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Posts posted by Fulwell53

  1. 15 hours ago, howbri said:

    This man has no business leading hundred of millions of Catholics OR Christians. He's a fraud. He knows less about the bible, the true word of God, than a 2nd grader.

    Fail to see how anyone could come to such a conclusion.

    His early career as a parish priest in some of the worlds poorest communities is well documented.

    He organised food, shelter and education for literally thousands. That is the work we expect from priests. He was very much at the pointy end.

    He is the figurehead of a very influential organisation with millions of adherents who hang on his every word.

    He has an opinion and people want to hear it.

    Because what he says doesnt resonate with some that doesnt mean he doesnt or shouldnt have the right to express them.

    Donald trump offends me when he appears even before he utters.

    Happy to ridicule and disagree with his every word but i respect his right to spout the bilge he comes out with.

    It's called democracy.

  2. 9 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    No it does not. Thailand attracts males who are predisposed to early death. Consider the demographics of  many of these alleged suspicious deaths;

    - A history of smoking, alcohol and recreational drug use.

    - Pre-existing  medical conditions such as heart disease, renal failure, pulmonary disease etc.

    - Pre-existing mental illness

    - Predisposition to dangerous behaviours such as criminality (e.g. drunk driving, fighting)


    Thailand is a  location that attracts people who  occupy the population segment that is already at a high risk of an early death. If these people remained in their home countries, they would be  reflected in the suicide and death by misadventure stats there. 


    In plain language don't blame Thailand because some guy with blocked arteries has a heart attack at the beach, or an alcoholic finally succumbs to cirrhosis, or a violent  foreigner who lived on the edge of society pushed it too far, or a mentally ill man jumps off a balcony etc. There are indeed some cases where foreigners are murdered, however, the vast majority, the overwhelming number of foreign deaths are due to the behaviour and the lifestyle of the foreigner.  How many times must it be said that foreigners should not rent jet skis, bungee jump, parasail at the beach or rent motorbikes if they have no driving experience on a motorbike or in the developing world? And yet they do. These people must take responsibility for their own stupidity. It is easier to stay alive in Thailand if one uses common sense and acts responsibly. Behave like a clueless adolescent and you get splattered.



    Good post.

  3. On 01/31/2017 at 11:30 AM, Phuketboy said:

    What happened to the days of a disagreement, punch up and then both shaking hands and having a beer together?  Now everyone needs to use weapons, in this case a bottle and fight in groups like the Thai's etc.  Society gone mad.  

    Yes and fair maidens would drop a handkerchief to denote battle should commence. Afterwards a harvest festival feast would be put on and we'd dance round the maypole to finish.

  4. 20 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    You can think of what scenarios you like..

    however the post states that witnesses on the beach realised that he was in a drunken condition, advise him not to go into the water, but he ignored the warnings a did just that. Losing his life by drowning.

    Why you would wish to dream up some other concocted story about being beaten up, robbed & thrown into the water to satisfy your own fantasy world I really don't understand ?

    A well balanced and thought out post.

    However at the same time a somewhat rhetorical question tbf.

    The usual ' hate everything thai but still live here' mob spend their every waking minute concocting ways to demonise the people and institutions of the country they have CHOSEN to reside in.

    They want 24 carat public institutions and infrastructure that they never had where they came from and which they refuse to pay for or contribute to while here.

    It's the eqivalent of a starving vagrant being offered a safe warm room and a hot meal telling the house owner their house is poorly furnished and their food tastes crap.

    I Would deport every last one of the wrinkly ingrates.

    Dont like it...ok do one!

  5. On 04/13/2017 at 8:37 AM, selftaopath said:

    Oh how I agree jaltsc. This country is full of enablers. Parenting skills are appallingly lacking. Parents seem to not understand how to say NO to their children. Seems like kids her are given authority over parents. I'll never understand this. Oh and permissive parenting is the least respected amongst grown children. But again I wonder about Thai women. They raise males and then bitch about lazy Thai men. Wellllllllllllllllll who allowed this to develop. I point mainly to Thai women b/c many/most Thai men take off when the woman gets pregnant... at least around here (Isaan) they do. 

