personally. I'm logging off the forum. To much stupidity going on, and wasting my time. Goodbye, wish you all good in life
  10. You know you are in Thailand when your finger goes through the toilet paper!
  11. Inspired to give helpful advises on this forum! GS some low life here have serious problems when they have to use their energy gving a confused emotion on a innocent post. some people is seriously mental challenged.
  12. Make your roundtrip with flex tickets in case you need or want to change your plans. Just in case you have some complications and need to stay longer for another visit with your Dr.
  13. just looks like Mc Donalds or Burger King burgers with standard fries? Or are they better?
  14. better to just download the Grab app, and get your driver from them. And if you find one you like, you get his nr and make him your regular driver.
  15. Even Putin seems like an good guy when you magas follow up your der fuhrer commands and instructions. You guys are full of fear mongering propaganda and willing to take completely world dominance wiht your mafia tactics. The world doesnt work like that. Usa have to accept there is more powerful players in this world, and not just one
  16. That's a big question, but it comes down to very simple basic rights, where there is no fear for government, police and judges of the court for unfair treatment no matter who you are. Not afraid Afraid of expressing your feelings, ideas or thoughts. Having personal freedom where you can execute your needs inside the limits society accepts, The right of equal health care and education, Are some few Ideas I have before my morning coffe
  17. No Idea Goji Bar and restaurant sukhumvit 22 A few bars at the beginning you can enjoy a few after som quality food
  18. Cheese, fresh food, 🤗
  19. I actually do expect some common sense from you, and not just biased stupid comments like this. You know what is proper behaviour, and I know you know, and think Trump is all over the place now. He is insane, there is no excuse for an potus to behave like this before he take the seat, or after.
  20. Magas have a poor life, that's why you guys voted for the savior who now seriously have went full on rabiate crazy Nutcase rambling and worse it is going to be
  21. Maga paranoia, blaim anyone before they blaim you! The only true recipe for Magas. If not it is lack of power, and weaknesses is what Trump hate most.
  22. Who was on the watch on 9/11? Where was the official condemning of Bush when it happened by the left? Magas is full of bull pie and hate, and claims they are not! Wake up to the reality,
  23. All the good things we remember, doesn't exists anymore the way we remember them. When I First came to Thailands beaches, I could go anywhere and find like-minded people to socialize with both daytime and evening. No internet, reading books, meet up for activities during the day, climbing, hiking, kayaking, snorkeling, diving trips, motorbike trips down to boarder, and useally met for breakest and dinners, as well parties. At my age now, the only hope to make new friends is to ride motorbikes either organize trips, which I have done, or join other group tours. Play golf, visit neighbours, or any other possible meeting points, and I find myself among people I have nothing in common with. Very few I have met who are retired I can associate with, and just a few who do, but they are working full-time. Everyone need a good plan for retirement, and not just trust their finances will fix everything, but ,,,,,,,,,, Always have a plan be, and if things doesn't work out the way you hoped for, move, try something different.
  24. Unfortunate you meet expats all over the country who came with a dream, and now realize not only their currency is as strong as it used to be, but prices for food and entertainment makes life a bit more difficult to enjoy life. Less socializing, more lifestyle issues, and what about partners? Jomtien is not the worst place, and for normal people it is easy to get around and enjoy a simple life, but you need to maintain an healthy mind to live not only in Pattaya, but anywhere you want to retire. There is no easy escapes being an expat in Thailand.
  25. Not sure this article is right. Her Thai husband comes with a friend. Thai husband can mean x Thai married man,
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