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Posts posted by Fulwell53

  1. 9 hours ago, saakura said:

    This is looting, plain & simple. And a windfall for the outsourced company, who may just set up a back office in India or someplace to answer the mails.

    But but this cant be. Good old back home best in the world honest uk govt contracting out their dirty work and ripping off citizens ( current and future).

    I thought there was only one govt in the world that could act so despicably.

    You know the one with corrupt cops and govt workers, bullies, cowards, drunks etc  for citizens.

    I'm stunned

  2. 4 minutes ago, Suradit69 said:

    You can take the expat out of the nanny state, but you can't take the nanny state (mentality) out of the expat.

    Nail firmly hit on head.

    Too many expect in thailand ( and other expat developing world haunts ) that it should be exactly as it was in good old back home.

    It isnt and I sincerely hope it doesnt happen.

    Oz, the UK, the usa wont and never will allow superannuated teenagers with modest incomes, modest assets and little in the way of health insurance to move there and live.

    Sure things could be better in LoS but by and large a good life can be had at a fraction of what it costs in good old back home.

    Instead of bad mouthing our hosts we need to start showing them a bit more respect or else before we all know it the only places that will be interested in taking us over the hill wrinklies will be the likes of chechnya and mogadishu

  3. 14 hours ago, robblok said:

    Just showing people what a strange guy you are.. you see one incident in Thailand about a movie director misusing his status and call Thailand hub of liars while a far larger case of TV figures who abused kids has plagued your own country.  Not slagging off anyone just showing that your a bit bias / hypocrite. 


    I have yet to see you say anything nice about Thailand.


    What this guy did was repulsive.. but it is not a Thai thing or Thai related like you make it out to be.

    He's hardly part of a small club is he?

    You could lay that accusation at many on here unfortunately.

  4. 49 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

    It seems of late voters everywhere are having to make a choice, less from whom they like, and more from whom they dislike the least.

    Very stark times we live in.

    The likes of blair have tainted labour for ever and a day. Bill Clinton pretty much a clone of same in usa.

    What amazes me in the past few years is the growth of massive corporations who are getting away with massive tax avoidance/evasion and governments arent doing a thing about it regardless of their persuasion.

    Thankfully the longer trump is in power the more corbyn starts to look an attractive proposition

  5. 11 hours ago, Lamkyong said:

    so many derelict  and empty units   ? reason being overloaded market   and Thais like new,

    rental same old  new  its a  ooooo look what i have got   we are so rich   maybe i will buy a new truck to sit outside  for everyone to look at with envy

    Oh so liking new things over old and flaunting one's comparative wealth is now a trait of thais only.

    Show offs, keeping up with the jones etc have been meat and drink in the west for eons man.


  6. 9 hours ago, YetAnother said:

    i fail to understand this practice here; crimes are violations of the overall criminal code; they are violations of a society's rules; they are violations against all of us; dropping that case because the parties agreed on money ?!

    Plenty of people in the west get bought off . Not suggesting its right whatever but again jumping to conclusions in order to have a thai bash and infer these things are peculiar to thailand is just plain wrong.

  7. 3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    The protest had zilch to do with opposing free speech, safe zones, or liberal professors.


    Instead, the protest was a form of free speech in the sense it was a free protest shown in action.


    It was motivated by two major political issues which Pence represents:


    Pence is the most anti-gay civil rights V.P. in American history (and the way things are going he is heading towards the presidency now).


    I will qualify that by acknowledging that the very concept of gay civil rights is a relatively modern concept so further in the past presidents and vice presidents didn't even have a public policy on such issues. 


    The trump-Pence position on immigration. The Muslim thing and also that fact the trump promised to focus on deporting illegals with serious criminal records ("bad hombres") but the reality is turning out to be much much different and much much more extremist ... a very high percentage of those being deported now either have no criminal record or very minor violations. 


    The protesters had no intention to and did not stop the speech. The walkout was simply a protest of Pence's policies and freedom of protest is something that decent Americans of all political flavors highly value. 

    Aye right oh

  8. 21 hours ago, bbi1 said:

    Are you really sure that double pricing for foreigners isn't still around? Has things changed as they were notorious in the past for double pricing just like lots of other places.


    Agreed. Not bad to check out if you're a tourist or maybe go every 5 years or so just for a day out but it's nowhere near the same standard as the Aussie Deamworld.

    That would be aussie dreamworld where 4 patrons were tragically killed due to faulty equipment and maintenace and had to close for 2 months while the mess was cleared up.

    Nowhere near the same standard, you are correct.

    PLus when open about 4 or 5 times the price at least.

  9. 20 hours ago, steven100 said:

    I don't care what you say ...   would you rather thailand go back to the way it was before ?   protests ... blockages ... killings ... instability ....   should I go on ...

    To many keyboard farang just whinge ... whinge ...  but still choose to stay in Thailand ... when are farang going to understand that democracy does not work here .... there are too many who want power and fights break out ....

    but i respect your opinion .... I'm just being honest and how it really is here ...

    Well said my friend.

    You are absolutely spot on.

    Why stay if it is so bad?

    It has me baffled

  10. On 05/21/2017 at 8:06 AM, wakeupplease said:

    something very strange about this photo


    drop shadow on her face


    Guy walking in front drop shadow of rolled up paper is too long and against the wall oppersite to


    second guy walking, shadow towards you of feet and legs


    Flash in local day light no way


    Photoshop then and that is my favorite program, where even i can change your sex


    See if you can find more as I see two more?

    Are you mulder or scully?

  11. I reckon if the numbers deteriorate any more he will refuse to renominate for a new term and tweet out some ill advised mealy mouthed missive that he wants to spend more time with his family and get his business back into shape.

    His out of control ego wont allow him to get to the point where everyone is out to sabotage him.

    As each day passes he is disenchanting the entire republican party.

    Makes one hanker after j edgar hoover

  12. Gee these thai women must be rubbing their hands together at the glittering male expat prizes that may be heading their way.

    Balding, halitosis, overweight, viagra gluttons, who pin more medals on themselves than a tin pot dictator in a banana republic. That he may be impecunious will have them salivating like rabid dogs

    Put a few quid in their pocket and lo and behold "brad pitt".

    Cute young thing then righly and inevitably gets fed up with her past it  mr blobby and decides to bin him ( deservedly so) and the pushed away penshioner goes bleating how about how unfair and calculating thai women are.

    And rinse and repeat.

    The last of of the summer whine.

  13. 5 hours ago, steven100 said:

    you really think it's that simple ...  just get the local police to fix it all ....   your dreaming ...  this is alot harder than that .....   '  oh yeah mr policeman, we'll come down and chat and give the money back '

    sorry ... but that's just unrealistic ...

    The old saying ( paraphrased )

    Nothing is easier to separate than a fool from his money

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  14. 9 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

    Again fortifies my thinking never buy nothin here. The lawyer leeches come crawling out of the woodwork and make money everyone else looses. 

    Ye gods it didnt take long before the thread descended into thai bashing

    Surprise surprise a condo development fails before completion and people lose deposits.

    Again the usual suspects would have us believe unscrupulous developers and dodgy developments happen only in thailand.

    They are commonplace in the us, uk, oz in fact all over the west.

    You are always taking a risk with such investments.

    Why turn these instances into thai bashing exercises.





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