    And another thai hater.

    You seriously think serious widespread abuse of seniors by offspring doesnt occur in the west???

    The incidence of ripping parents off for every last penny, physical abuse is at catastrophic levels.

    But hey from your grumpy fugue like existence you are claiming that thai upbringing generally is responsible for this event.

    You need banning.

    You are profiling based on nothing but persoanl prejudice and a horribly hate filled sad life

  6. On 04/13/2017 at 0:05 PM, steveyinasia said:

    The sad fact is that many Thai people believe it is OK to drink and drive, this may be due to the ineffective fines and police prosecution of offenders.  Of course the solution is simple yet it will never happen.

    Thank god drunk driving never occurs in the west.

    IIF you feel so unsafe you have a simple solution other than bleating on social media

  7. On 04/09/2017 at 8:25 AM, graemeaylward said:

    As medicine and the ability to save lives improves, more people seek medical help! I spent 36 hours on a trolley in a waiting area/corridor in Khon Kaen following a suspected heart attack. Despite this, the medical team were first class even though they were under considerable pressure. When I was moved to a bed in a ward there were 16 beds in a bay designed for 10! Being the main hospital for the Province, they have no option but to accept patients when they arrive. The staff are amazing, and despite the overcrowding, both for inpatients and outpatients, the system works! It may not be up to Western standards, but don't knock it until you've tried it! I have nothing but praise for this hospital where the staff work under considerable pressure.

    Sent from my Lenovo A3000-H using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    At last ! A decent post from someone with a bit of understanding and reality.

    Well done mate

  8. On 04/15/2015 at 6:54 PM, Costas2008 said:

    I love listening to you, saint and super driver, that never disobey the rules in Thailand.

    Try to read the article properly, the guy was cut off by the motorbike when the policeman made a u-turn at the spot suddenly, cutting into his way and making it impossible for him to stop his car in time.

    Ask yourself, what would you have done in a situation like this?

    So stop, trying to be clever and think before you post nonsense.

    Love a post top heavy with delicious irony

  9. On 04/08/2017 at 7:21 PM, A1Str8 said:

    And why do they have to raise funds??? There are these misguided little things in the country that got rich by taking from others. Time to give back! 

    Its all relative though.

    Every developed country in the world wishes it had more money to pump into its health system and hospitals however citizens and businesses dont want to pay more taxes or go without other state provided services.

    Countries like australia and the uk are seeing their wonderful health systems going down the pan and private health funds getting hand outs to take the slack.

    Meanwhile defence expenditure is increasing exponentially on items that are never used or are failures eg Oz submarine projects.

    The old groaners on here live in thailand because its cheap. They dont want to pay tax but they expect efficient police, health and other public services.

    Sorry wrinklies and by the way the tooth fairy and santa arent real either

  10. Do some of you thai haters seriously think that hospitals in your beloved home countries ( where it seems most of you would be e better off returning to ) dont suffer from overcrowding and treating outside of normal hospital environment.

    Check out the usa for health care if you dont have health insurance.

    But hey why waste another opportunity to insult the people who allow you to stay in THEIR country?

  11. 8 hours ago, thedemon said:

    As I recall, the evidence against him was overwhelming and he would surely have been advised that pleading not guilty will likely double the sentence. Well in this case the death penalty instead of life imprisonment.


    The guy must be a genuine psychopath.

    Going by many of the replies his guilt is made worse by the fact he has tattoos and maybe, just maybe a thai national was involved .

    Whatever country these despicable acts took place in is irrelevant. The guilty party needs locking away for a long long time.

    People need to stop making this all about the thai justicr system, thai police force, alleged thai traits and all the other thai bashing hogwash that the usual suspects keep churning out.

    Beats me why all these moaners left their countries if thailand is so bad.

    Sad old gits. 

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