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Posts posted by Fulwell53

  1. 47 minutes ago, Hereinthailand said:

    You have no idea of the workload and low pay these nurses do and the shit they put up with, (a-hole illiterate god complex doctors for one) !!!!!! Every gov hospital is swamped with patients. Of all the gov jobs nurses are the most overworked and underpaid civil servants in the system. All they want is fair pay and some regular working hours, not 80-100 hour weeks at 8K a month (even less at some hospitals). My wife has 26 years as a nurse here and we never see each other it seems and she cant say no when she is tired and wants to go home. The big problem is even with the low pay and long hours the gov quit giving new nurses civil service contracts that at least give them some xtras like pension to make their hard work and long hours a little more acceptable. You are a ignorant simple minded typical falang that prob never did an honest days work in his life and got paid quite well for it, well good for you. okay mods you can ban me now.

    Go easy. The poor man's only pleasure in life is bleating about something he has no knowledge or experience of.

    Take away that pleasure from the poor old dear and he'll be a candidate for his local flying club.

  2. 5 hours ago, xylophone said:

    Not sure of the law on this in Thailand, but I believe that similar laws in other countries stipulate that the land which is being claimed by the "squatters" has to have been left unattended/forgotten about for 10 years by the owners.


    If the owners knew that their relatives were building houses on this land and allowed them to do so/gave them permission, then I believe that's a different story altogether?

    No no no.

    If it is bad law and unscrupulous people the old fogie thai haters on here will insist it can only happen in thailand...no where else on earth.

  3. All the angry old men bagging the capital city of the country they have VOLUNTARILY migrated to.

    Its dirty, congested, full of corrupt officials yada yada yada.

    They still dont see the irony.

    Mind the major cities of the usa and uk are great fine examples of cities free of congestion and building work.

    Shangri la's the lot of them.

    Now I understand ....the old boys are here as missionaries.


  4. What a tragic and heinous act. Heart goes out to the victims and their nearest and dearest.

    Cant wait for ''peeved pensioner from pattaya" or 'bangkok brit' and their ilk to come on here denouncing all thais as bomb throwing terrorists and bemoaning why it doesnt happen back where they moved  from.

    Maybe even a 'I might have to move if it continues like this etc'.

  5. 42 minutes ago, Jimbo2014 said:

    One cant but think that beloved commander in chief heard the old joke "Whats long, hard, wet and full of seamen" and thought... I want one! :ph34r:

    Oh stop my sides are splitting with this 1970's carry on movie type double entendre.

    Absolute 24 carat quality that mate.

  6. 2 hours ago, Thailand said:

    How do you sink a Thai submarine?


    Put it in water!

    Interesting user name given this post.

    Ever read anything at all about defence equipment contracts.?

    Why bother I suppose when it is easiet to bag the the country where you are a guest.

    Most of the middle east countries, australia, several smaller european nations have been plagued for years with these types of problems.

    But hey lets identify Thailand as the only country that has such problems.

  7. I expect some time in the future that in exchange for being allowed to build hotels, casinos and golf courses in north korea, trump will allow that heed the ball in charge to get on with things.

    Not one one to allow good policy and humanity to get in the way of making a buck is donald.

    Jared will be on his way to do dad's bidding very soon.

    In the annals of US history and politics DT will prove to be one of the most corrupt and self serving presidents ever elected. 

  8. 17 hours ago, sir charles IV said:

    Fairly accurate observation. What I find difficult to accept is when for example driver has decided to change lanes and whether I choose to let him or not is apparently irrelevant to him. Hang on I say, I have a say in that too........guess what my decision is not to let you in. You think u can take me on? In your dreams I say. And hence the assholeness!!!!(on both sides) begins

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    'In your dreams I say'...ye gods

    Clint Eastwood meets fast and furious

  9. I find it bewildering that so many people have the gall to come and live in another country 000's of kms from their homeland, and spend so much of their waking life castigating and denigrating the natives for all manner of pathetic small minded little issues.

  10. 17 hours ago, Pungdo said:

    I like to call them 100cc Harleys, they remove the baffles and the damn things make damn near as much noise as a lot of Harleys.

    I reckon Thais are all stone deaf, everything has to be at a gazillion decibels before they are happy.

    No hyperbole at all in your second paragraph eh?

  11. 4 hours ago, o2eZy said:

    well if police did their jobs that they are paid to do and remove criminals and road rage idiots off the streets then people would feel safe and there would be no need for gun protection ....best is if all guns were removed 


    Just like they have in america and the uk?

    Sorry its ok if round eyes have guns because they are more discerning in whi they shoot

  12. 4 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    Darn, that's easy to do.  A country detaining a guy and slapping spurious charges.  It gives new meaning to the word 'spitefulness.'

    Welcome to guantanamo bay.

    Of all the people who were detained there under spurious terrorism legislation less than a  handful have been successfully prosecuted.

    He who us without sin etc etc.

    Maybe they NK could get the number of one of the usa's many sub contractors and have the detainee tortured on neutral ground

    Trump has taken spitefulness to a whole new level since the rednecjs got him voted in

  13. 2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                          That's like saying an Inuit boy learns to kill and skin a seal because he grows up in an icy landscape.  No, he is taught survival skills by his elders.


                        The girl, like all Palestinian kids, was taught many negative things by the elders around her, while she was growing up.  She took it seriously and now she's dead.   Palestinians will lionize her - therefore exacerbating problems.


                                 I worked one summer at a camp in Virginia where Palestinian and Israeli kids were brought together - to interact peacefully/joyfully/cooperatively.   It wasn't a silver bullet solution, but it was steps in the right direction.  Children should have their heads filled with solution-oriented and cooperative thoughts, not thoughts of hate, revenge, polarity, vindictiveness.  

    Summer camp in virginia...well there you go

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