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Posts posted by Fulwell53

  1. 1 hour ago, Bob12345 said:

    This is Thailand, nobody is responsible for anything.


    How often I have seen stuff coming off trucks and flying out of the back of pickup trucks... And nobody cares.

    Or how often have I seen pieces of tires and boxes lying on the extra lane of the highway where motorbikes are supposed to drive... nobody cares.


    Till it goes wrong of course, then the family of the deceased cares but nobody else.

    How often.... probably once but still enough to make you believe that it happens all the time everywherr in thailand and no where else on earth.

  2. 2 hours ago, tomwct said:

    I'm proud to be an American and a President Trump supporter. On Obama's first trip abroad, he made an apology tour starting in Egypt and he personally invited The Muslim Brotherhood, which is a terrorist organization and supporter of Hamas. As we know, Egypt was turned upside down and The Muslim Brotherhood took over and then the Army had to retake Egypt from the Terrorist Group a year later. No apologies or excuses this trip. President Trump will tell it like it is. It's good to see that we have a President that has a backbone.

    Go President Trump.

    'Trump tells it like it is'

    OOh please stop me sides are splitting


    SSelling arms to the saudis is the commercial equivalent ( in terms of difficulty and complexity ) of selling a bag of premium drugs to a strung out junky with pockets full of cash.

    Saudi and kuwait rely upon and need the usa to keep the barbarians from the gate. Spend some of their billions on war toys they neither need nor have the technical know how to use and this appeases us interests.

    Simple quid pro quo with the emphasis on 'quid'.

    Any who believes trump deserves kudos or whatever from this still believes in the tooth fairy.

    My god I would have loved to have seen trump take on j edgar hoover.

    What a blood bath that would have been .

    The big fat hairpiece would be in bits.

  3. 50 minutes ago, colinneil said:

    In a lot of these cases the parents are to blame.

    Ok shoot me down, but remember in a lot of cases parents actually sell their daughters.

    When i was building a house in the Buriram area, a husband and wife team were working on the site.

    One day a young girl came on site, bags in hand, and asked her father for money for the bus.

    Her father went to my ex and asked for a sub, so his daughter could get the bus.

    When i enquired about it, i was told she had been sold to a bar in Pattaya.

    When i said she is only 15/16 i was told parents are poor and need the money.

    So based on one instance ( I'm sure not embellished ) you have empirical irrefutable evidence that parents are to blame.


  4. 20 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    What staggers me is that an amazingly high, 38% still seem to think he is doing a good job. Talk about delusional.

    Never underestimate the amount of rednecks, knuckledraggers and nationalist nut jobs in any electorate.  Where you have have an electorate in which the gun lobby has so much power this compounds things. When his marriage starts visibly falling apart the press are really going to have some fan with this ego bloated whacko and his henchmen.

  5. 2 hours ago, Adeeos said:

    I have no sympathy for most all Thai, "men",, They all seem to have this un-deserved arrogance, a chip on their shoulders, as if they are a, "superior breed",, I do know quite a few that I completely respect, and am good friends with, that DON'T think that way,, and they ALL have 1 single thing in common,,, they were ALL educated in a "western" country,, The UK, Australia  or the USA, etc.... Thailand always seems to have the attitude of,, "Welcome to Thailand, please spend your money and go home"...  I once got into a discussion, that turned somewhat heated, with a mid 30's Thai male, that was over and over, seemingly TRYING to incite a argument with the other Farlang's sitting around,, Over and over spouting along the lines of,, "We've NEVER been invaded, We've NEVER been colonized",, on and on,,, very proud of that fact.... I bit my lip for most of it,, figured it/He, wasn't really worth a response, Finally, I'd heard enough,, after a few more beers, and after he AGAIN stated,, "We've never been invaded or colonized",,, I simply said,, "Because you don't have anything, anyone wants, No oil, No minerals, no natural resources, no manufacturing, no skilled reliable workforce, Nothing anyone want's,, OTHER than pu$3y,, and you have THAT in spades, LOTS of single mothers",, The silence was deafening,,, The look on his face, was epic,, The party of all of us went our own ways pretty much right after that,,,, Considering the vast numbers of Thai women that are single mother's, from a Thai "man" getting them pregnant, and then saying,, "Give "it" to your Mother" and then going on to the next girl, to repeat the process,,, So where their attitude of being , "superior" comes from,, I'll never understand really... Maybe because they've never been colonized or invaded,,,,

    Did you talk to him the same way that you type?

    No wonder the look on his face was 'epic'.

    Or does epic mean totally bewildered by what you were going on about.

    Quite frankly if you were in my country  making gross, baseless and racist comments about my fellow citizens I would do my utmost to have you arrested for racial incitement and vilification.

    Put a few bob in a yob's pocket doesnt alter the fact he is an ignorant imbecile....dont you think?


