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Posts posted by Fulwell53

  1. Sad fact is that the issuance of licenses is a global problem.

    Only just very recently a huge scam was uncovered in on of australia's state license centres with bikers having an examiner under their control.

    If the license regulations were like they are in many western nations and strictly enforced no doubt the usual suspects would be on crying into their cheap beer about that.

    There are a host of organisations etc that could and should do better and that is the case all over the world.

    People who want the services and government transparency they believe they are used and entitled to need to review where they want to live.

    Better driving license regulations are so far down the list of priorities as to be of zero importance in terms of national 'health'.




  2. 16 hours ago, clockman said:

    Thai people never plan. Or think of danger!

    'Thai people never plan' :sad:

    I have told you a million times not to exaggerate.

    A Tragic incident that could have been prevented but then again so could the herald of free enterprise etc etc.

    The incessant need on here to turn anything into another thai bashing thread is bewildering.

    I Despair at the lives some people must lead.

  3. Again people complaining about lack of infrastructure.

    Hello it's thailand not switzerland.

    Most people earn too little to pay any tax.

    The reason we fat old ugly expats live here is because it is cheaper than where we come from.

    Drive a kia but dont expect it is going to feel like a Lamborghini.

  4. On 04/18/2017 at 7:16 PM, Saladin said:

    I'm with you mate. I am becoming  increasingly intolerant of unattractive Farang  men constantly and publicly denigrating all Thai ladies.

    Good post.

    Reminds me of a recent thread where the usual suspects were bemoaning thai females lack of skill at kissing.


    Have you seen the state of some of the mismatched couples walking around pattaya, bangkok and phuket?

    If you were pretty young thing who works in a bar would you relish the prospect of kissing some old farang porker who reeks of fags and beer and who is at least double your age.

    I find the vast majority of thai females to be very similar to their western counterparts. Some are easy to talk to, some not, some virtuous some not.

    I take as I find not via baseless armchair racial profiling.


  5. 1 hour ago, kmj said:

    Not a vote for Macron more a vote against Le Pen i think

    Marine is the french version of yingluck.

    Full on puppet of the far right.

    Restoration of the guillotine for people of colour only, forced labour camps ...eat your heart out trump.

    They say Macron is the bankers candidate. Then she is the candidate for the rest of  big business.

    IIf you are black there will be no such thing as minimum wage if there is a wage at all.

  6. On 04/29/2017 at 4:04 PM, Sydebolle said:

    The writing is on the wall .........

    This crook needs to get booted out of his uniform without notice; I can just hope they will not find the guy who posted (correctly) the truth. As mentioned, the writing is on the wall and the days of civil war and unrest are just around the corner. 
    Absolute power ........... corrupts absolutely and cannot be more evident with those loose cannons shooting in all direction, everyone buys whatever they want, be it tanks or subs and we see daily highway robberies on Pattaya's streets by the BiB. Be warned, just be warned ...

    Maybe it is time to pack and move on ...... after decades of non-improvement that is 

    I'm sure your open mind, bonhomie and disposition will be sorely missed should you leave.

    You're exactly the sort of expat Thailand so richly cherishes.


  7. 1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

                                  This reminds me of the Cold War dynamic where the US and USSR were constantly competing to get the upper hand on influencing regions of the world.  This latest news shows that Russia has taken the lead.  It's no surprise.  It's partly because Russia appears to be doing good things, but mostly because Trump is such a dufus, and the US State Dept is woefully understaffed.  \


                          Even the US Military is understaffed.  Out of hundreds of top positions in those departments, only a handful have been filled.  Trump and his fellow dufuses are barely able to even put forth names to fill top positions.   One of a plethora of examples:  To head the Army, four generals' names have recently been put forth, and none of them filled the position, for various reasons - usually due to the nominees' ineptitude, but also due to their withdrawal (when their character flaws were exposed).   If US top brass has such a dearth of quality people, that's a sad state of affairs.  It's a similar scenario at the State Dept, where many career diplomats/experts have voluntarily split recently - mostly due to their distaste for Trump.


