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Posts posted by Fulwell53

  1. Just now, TunnelRat69 said:

    Cut my kids hair, and I will see you after school with my buck knife to give you a haircut.........in North Loosiana, Choctaw for haircut 'Pashi Indi' basically means scalping, to forcibly get your hair scalped is a most cruel form of punishment,and usually banishment follows.

    Love a' I'm big nasty piece of work vigilante if provoked' post.

    My knees are trembling

  2. 1 minute ago, spiderorchid said:

    You can probably buy underage sex everywhere also. But there is no need to accept this as being normal or acceptable.

    Most people are enraged and entitled to be enraged about child sex trafficking, no matter where on earth it occurs.

    To just accept it as being somehow normal, not worthy of being hunted down and finished as a business shows just how morally inept some people are.

    I am not and never would imply its normal or acceptable.

    I am trying to point out and repudiate the misconception that this act is something that is part and parcel of the thai psyche.

    You know this is true.

    I am a big defender of thailand and uts people.

    I also a big defender of human rights.

    Read any of my posts.

    I have been banned several times for trying to defend the integrity of thai people so dont lay this ridiculous accusation on me.

  3. 1 hour ago, phantomfiddler said:

    Who amongst us has NOT bought sex ? Let,s not be hypocritical now, and the rest of the money we waste !

    So if you paid for sex with someone who had little option but to accept the offer that makes this whole tragic story acceptable???

    I truly am astonished when I read some posts on this site.

    The apathy, disregard and disrespect for those a lot less well off than themselves is bewildering.

    I'm alright jack doesnt begin to describe the rationale some will enploy to justify their position.

    Facts are that vulnerable teens have been trafficked and pressganged into prostitution by despicable low lifes. That people in high places have bought into this heinous event only compounds the horror.

    This sort of thing is not peculiar to thailand. It happens in the uk, the us, OZ, 

    Again the same people are hijacking these threads and making out 'ONLY IN THAILAND'. This is utterly wrong in all meaning and interpretation of the word wrong.

  4. 2 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    'A Nonthaburi local politician was arrested and reportedly confessed to buying sex services from a minor last September and also misrepresenting himself as the governor of Mae Hong Son' - We don't care that you had sex with children ha ha! We just need to know it wasn't someone influential doing it. 


    Well, ladies and gentleman, that is that. Wrapped up very nicely with time for a celebratory drink and pat on the back. Moral of the day: important people don't do bad things. Scapegoats do. 


    Thailand's morality is safe once again. Get on with your lives, people. Well, until there's another cover-up. 

    Yew tree anyone? Rotherham teen sex scandal ?

    Sex scandals and high ranking government officials have been around since adam was a boy.

    Some on here still wish to imply ' only in thailand'.

  5. 1 hour ago, stander said:

    The intelligence community is always watching the Russian government as closely as they can and the NSA can track just about any electronic communication.


    The Obama administration had every incentive to expose to the world anything sinister and illegal going on between the Trump campaign and the Russian government but, they did not.


    They did not expose it before the Election, before the Electoral College voted and they did not expose it before Inauguration Day.  


    I wonder why, maybe because there is no evidence.

    Another trump supporter bricking it.


  6. Assange, Manning and Snowden shold be recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize for services to opening the eyes of the world to corrupt regimes in the ys, uk etc.

    Happy for assange that sweden have closed the door on this trumped up charge and charade.  Let's get on with prosecuting real criminals and warmongers like bush junior, blair and trump.

  7. 11 hours ago, swissie said:

    I have a story, possibly fitting into this thread.

    Friend of mine arrived in Thailand 7 years ago. Far away from retirement age, he needed to generate some income.

    He started to lend out money to a Thai Lady. His wife guaranteed for the integrity of the Lady (went to school together).
    - Started with 100 K, then 300 K, then 500 K. Lady always paid back on time at 10% interest p/A. Farang friend was positively impressed.

