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Posts posted by Fulwell53

  1. 8 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    I was just about to say the same... monkey see, monkey do.


    The are irresponsible children that think they can do what they want, posting on instagram and fateboo. Boss Red Bull does exactly the same.


    The sign of the mentally ill sociopath. 


    Their military gives themselves immunity for overthrowing elected governments, does what they want, acts with impunity, does exactly the same if not worse of what the previous administration did and  tells people not to talk about it 'or else!'


    Where do you think they learn this stuff? They think they can commit crime and get away with it with impunity if they have money. It is a culture of irresponsibility that is promoted from the very top all the way down. 


    And the cycle continues. 


  2. 15 hours ago, Chris Lawrence said:

    Where is the funding coming from? Does it include some of the already allocated spending such as the 8.5 billion baht the mad monk approved for police stations?


    Internet money spent on ways to prevent illicit communications?


    I am sitting here thinking why are my comments negative when I read articles like this. They really give no information on the how, why and what is actually to be done. On this basis it is hard not to be critical under current conditions.

    For many on here being critical of everything thai is as natural as breathing.

    Govt's all over the developed world are involved in cover up ,  subterfuge etc etc.

    The recent release of 1000's of pages of documents detailing tax criminals hiding their money with the full knowledge and understanding of govts typifies this.

    Google, amazon et al paying a fraction of the tax other companies and worse individuals have to pay and all under the nose of compliant western governments 

    But oh no this pithy little affair for some is meat and drink in their on going hatred of everything their host country has to offer.

    No wonder so many thais look on us with disdain.

    We move to their country, live like lords on our western wealth and in return for this many expats sneer and denigrate incessantly. Blatant disrespect shown to one'' s host.

    Do you think the usa would let a pension age brit or aussie move there with no real savings or insurance? Try telling the yanks their country stinks and is rotten to the core while living there as a retiree.

    Some people need to take a long hard look at what is really wrong in their life and stop blaming erroneous external factors 


  3. On Thursday, June 01, 2017 at 0:08 PM, stevenl said:

    The middle of the day is not really busy, so not a bad time.

    Totally agree with you but for many

    Anything thailand officials decide to do is

    Self serving



    Insert your own insult towards all things thai.

    A lot on here conveniently forget traffic congestion back in good old back home.

    Roadworks, cones etc etc are a permanent feature 24/7 in major cities all over the world..but when it happens in thailand it takes on a whole new sinister meaning for many on here.

  4. 9 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

    Woman’s body found in Chon Buri dyke reservoir


    Says to me another local murder, but is it not just another road death may be due to a real accident


    reporters back to school time or banned from writing another report until they learn how to tell the truth.


    Reports like this make the place look even worse than it is

    So its ok to make or come to sinister conclusions based on nothing but disdain for all things thai yet fling accusations at others for being unable to' tell the truth '?????

    Irony overload

  5. 7 hours ago, phil2407 said:

    If you can live with 1 kidney and 1/3 of your liver (as it regenerates)  why not sell? - it's your body your choice - not sure why illegal? Not for me but for some? 

    I'm dumbfounded by that post!

    People living on fresh air charmed by some snake oil salesmen to flog a kidney so that some fat westerner can carry on a life of excess.

    Regardless of which medical school a doctor graduates from the removal of a perfectly healthy organ is a monstrous complex decision and procedure.

    Lying down in some hut with a roof made from banana leaves, while a struck off doctor ( more probably a barely qualified paramedic ) cuts out the organ can never be justified.

    These donors are desperate but some modern day spruiker believes cash is ok and absolves all concerns.

    Unless the organ is for a very ill person and the procedure is being carried out in a fully equipped and manned surgery with highly qualified personnel and the donor fully appraised of the consequences then it shouldnt even be considered.

    The choice is not simply down to the individual. It requires several others in the chain.


  6. On Thursday, May 25, 2017 at 8:15 PM, impulse said:



    The plot thickens...


    Next, we're going to hear how many were stolen from their Thai owners living abroad (members of families that own super car dealerships?), who were fully compensated by their insurance companies.  (Or maybe not...)  This could get good.


