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Posts posted by Fulwell53

  1. 4 hours ago, Thechook said:

    " people with signs on the roadside or begging at gas stations. Here in Asia we are not used to this way "


    I have never personally seen a farang begging in Thailand but I have seen countless Thai beggers and her comment,   If we are supporting beggars or people bartering they will just take our money. It is the wrong way round".  Yes we are suppose to take your money but don't touch what we already took from you.


    You must never have been in bangkok, pattaya or phuket then.

    The overall premise is correct . If they are on tourist visas and cant support themselves financially other than by begging they need booting out.

    That is what would happen to them in the west.

    Then again we are bound to see the usual suspects turn a topic around in order to demonise thais.

    Never ceases to amaze me how quickly certain people will turn any topic atound to this effect.

  2. 13 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

    hope he is not going to send too many troops to the middle east, they may need boots on the ground in north korea. there is a chance they may actually find weapons of mass destruction this time.

    Boots on the ground....   ye gods.

    It's 2017 man not 1917!

    The usa has been there and done that with the boots on the ground and got all the t shirts.

    Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq.

    The only time boots on the ground has been successful has been granada and panama ...surprise surprise.

    People who play too many computer war games and have rambo posters on their bedroom walls are quaint though.

  3. 1 hour ago, sanukjim said:

    I would love to see Israel's F35 up against those updated F-4s and f-14 s that Iran is using as their front line fighters.

    Thats the thing though isnt it?

    Those that like to see others fighting with lethal weaponry have little or no idea what the reality is .

    Armchair jingoists.

    The middle east is already a powder keg. People salivating at Israel reentering the fray against Iran arent thinking things through.

    More death and destruction mainly perpetrated on the weak and innocent.

    A worsening of the refugee crisis.

    Iran welcoming an opportunity to unleash its nuclear arsenal.

    Oh but hey Israel gets to show Iran who's boss in a skirmish between anti aircraft missiles vs f35's.

    Computer games and their players..great bunch of lads.



  4. On 03/30/2017 at 8:30 AM, darksidedog said:

    I am starting to wonder if this administration is actually going to be able to pass ANY legislation whatsoever.

    Pretty much everything they have tried so far has fallen flat on its face.

    Hardly surprising...the inmates have taken over the asylum.

    Reduce corporate tax from 35 to 15%

    GO begging for a wall or fence that wont change a thing cost 21.6bn.

    Get rid of obamacare and put healthcare out of reach of a FURTHER 20m americans.

    Canadians will need to build a wall methinks


  5. How quickly people forget the release of documents detailing all those avoiders and launderers who put their money in the cayman islands.

    This actress is guilty of not having enough money to take advantage of such 'vehicles' unlike eg the father of the uk's previous pm and other guardians of our democracy and its supposed systems of fairness.

    IIT would appear donald hasnt lodged a tax return since adam was a boy other than an extract of one..yes one.

    Sorry to upset people but this sort of thing is rife everywhere in the world.

    If anything thais lack the sophistication in concealing their earnings and the sources of these earnings compared to what goes on in the west.

    Reading this forum one could be excused for thinking that like bad driving, cowardly attacks etc etc thailand alone does these things.

    Increase taxes and pay for the infrastructure to monitor and administer these excesses and who knows.

    We all live here because it is cheaper and/or better than where we hail from

    Give and take is in play here.


  6. It amazes me that people move several thousand kms and then spend their time time bleating about their new domicile.

    Hate and have no respect  whatsoever for the locals, despite coming from countries eg england which has the highest incidence of cctv coverage in the world or the usa where gun crime and gun ownership is making the place like the wild west .

    LIke it or not we are guests in this country and more respect needs to be accorded the hosts.

    Thailand hasnt got the infrastructure of the countries we hail from.

    Public servants are on a pittance.

    That is why it is so cheap to

    8 hours ago, Bluespunk said:


    live here.

    If you cant cope with that then you shouldnt be here.

  7. 13 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Well would you believe it, a policeman involved in forced prostitution !!!

    To serve and protect just dosnt fit when it comes to the police here.

    Everywhere there are policemen involved in all kinds of criminal activities.

    You would think that under age kids would be safe/protected by the police, not so only exploited.

    Well would you believe south yoorkshire police allowing a forced prostititution ring to flourish in rotherham uk for over a decade?