    After a pause, the loan request was 2 Mill. Farang lender agreed. That was 5 years ago

    Ever since then, the Lady has dissappeared and can not be found.

    Pattaya Police has offered to find the Lady, insisting that 50 % of the recovered sum will have to be retained to cover "search-expenses".

    And that is the end of the story.

    Essentially a variation on what was originally 'the long firm', as perfected by the criminal fraternity in the 1960's in the uk.

    Falling for the scam is indicative of a lazy shallow moral free individual.

    Making money from loan sharking your friend got his just desserts.

    Thai criminals like criminals all over the world willl sift through the scams and try what they believe will work.

    As for your insinuation re the police...clearly put in to get attention and support for your post.

    I have sought the assistance of police in pattaya on several occasions and EVERY time they were unfailingly polite and did no more or less than police would in the west.

  8. 13 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    HAHA I love the responses. No, she actually has a job not some BG mistake.  If she paid 1/2 I believe the rest is coming.

    Lot's of guys have  claimed to been screwed by these girls, I am just saying this one at least is trying to make good. If you read on TV every Thai girl is bad bad.  I do not think this one is and that is my point there may actually be some decent ladies out there.


    My experiences with thai females and thai people in general is very much as it is in the west.

    There are good and bad sorts everywhere and I take as I find.

    Amazing why SOME men believe bar girls would be paragons of virtue.

    Would anyone vouch for the bona fides of a hooker from the uk, usa etc etc?

    Of course you wouldnt!

    Many on here expect thai bar girls ( prostitutes ) should be subject to higher standards of probity...want their cake and eat it.

    Worse are those that infer all thai women are cheats, low on morals etc.

    Usually they are the same ones who were dismal failures with women in their home countries and have come here expecting compliant servantile little angels to pander to their every need.

    When they realise that is not the case they revert to being the misogynists they always were.

  9. 21 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    The price is already high,in Makro,big Supermarkets,well everywhere really,

    there is a wide margin for profit between the farm and retail,if its not the

    farmers,middlemen are making good profits.

    regards worgeordie

    Farmers are making good profits???

    Yingluck and her ill conceived rice pledging scheme left most of the poor souls destitute and owing money to sharks. 

    The real big players and moneymen, the only sort that the shinawatras ever cared about did ok.


  10. A jealous man has killed his wife/ partner.

    It's that common a crime that it is classified in most developed jurisdictions as a crime of passion.

    Stupid/.irrational ...yes and I hope he is punished to the the fullest extent of the law.

    Why are so many on here claiming only thais do this.

    IIt is downright racist and utterly disrespectful to the country that has welcomed you and let you settle.


  11. 16 hours ago, samsensam said:


    uber being illegal is neither here nor there if the police and authorities are too incompetent, corrupt or lazy to do anything about it. there's been an uber driver sign up stall at my local tesco lotus in bkk for months.


    thais often feel they have to resolve issues themselves because, as above, the police and authorities are too incompetent, corrupt or lazy to protect and serve the people.

    ye gods yet another excuse to do some thai bashing!

    All over the world similar protests have occurred when the non tax paying and non compliant interloper uber move in.

    Are these other nations people doing the wrong thing sorting things out for themselves.

    If people didnt protest we'd still have children climbing up chimneys or leading pit ponies around mine shafts.

    Uber and their like are despicable corporate leaches.

  12. 3 hours ago, hgma said:

    Bipolar or not, it would be interesting to see data of people needing a holiday and then go through the roof.

    And the majority don't have pre exciting conditions  hence  it could be any one.

    Sad situation which needs a blood test in this case

    Yes very exciting

  13. 1 minute ago, exalll said:

    Interesting. So you do your best to treat people as equals and therefore taxi drivers turn on the meter. All I can say is that you are one unique guy. Clearly every other individual on the face of the earth doesn't do his/her best to treat people as equals and taxi drivers take it out on them. 


    Yeah, right!

    Well done you got it one.

    Maybe you hang about with the wrong sort

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