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Posts posted by Fulwell53

  1. 43 minutes ago, bsdthai said:

    Maybe he was sucked in by the tat advetising but couldnt deal with the reality when he arrived....

    Always feel very sad for someone who takes this final step.The mental torture must be unreal. Poor fellah.

    Some sit on social media all day and bleat about how things are so bad.

    This poor soul took an alternative route.

    If I was somewhere that was so bad I'd move but then again many do not possess any real intestinal fortitude or backbone.

    Must be awful succumbing to such weakness of character. 

    Thankfully the majority just get on and make the best of things


  2. 1 minute ago, steven100 said:

    it must be so miserable for alot of farang living here ....   especially when they turn every piece of news on Thailand around ....  all they see is bad ...  instead of good ..


    sad .... 

    Yes it has me utterly baffled.

    Reminds me of the marvin the paranoid android character from the wonderful hitchhikers guide series.

  3. 1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

    Fair play to him. It shows how progressive Ireland has become. Can you imagine the drama in America if a young, gay son of an immigrant were poised to become president? The racists, bigots and bible bashing nutters would be crawling out of the woodwork, screaming blue murder, showing how far behind and out of touch with the world they have become.

    Nice post.

    This will bring the fogies out 

  4. 5 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

    What bugs me the most is that this spoiled brat's family have no intention of making him face the charges. They must know where he is - if in doubt, follow the F1 venues. And a second bug is that the police continue to delay any action to have him extradited - they're just as bad as his family who probably paid a fortune to bury any action against him.


    While I appreciate that's how it is in Thailand, seems to me that no-one involved in this case (apart from the Attorney General) has any moral compass.  

    Whether the brat was from thailand or usa etc, spoilt brats are indulged by spoilt parents. Parents will do anything to protect their kids.

    Money buys you' justice ' everywhere in the world.

    OJ simpson, phil spectre etc etc 

    I realise it suits your agenda to pin this uncomfortable truth wholly on thailand but get over it and open your mind.

    Learn to be happy and embrace the ways of the gracious people who are letting you stay in their country.

  5. 2 hours ago, tracker1 said:

    From previous accounts of teacher student runins seems to me to be Double Standards but again this is Thailand where farangs are easy targets !

    Oh so because it is Thailand it is the fault of the country and its people, that an incompetent bullying oxygen thief from the west  has assaulted a child and so he shpuld be given some leeway.

    Priceless logic.

  6. 3 hours ago, Suttisan said:

    I worked in a government school about 12 years ago, the Thai teachers were always smacking the kids. This guy lost his cool because he thinks being a teacher in a thai government school is something to be taken seriously. You pay peanuts you get monkeys, I'd also be surprised if any foreign teachers in these thai schools have degrees in English or education (no one did when I was doing it), why would anyone spend 4 years studying and work for 35,000 thb per month? I think we can all agree that sort of money just isn't worth it, not to mention the fact that the thai teachers don't like you because the reason you're there is because their English is worse than tarts. 

    'Their English is worse than tarts'


    The irony

  7. 4 hours ago, jaltsc said:

    "The foreign teacher at the center of an online furor after he attacked a P5 student during an English class has wai-ed the child and his mother in apology."


    They keep telling foreigners to learn the "Thai Way" to behave. Now that someone has followed that advice and is acting in the traditional Thai manner for treating students, they want to kick him out of the country. Go figure. 

    Adults assaulting children ....regular occurrence in the west.

    Not surprised the thais are horrified.

    They let these underqualified no hopers redeem themselves and this is what they get in return.

    Thailand really needs to closely look at the westerners it lets in.

    Very very shady a lot of them.

    The vast majority I have encountered in different locales around thailand have me bewildered that they have a passport.

    Awful awful people 

  8. 1 hour ago, Foozool said:

    It could be still in good shape.

    you never know. 

    Lets hope. 


    Exactly....however because thais are involved some feel the need to confidently predict negative outcomes based on nothing more than their hatred for thais.

    It's disgraceful and in mine and my expat acquaintences totally unwarranted.

    Then again we are normally adjusted mature people  who feel no need to have a downer on their surroundings and life in general.

    Maybe this what happens when you can no longer 'perform'.

  9. 8 hours ago, Moti24 said:

    "The road itself was only a temporary installation following a similar situation in October of last year. It is expected repairs will be complete in 3 days. "


    If they had done the job properly last year, it wouldn't have collapsed this year.  This "Mai bpen rai" attitude will be Thailand's downfall.  About time they took life seriously, and gave the population a better chance of survival.  

    There are towns all over the uk and europe that suffer flood damage very year man.

    But its only a problem in thailand for some


  10. 11 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    I would expect the Supreme Court to defer to the President, on terms of presidential authority and national security, if they decide to hear the case.


    They certainly did in 1944 (Korematsu v. United States). Expecting the Supreme Court to be ahead of any curve is probably not assured (Dred Scott v. Sandford; Plessy v. Ferguson).


    That said, the 4th Circuit is generally viewed as the most conservative in the U.S., and 10:4 is a tough hurdle.



    More fool the supreme court if they defer to anything promulgated by that madman.

  11. 2 hours ago, fantom said:

    Just what on earth are the army doing out of their barracks at 02.30 raiding civilian venues, surely they have better things to do like catching up with their beauty sleep so they are ready to defend the country from enemies with their new chinese tanks.

    In the past the british govt has regularly called upon the army to supplement police resources.

    But hey that is good old back home so therefore irrepproachable.

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