    Amazing isnt it.

    Police, army, public service etc etc all over the world contain bad eggs.

    Check out a senior nsw cop called roger rogerson. A credit to the force.

  8. 16 hours ago, Becker said:

    Almost every day there are stark reminders why an elected government is preferable to a self appointed and unaccountable junta.

    Thaksin was elected and he was marvelous wasnt he.

    Selling telecom systems to neighbouring countries and allowing them to use thai govt loans to purchase them.

    Yinglucks rice pledging scheme worked a treat and not dodgy one bit.

    The notion and inference that only elected governments are corruption and graft free is a quaint one mind.

  9. On 04/20/2017 at 7:40 PM, Harold the Great said:

    Wow! I'm a farang and I find it hard to believe that any foreigner that comes here and thinks that during this celebration the police will be readily available to help them when they are putting themselves in harms way. I suggest farangs wake up and realize where they actually are and also there are many places in the world including the western structured world that provide for inadequate police protection during celebrations. When I do attend functions I usually see stupid conduct by many Thai's and I usually visitors and local farangs doing equally stupid things so I don't really feel sorry for people who put themselves in harms way in a foreign country expecting the same protection they don't actually have in their own country. I believe Thailand operates under its own set of rules and is growing at the pace it can grow at now. I support the police every way I can including other local governments like the fire departments and other areas like schools and hospitals. I don't want anything in return and I can assure everyone on this forum that I have donated over a million bht to my community here and I have requested all of my farang friends to participate none of which have and that I have requested my Thai friends to do so and 4 of them have donated to my suggested causes such as police safety and they have to the sum of 100,000 bht. I guess I'm tired of certain people complaining about services here. If you live here than help your community to make it better!


    Admonishing fellow posters can be bad for your posting health.

    Great post jam packed full of home truths that will be unpalatable to many

  10. Suicide is a terrible terrible thing.

    I Dare say many of us have had dark thoughts but to hold onto them and get to the stage where one feels there is no way out must be awful on the individual and the nearest and dearest they leave behind.

    Those trying to attribute the issue as something peculiar and encourages in Thailand really do sadden me.

    Check out the stats for suicide in japan, korea and china especially among school age kids. Should the culture and/or general population be made responsible for this phenemenon?

    Maybe these countries dont have the infrastructure and social services to dole out counselling etc. Certainly thailand with its low tax collection certainly doesnt have.

    Lets be fair. Look at the demographics of those perpetrating this act. Predominantly expats not thais. Are thais responsible for these expats losing all hope or is it maybe they lack strength of character to handle adversity and feel they have nowhere to turn?

    In any event lets all show a bit of compassion as opposed to trying to blame someone for this sad state of affairs

  11. 23 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

    I get it, BUT at worst, she has come second already and 50% of the voters did not vote for her but also did not vote for Marcon. Second place for a Fascist senior politician. That is very troubling. 

    Quite often get a lot of donkey votes when it becomes clear to many there is only going to be one winner as is the case with macron now that fillon has thrown in his vote to him.

    BLondie has only the loony right and fascist thugs to support her and she  realises they have a bad stench around them hence her 'standing down from the party' claptrap.

    Then again she might donald to enlist russian hackers to help her also win a dodgy election.

    Nothing lacks morality and decency as much as a far right politician.

  12. 6 hours ago, bandito said:

    During WW2 did the Vatican and the Pope never protest against the concentration camps and the exterminations of Jews as part of a agreement with Hitler so they would not get bombed off the face of the world.

    The Vatican also refused shelter to Jews.

    Also there were Catholics on both sides murdering each other.

    The bla, bla, bla of this fake makes me want to throw up.

    You appear to be asking a question and making an inference at the same time.

    Or am I mistaken

  13. 5 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    I think that the pope and other Catholics could used their money to help the refugee problem. They could build a refugee camp in Italy and house the refugees then teach them to speak Italian, and become workers and Italian immigrants. Don't just complain about conditions somewhere else. Do something about the problem


    Well one could say the same about queen elizabeth. One of the richest people in the world.  Hundreds of thousands of british people living in shelters or on the streets, long waiting lists in hospitals, schools in disrepair etc etc.  But she still has the begging bowl out year after year.  Wont even pay for her own house repairs.

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