    Britain is one of the world hubs for stealing and exporting high end motor vehicles.

    In 1999 it was worth 2bn a year.

    Despite interpol, europol and scotland yard et al the trade still flourishes.

    But hey lets blame thailand for this whole sorry state of affairs.

    Thailand crims and corrupt officials are little league compared to whaat goes on in the uk.


  7. 3 hours ago, gamini said:

    If you have good Thai friends they can always inform you about which government hospitals have the best doctors and who they are. I am elderly and have a lot of different medical problems.  I go to 3 different government hospitals where I get first class treatment at a very reasonable price. The best doctor I've ever experienced in my life is a radiologist at a government hospital with all the latest equipment. I sea a marvellous orthopaedic doctor at an army hospital. I see two different doctors at a small provincial hospital.I see a very good cardiologist at his clinic. My medical expenses including a heart operation and many other smaller operations have costed far less in total than medical insurance.  It is just a question of doing a bit of research. Also I am friendly with all my doctors and I told them that I have no insurance and very limited funds and they are very sympathetic. Unfortunately it seems that most expats base their experience on the very expensive private hospitals. Some don't even bother to request a specific doctor, in which case the hospital assigns you probably the most unpopular and incompetent. Added to this, medicine is probably the cheapest of anywhere. You simply go to one of the Chinese pharmacies in Bangkok which are all much much cheaper than any chemist.

    Great post however it will upset those who want to find fault with all things thai.


  8. 12 hours ago, ezzra said:

    The rat has spoken, with all his traitory betrayal and deceit of his motherland, 

    what did he gained out of it? what has changed, very, very little if anything

    at all, now he's a  pariah and a outcast for ever and ever as well  to his hosts

    who wouldn't trust a rat, once a rat, always a rat...


    He is or was hounded for telling the truth about how individual privacy and freedom have been massively eroded by the govt in tandem with the new world order of IT conglomerates.

    More uncomfortable truths that the biggest bully in the school yard could not cope with.

    Govts talk about transparency and enact whistleblowing legislation etc  but the reality is they are massive hypocrites.

    If your viewpoint was the prevailing one the us would never have got independence from gb.

  9. 5 hours ago, harleyclarkey said:

    China gave birth and nurtured the lunatic despot Kim Jong dynasties. They kept them and therefore  N Korea alive.


    It should be their problem but then they are too busy colonising Africa, parts of S America and illegally grabbing to militarise all of the South China Seas to be bothered. 

    They have read their history books and learnt well from great Britain.

  10. Literacy standards are appalling these days.

    Were it not for spellcheck software you wouldnt get a coherent written sentence out of many.

    The english language is getting mangled as each day passes.

    What passes for computer literacy is checking out a facebook page, watching a streamed movie or kardashian caper.

    I'm expecting to see more people getting mown down as they walk off curbs into traffic gawping at their smartphone.

    Far too many people are indulging their offspring with gadgets to conceal their poor parenting skills and laziness.

    Seeing kids being ridiculed because their parents wont or cant afford to buy the latest i phone or samsung..a new cyber underclass.

    Maybe the walking dead is not so far fetched

  11. Most jobs ( even in good old back home )  require you to undergo a probationary 3 month period.

    All that means is that at the end they tell if you are cutting the mustard or not.

    Regardless your notice period usually aligns with frequency of salary payment.

    There can be specific clause inclusions to override standard employment contract provisions but they need to be agreed between the parties before commencement of contract.

    Nothing to  see here move along 

  12. 1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


    The outsource provider may well have had to bid based on "buying" the business i.e. actually paying the government. They then seek to make this pay by screwing the customers with charges (often ones that seem high) and reducing operating costs to the lowest possible, usually including restricted service and offshoring to the lowest cost location possible.


    As an example, if I email a certain international banks email "help" desk I get drivel replies from an offshore location and rarely get the issue resolved. If I telephone the UK based phone help line I usually get the issue resolved their and then.


    Nothing to do with real customer service but some genius will produce KPI's that show what a great job they're doing. Even in the face of massive complaints.

    Thats the good old back home best in the world new age govts for you.

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