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Posts posted by Fulwell53

  1. 5 hours ago, PatOngo said:

    Their main problem will be that somtam is not readily available and massages are very expensive. Oh, and all are equal under the law! They may also be astounded that drivers actually stop for red lights and drive in an orderly manner. They may also be confused that they will only be charged the same as locals and not discriminated against, they can criticize the government without recourse and enter a national park for the same price as a local. They can even buy land there if they can afford it!

    Most expats live in thailand because accommodation is much much cheaper..

    THe average ozzie is much much wealthier than his thai  counterpart.

    Try comparing whether an old thai can go and get a retirement visa to live in oz unless he or she is very very minted..

    If we expats could openly buy land it would send prices skyrocketing and out of reach of normal thais.

    If it is so unfair why live here?

    I get treated very well and have no issues with police, other thais and thai culture generally.

    Then again I try hard to fit in .

  2. Just now, agudbuk said:


    Sadly in Thailand for average people both apply
    Check on IQ statistics and information on education if you do not believe me.

    Sent from my Grand using Tapatalk

    Not sure if this is hyperbole, racial profiling, or armchair hypothesising?

    You are probably a decent chap in real life


  3. OMG thailand is the only country in the world with sections of the community having beliefs that dont fit in with accepted norms or not based on scientific proof!

    Ronald Reagan consulted with nancy's charlatan star gazer before going into discussions with gorbachov.

    Prince charles talks to his plants.



  4. 30 minutes ago, chainarong said:

    To be fair regardless of where U stand with Thai leadership , there isn't much talent in the parliament of Thailand that can hold a candle to Abhisit , Prayut and Pawtwit could sit on the PTP benches and you wouldn't no the difference , for both love to talk B/S   and could be regarded on many occasions as handling the truth rather carelessly, that reminds me , have they actually fixed the drought problems yet general..........:coffee1:.

    Whereas every other parliament in the world is brimming with talent!

    Lets be fair the us elected trump <deleted>.

    I thought after bush junior they could never sink so low again...my my hey hey.

    Maybe we need good guys like duterte or hung sen.


  5. 1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

    I often have trouble understanding your posts. I think you know what you are saying, but you often don't say it.

    That being said, I think my post was fairly clear. I was blaming the failure to uniformly apply the law on the class system. Which is a major stumbling block here. There needs to be equality under the law, but it cannot be allowed here. As long as wealth or connections equals immunity. what chance is there for rule of law.

    No you were clearly blaming thais for ' Believing in inequality ' and that it is the basis of all interaction'.

    Were it not for people on here being so sensitive I would suggest your post was the epitome of racial stereotyping. But I wont.

    I See so many threads and posts on this forum that attribute the very worst of human traits on ALL thais . They are a disgrace and clearly the view of those that havent done a skerrick of research or who rarely interact ( above the superficial) with normal thai people. But everyone is entitled to an opinion regardless of how they come about it despite no evidence.

    BTW not all thai people work in go go bars or drive motorcycle taxis. Truly.

  6. 11 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

    So you set up your boss with a (whats it called) and you get promotion or a raise.

    is there anywhere here that corruption does not rule?

    I suppose from the comfort and vantage point of your armchair, and swapping stories with similar minded expat pals, you have a wealth of empirical data and fact heavy anecdotes to back up that sinister inference.

  7. 2 hours ago, gios50hk said:

    ''What can be done about all the rats in Thailand?''


    -  do they mean the animal or human variety?

    Oh stop me sides are splitting.

    So outrageously funny and original

  8. 5 hours ago, Thongkorn said:

    A terrible accident, Thai people seem to be oblivious of danger to children,  They let them wander around without a care in the world.

    Lax parents exist all over the world man.

    Go into any major western city centre.

    Your inference that all thai parents are uncaring/ slack etc is untrue, unproven and very very offensive.

    However such baseless sentiments are not rare on here.

    Horrendous acts of paedophilia are a daily occurrence in the west. Are all westerners paedophiles? Of course they arent.