  6. 13 hours ago, chrischop said:

    Because like before when I was married to the <deleted> she would send money to its family I started building a house and her brother used place as a garage reason why we split as she put it her family number 1 basically do what they like me I'm number 2 don't get no say only be a cash machine she is expecting me send 5000 baht a week never gonna happen think 150 baht a day will be sufficient I'm sure the number 1 family will take care of him

    My eyes were bleeding trying to read and understand that.

    I assume english is not your first language.

    Why do you believe that 4500 per month is sufficient to look after a baby and mother when 300 thb per day is seen as minimum daily wage?

    That you believe that in any case the family will take care is an appalling dereliction of moral duty, and paints you clearly as someone incapable of living up to your responsibility for your actions and family.

    Its not the child' s fault his parents dont get along, and that his father is a self centred tightwad.

    Shame on you.


  7. 6 hours ago, bamukloy said:

    I can understand Thai police assume that Thais can die like this, as most cannot swim and would panic when in water.


    But come on, this is an adult and German and it is in a few feet of water?

    Tell me she collapsed in heart attack or whatever but please dont tell me she fell in and drowned.

     Theres gotta be more to this

    So many gross generalizations

    Thais arent adult

    Thais cannot swim

    They panic in water


    All germans can swim

    All germans are adults

    Germans dont panic

    Westerners ( or germans) cant die in a 'few feet of water'

    Old western people are incapable of falling over and drowning.


    The major inference being if she didnt have a heart attack because it happened in thailand  it must be foul play.

    Agatha Christie, Conan Doyle, Ian Rankin,Et al....your legacy is safe

  8. On 05/14/2017 at 11:16 PM, ericthai said:

    Dont stop there!!    "a hip hop the hippie to the hippie
    The hip hip a hop, a you don't stop rockin' to the bang bang boogie
    say jump up the boogie to the rhythm of the boogie the beat"    


    Some of you guys will get this. Other will be too young or too old. 

    Eat your heart out shakespeare

  9. 9 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

    So the UN backed troops attacked the LNA killing over 100 in the attack including those summarily executed by shots to the head.

    Well done to the UN. Another feather in your cap.

    The quicker this bloated and totally incompetent organisation is closed down forever, the better.

    The only people to benefit from this disgusting organisation are the bloated fat cats whose only positive contribution anywhere is hand wringing for the cameras.

    The rest of the seemingly "good" that this bunch of incompetents does can be handled much better by NGO's that don't have their hands in other peoples pockets.

    The UN are at best toothless tigers and any of 5 countries can veto anything because the UN is basically a political entity.

    When they do interfere, they cause mayhem as this last UN massacre testifies.


    Gaddafi is going to seem like gandhi in 25 years time.

    What an utter circus that part of the world is

  10. 37 minutes ago, Kabula said:

    It's all about financial security here for the wife and her family.


    Most Thai women will say, "nobody cares."


    For this reason most marriages here fail as in the rest of the world.


     It's a disposable society and the elderly suffer the most. 

    Most thai women.

    oh great we have both an expert and a statistician.

  11. On 05/18/2017 at 9:27 AM, robblok said:

    The western guys here are in a position of power..and like everyone else they misuse this power. (not everyone of course). If they have protected their assets well its virtually impossible for the Thai wife to get anything. So its cheap.. and easy to get a younger hotter model.


    In the West they would have to pay more.. and of course its looked down upon if you just replace your wife because she is old.


    But not all guys are like that just like not all Thai woman are money grabbers. 

    Nice post..respectful and chock full of commonsense. It eont go down well

  12. 2 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

    I expect, most likely, Persian looks and sounds Arabic to a Thai.....

    He would look and sound arabic to anyone not from an arab state or iran.

    Why is there a need to taint thais in this thread?

    Could you tell the difference between a russian and eg a pole or a czech. Maybe a southern irish person from an ulster person?



  13. 23 minutes ago, kingstonkid said:

    The problem is not with the teachers as much as it is with the system that teaches them.  They are taught a crap load of stuff and theory but no real experience teaching under a teacher mentor that has the proper training them self.


    There is a solution but it is going to take time and Thai society as much as the rest of the world only wants to see quick fixes that are immediate and only band aids on the issues.


    My solution is that teachers be trained properly.


    First rank all the schools in the country.

    The year before they finish have them go to the schools and observe teachers 

    Come back and give a presentation or report in detail of what they saw and what they learned..

    Then take the final year teachers and send them to those schools paired with a good teacher for a term.  

    Have them teach the class under that teachers guidance.



    Yes it really is as simple as that.

    Comparing Singapore with Thailand is really comparing apples with apples.

    Love it when you can see research, thought, marshalling of facts have been thoroughly applied.

    Well done.

    That is the singapore where opposition parties barely and have never existed?

    Where lee kwan yiew's family still maintain an iron grip.


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