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Posts posted by Fulwell53

  1. 18 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

    Over time I think Uber will come out on top. The other day a lady was on the elevator with me doodling on her mobile. Being the curious friendly guy I am I asked her what she was doing. She said she was calling up Uber to pick her up behind the condo. She was getting an a/c car clean with someone driving who spoke English and knew where they were going. Hard to beat that combination. 

    Would be nice if they started paying their fair share of tax.

    Airbnb, uber, amazon, ebay and their ilk are just taking the proverbial.

    Everywhere in the world there are dodgy taxi drivers and some nefarious practices go on .

    Uber though are just laughing in the faces of the good operators ( who are the majority ) but have been put on a pedestal by the greed is good mob who dont want to pay tax, comply with all regulations that are the accepted norm. 

  2. 2 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

    Ah it's ok to wear the uniform, sign the declaration of loyalty and secretly give out information which puts your comrades at risk?  sent to jail he/she then goes on hunger strike and get's free 'gender reassignment' and is now complaining of 'routinely having to endure haircuts' whilst in jail


    you could not make it up

    He / she didnt put anyone at risk

    No info was released that showed positions, deployment , numbers or weaponry.

    IIt showed abuses of human rights and military incompetency.

    People have been caught with their pants down and they dont like it.


  3. 10 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

    Who cares?  he/she is lucky Obama thinks treason is ok


    Him and snowden are guilty of nothing more than showing up the american military and security agencies as being duplicitous, non transparent, overly intrusive etc etc.

    I suppose obama could have done a donald when he was in power and sacked those investigating ...but he isnt a red necked 2 faced coward.

  4. 1 hour ago, Farang hunter said:

    Why do you think I am being racist!?

    The four young men who stole the lady's bag in the shopping mall  much in here hinted that they were Muslims and I was saying they were from eastern europe and it turned out that they are Israelis.   So I don't want to speculate the nationality of the victimizer  but to see him face the consequences of his bizarre behavior. 

    Of course you are not interested in nationality?

  5. 1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:


    But you did speculate, asking if he was Arab or Muslim?....  


    To elaborate on the 'Catch Up' comment...  you have fallen behind the news and still comment on a '10 year old' being attacked... It turns out that this story is false, it turns out that the 'boy' who was attacked is in fact a '20 year old man'.... 


    This changes things slightly...   but still raises the question: Why would one guy want to attack another guy in such a manner? What was the trigger ?


    People on this forum have speculated that they guy 'could' have taken photos of the girls while they used the bathroom... whether this is true or not remains unclear, however, if something like this occurred the attitudes of many who have responded so far would change very quickly.... 


    The outstanding question is WHY ? what caused the guy to become so angry ?


    Maybe  because he is an expat and believes has a right to insult and assault locals.

    Not an uncommon rationale for many...disgusting as it is.


  6. 5 hours ago, BangkokNicky said:

    Well gone by now ... Plus looks like a Australian on the cctv ..

    'Looks like an australian'????

    Is that because he looks healthy and fit unlike the average westerner?

    Oh and because in your esteemed opinion the perp may be from Oz then the whole disgusting episode should be forgotten?

    No wonder the rest of the world is bewildered by the use of the word 'great' before Britain.

    Land of Dopes and Tories

  7. 1 hour ago, scorecard said:


    This doesn't rank as a high profit margin.


    It does rank as a highly immoral profit margin.


    Bring on price controls which stop folks being ripped off.


    This reminds me of several debates / discussions with both my bachelor and masters students in marketing and in business ethics courses. So many of them refuse to accept that 'rip off the customer, is immoral'. If I can trick the customer into paying a price that is pure rip off, why not?


    And this is not only Thailand.

    Marketing and ethics in the same sentence???

    Nah I'm not having that.


  8. 4 hours ago, USPatriot said:

    Ill go teach them.   For those in doubt I was a competitive shooter, I went to a range in thailand and made the range master a bet 5 rounds 5 targets 5 seconds and I get to shoot 50 rounds free or I give him 1000 baht for the 5 shots. He lost.


    My fastest time from a holster drew 2,1 seconds, 2 targets shoot first target step around a door and shoot second target without hitting the hosteg gun back in holster.


    Worlds fastest shot is 2 shots in less time you can blink your eye. Hitting 2 separate targets, the guy is 65 years old and interesting to watch on YouTube.

    Oh wow you are my hero.

    Wish I could shoot fast and accurately.

    My life would be complete.

    I'm so so inclined to press the like button but worried I may injure my trigger finger in the excitement of it all.

  9. Nice thread.

    It makes a pleasant change to see positive things posted by expats re thai institutions.

    If one was foolish enough to take as certain some of the disgraceful and racist accusations hurled at all things thai you'd be questionning your sanity for staying in this wonderful country with its great people.

    Best of luck moving forward.

    Divorce is a messy dispiriting business regardless of which country you live in.


  10. Epitome of putting the inmates in charge of the asylum.

    Problem is too many on here want or expect the equivalent of switzerland in terms of hygiene, organisation and efficiency but believe it can or should be done with swaziland revenue.

    They get all doe eyed about where they moved from when the reality is that where they come from doesnt want or need them and has little to celebrate in any case.

  11. 4 hours ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

    Lets now go through the recent history just to recap. June 2011 - Singburi and the central plain area start to flood, August 2011 PTP becomes the government, September 2011 BKK starts to flood, 2011 = worst flood in 50 years. There are nearly 30 government departments and agencies involved in water management in the country, thus chaos ensues during crises. In 2012 and 2013 plans are draw up to prevent future floods, part of the plan gets implemented (securing industrial estates), the bigger plan however runs into the yellow shirts protests. Yellow shirts don't want the water ways to go through their areas (as there are no other areas for the water ways the plan is stopped). May 2014 small green men come to power, they cancel the contract for the Koreans to draw up a water management plan and use the money for drought relief. The rest of history will be written and it will include another flood because nothing have been learned and nothing has changed (excluding the government) since the last flood.

    'Nothing have been learned'


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