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Posts posted by Fulwell53

  1. On 7/23/2017 at 1:10 PM, KittenKong said:


    I wonder which upstanding citizen filed the complaint about this appalling behaviour at that time?


    Could it be one of the hundreds of overweight and ugly hookers who line the beach all night?

    Or one of the many lady-boy hookers who will grab the crotch of any male passer-by (whilst often also grabbing his wallet or gold necklace)?

    Or one of the many Thai men who call out offers of drugs for sale?

    Or one of the many pickpockets and ride-by motorbike snatch artists?

    Or one of the fake watch vendors who beats up anyone who doesnt want to buy their wares?

    Or one of the taxi drivers who refuse to use their meters?


    At that time of night it cant have been one of the jet-ski scam artists as they are all at home and drunk by dusk.

    Ah so the wrong in this situation lies with Thai people...there's a surprise

  2. On Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 10:21 AM, Tech65 said:

    What can I say,, good luck for the future with a woman like this. Sounds like a great choice.

    Juts one suggestion, if you allow me: use her like a pet-cat, spoil her bying her the extremely expensive whitening f. creams and other f. lady's b.s,  but never get the crazy idea like make her the mother of your future child. Think she is a cat, and men can't make babies with animals. And you and your child will be safe.


    You ruined it by continuing after 'what can I say'.

  3. On Tuesday, April 18, 2017 at 5:13 PM, Minnehaha said:

    Thai female's irrational commitment to family is the antithesis of how cats relate to their families. 

    and yet ...

    cats dont care at all about their sexual partners and Thai females are quite similar

    There are many of us on this forum who are married to thai ladies. I have been with my wife for 10 years.

    I find your insinuation that she like all thai females lacks sexual mores as highly offensive.

    If I were to express how I really feel I'd most likely be banned.

    Yet another on here who feel it appropriate and even amusing to blacken the name of all thais based on little else but dissatisfaction or life having passed you by.

    I hope you are proud of yourself

  4. It's not simply about whether they have a degree or other proven ability/experience to teach.

    That they are appropriate adults with no record of abuse in other jurisdictions is / should also  be proven .

    In Oz to work in schools, hospitals  or anywhere that children may be subjected to the presence of an adult a working with children card ( wwc) is mandatory in tandem with a police clearance. It is very rigorous and has to be renewed every 3 years. 

    Problem is bad  people slip under the net like saville  and harris ( even in that shangri la of perfect society the uk ) but some rigour in the checks would certainly deter a goodly proportion of potential wrong uns.

    Of course a degree is a good indicator of ability but I know for a fact there are many english teachers with just a 4wk tefl course under their belt who do a fine job.

    The money angle is a red herring in my opinion. 35k  thb pm is an amount many  can more than survive on unless you're a bar rat of course.

  5. 1 hour ago, ChrisY1 said:

    Given the number of Toms in Thailand.....half the female school population could be expelled!

    So you are seriously suggesting that 50 % of school age thai females are gay???

    Troll post at its most blatant?

    Or do you hang around schools and have regular contact with this demographic?

    The latter being the case I'd be careful the police dont get on your case.

  6. Build assets using public money/borrowing  and then lease them to the private sector who invariably bleed the users dry to turn a buck. More money in his mates' pockets. How typical.

    Govt says ' sorry but we cant control what the private sector charges'.


    No doubt there will be land cleared and set aside during this 'infrastructure' push that trump will get to put one of his tacky edifices to ego on.

    This putting him out and about to do what he does best ( tell lies and spread fake news ) isnt going to make a jot of difference.

    His vanity wont allow him to stop using twitter when he is in a fit of pique.

    Now the rest of the business community and most of the republican party have abandoned him due to his climate change clanger I expect more rats to jump ship.

    Mike Pense is going to make gerald ford look like roosevelt

  7. Trump is just awaiting permission to build another of his trump tower ego driven monoliths on the spratleys and he'll no longer give 2  hoots what china does.

    Never has a president been elected who is so blatantly going to use the position to enhance his business empire .

    In his lexicon america equates to trump.

    There isnt a single objective altruistuc bone in his body.

    America should be ashamed and embarassed at allowing such an obviously venal charlatan to have been voted potus.

  8. 2 hours ago, tomwct said:

    I would! Obama used Executive Privilege all the time and this guy Comey is a has been. He's ruined the reputation of the FBI with the Hillary "so called" investigation, which ended before it started. Let Muehler do his job, which is to investigate the Russians, but will end up investigating the corrupt unmasking of the Obama Administration, which Comey was part of.Washington "The Swamp" has been corrupted the past eight years, it will take President Trump his full eight years to cleanup. God Bless President Trump! Good Job on climate change. No need to pay World Welfare for a phony treaty. France and Germany could

    pay this welfare with a blink of the eye since they haven't paid their dues for NATO for the past 20 years.


    Comey has ruined the reputation of the fbi by being sacked by a proven liar.

    Yes you are spot on

  9. 4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Well done there, but given that many more torturers are probably lurking within British jurisdiction, pity we don't see more arrested.

    Sadly, the worst people in the world, like Stalin, Mao and Idi Amin, to name just 3 of many, died without being brought to account.

    And britain handed over rhodesia ro mugabe.

    Yes we brits are a great bunch of lads.

    Absolutely sqeaky clean.

    The country that meekly sent 1000's if of yugoslav freedom fighters back to tito for him to torture and execute. Men who had fought on our side to defeat the Germans.

    The country that meekly acceded to partition and allowed 1000's of innocents to be knowingly slaughtered  due to enforced repatriation.

    Whiter than white.

  10. 3 hours ago, Pdaz said:

    Britain is awash with foreign former dictators, corrupt officials, dodgy politicians, activists, commies and criminals. Blame the EU and it's stupid human rights for providing a safe haven for murderers and crooks.. All cost the tax payer millions in legal aid and benefits.

    Deport them all.

    Blame the eu!!!


    Ye gods..it gets better by the day.

    From the country that gave pinochet a knighthood  and called mandela a terrorist ( both thatcher )

    Britain has been awash with scumbags from well before the eu.

  11. On Friday, June 02, 2017 at 2:52 PM, anto said:

    >> and far from households that have chickens. <<


    or dogs .A lot of Thai people seem to have a herd of dogs not just one .

    A lot of thai people seem to have a herd of dogs!!!!!

    I know at least 100 thai people not one of whom has a dog

    Ridiculous assertion with no empirical evidence whatsoever.

  12. On Thursday, June 01, 2017 at 9:51 AM, OneZero said:

    In Thailand you may lose your deposit anyway.


    There is a standard term used throughout the world

    Caveat emptor...google it

    You might lose your deposit ANYWHERE in the world


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