  9. 2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

    All that was / is important - herself. what she wanted and what was / is convenient to her.


    Her jealous temper and furtive anger are not an excuse to injure people, damage property and disrupt the lives of many.


    Is she another hiso connected from "a family of note" or something?


    This me, me, me, I'm important and can do anything without responsibility because we've got a few bob attitude as got to stop influencing the justice protest.


    What happened to that young lady who drove into several vehicles a short while back? The one who also had some bad mood?

    Just like phil spector and oj simpson then

  10. 7 hours ago, tracker1 said:

    Not good for their reckoning when they say no porn sites nearly as bad as they say no prostitution here also !

    Just like the usa, uk, and oz insisted there were weapons of mass destruction buried here there and everywhere and continued to make iraq a bigger mess than it ever was under saddam.

    Moral of story...ALL governments lie

    However many on here believe only thais and their government lies.

    Utter hogwash in reality

  11. 1 hour ago, peterb17 said:

    Buy a Mercedes- you never get stopped. 

    Unfortunately everyone seems to forget- we are living under a military Government.


    Presumably checking the tattoos was not to appreciate their artistic merit- but to check you did not have images of the Buddha on your biceps etc. 


    What's to worry if you were doing nothing wrong- at least you did not get shot dead. 

    Usa's homeland security act trumps (pardon pun) every single human rights law on the books.

    Land of the free???

  12. 2 hours ago, tonray said:

    This is the same at virtually every establishment and Food Court in Bangkok. I once sheltered under the awning of a 7-11 in a storm and the wall around me was identical and the rats were scurrying over my feet to avoid drowning. Everywhere. Also I once was waiting in line to buy some northern sausage in Chiang Rai when a storm hit...out of the drain near the stall...a billion of the little bastard roaches ...the locals did not bat an eye.

    So 2 establishments ( one in chiang mai not bangkok? ) are sufficient evidence to conclude that virtually every Bangkok food establishment has an infestation of rats and/or cockroaches? 1 out of 2 in a city that must have over 10000 eating establishments.

    No hyperbole here then!

    Love to see that insinuation floated in court.

  13. 14 hours ago, Thongkorn said:

    Try Boarder Agency.. Quite rightly he was refused,  just becasue you have paid some tax for services already rendered why expect to get the service again for free.  Try it with your house insurance and see where you get.

    There are many people/families who have never paid a penny in taxes ever!

    Because they are resident why should they be entitled when a tax paying expat is refused?


  14. 45 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

    Personally no matter what happens Ducati should of been kept in Italian hands,  maybe just me but the romance died long ago,  the Mafia could of afforded it. :biggrin:

    Imagine Ferrari owned by an Indian company. :sick: 

    Why do so many believe 'of' is an acceptable alternative to ' have'?

    Of is not and never has been a verb.

  15. 18 hours ago, tomwct said:

    Thai's must be pretty stupid when it comes to investing. They all seem to take the high return schemes when the bank's are paying 1/2 % per year in interest on savings. A 20% per month interest sounds pretty good. Here's my 2 million!

    But hey spruikers and bagmen dont do similar in the west.

    Do you read the news ?

    Hundreds of thousands of chinese lost everything when their stock exchange was listing dodgy shares.

    Enron, Ponzi schemes ...

    People of all hues and nationalities get ripped off daily by scammers yet you suggest only thais are gullible enough to fall for it.

    More unwarranted baseless thai bashing.

  16. 9 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

    This is not a supply problem it's a budget problem, at least 19 governement hospitals nationwide are broke and the rest can't afford the cost of increasing the salaries and status of those nurses. The cause? An ageing population, one of the most severe anywhere.

    Lots of fat old foreigners and low life tourists with no insurance doesnt help things.

    Like with many other countries public hospitals are doing it tough.

    I agree with many who say why no money for schools and hospitals but plenty for submarines and planes etc.

    Unfortunately the world's defence industries ( mainly USA ) have us convinced defence spending is non negotiable.

    The jingoists and colonel blimps in society have bought this codswallop as usual.

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