                       Tillerson doesn't have a deputy nor hardly any staff.  In sum, the US doesn't know much about what's going on in the world.   Sure, there are statements by the Dufus in Chief like:  "I have a secret plan to defeat ISIS" and "I know more than the generals, believe me."  .....but silly statements like that are on a par with Trump's brilliant, "Obama is tapping my phones. McCarthyism. Bad dude."



    It's doing the rounds that a matrimonial split is in the offing.

    Apparently the beautiful wife has had enough of her ugly boorish loud mouthed  red necked imbecile of a husband.

    I suspect if she leaves he'll court marine le pen. Just his type.


  8. 2 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    I note that at this point the early voters have all gone for 500-800 baht fares, a range that seems reasonable, whereas 100% have said 1,250 is too high. My view is 700 or so one way and maybe 1,250 return fare wouldn't be too bad. At that price I would probably use it, but I won't be at 1,250 each way.

    A 100 % didnt.

    This whole thread is like asking turkeys to vote for xmas.

    Of course old  expats are going to baulk at paying anything. Come to another country and they dont want to pay a cent other than for alcohol and other things available in bars.

  9. On 11/23/2013 at 6:44 AM, BusterBV said:

    Thank you for your quick reply.

    Interesting take on things and i thank you for your honesty.

    I have a Uni degree and 1 & 1/2 year experience full time teaching assistant.

    Do you believe it is better to apply outside of the country or go there and cold call?

    Many thanks

    Thing is surfing this forum is not indicative of what thailand is about.

    Posts from past it bar lizards who suffer erectile dysfunction and believe casual racism is acceptable are not  reflective of what a wonderful life that can be had.

    I Have a friend who has now been teaching in rankaempaeng for almost 15 years. No degree and tbh I thought intellect wise he'd never cut the mustard.

      He lives in the community and is widely respected. He has learnt the language, is respectful to colleagues students and his neighbours ( ie normal behaviour not racist ) and he loves it.

    Dont be put off by the 'meldrews' on here. Give thailand and teaching a go .

  10. 7 hours ago, Hutch68 said:

    You will have to talk to god about that one.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    I'm sure there will be some blaming thai people, culture and institutions for inclement weather

  11. 8 hours ago, whiteman said:

    Most public servants are on low wagers and are only there for there so called small pensions that they get at the end as long as they bend over and take it for there bosses for 30 years.


    A lot not all have debts that they paid to get there positions.

    Lets be fair there are people all over the world ( usually women due to the appalling prejudice of men ) that could be accused of the same thing.

    Do you believe trump's current wife is with him for his looks, hairstyle or libido?

    The schoolboy sexism is a bit much but you're not robinson crusoe in that regard

    It's their not there. You got it right once so fair play to you.


  12. Some of these threads are like the dorothy dixer questions you get in westminster parliaments.

    On here a thread is posted with the intention of bagging the locals.

    Someone has been asked to pay 50 quid to get his bike back after an accident ...woopy do.

    You have an accident in the west and your vehicle gets towed and its all free is it???

    Thought not!

  13. 3 hours ago, ChakaKhan said:

    When thais think of farang in thailand they think of sex......that explains it--why be surprised


    Its why we are ALL here according to thais....:wai:

    Not sure anyone would want to see dirty fat lecherous old men sweating and grunting for 30 seconds with some female less than half their age.

  14. After electing reagan and dubya bush no one should be surprised that absolute head the balls can become president of the most powerful country in the world.

    They have don themselves proud with this goon.

    Lying and verbal backflips come as easy to him as breathing.

    Those that have voted him in ( no not the putin supplied russian hackers ) will be the those worse off .

    A Huge proportion will lose access to healthcare. The jobs he is going to get them will all be zero hours and < minimum wage. Lets face it moving manufacturing back to the usa from china and other low cost countries doesnt add up unless the owners are guaranteed cheap labour.

    Who is going to buy a us made 1000 dollar fridge when china can land you a bigger and better one for half the price.

    Gonna make america great again for ..... white supremacists

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