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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/airline-news/2022/03/21/boeing-737-crash-china/9453677002/
  2. Chicken fried steak and best thin crust pizzas are still available in Bangkok at Madrid.
  3. My most wished for imports to Thailand: Schlotzky's, Taco Bueno, Whataburger, Arby's.
  4. So this is TAT partnering with a Spanish company that sends out "alerts" to travel agents. Why include the USA in the title. Sounds like some sort of generalized subscription to me.
  5. The US should forget any meeting and just slap reciprocal tariffs on Asean exports to the US. And any Thai entities caught helping third party countries' companies evade sanctions should be locked out of the US market.
  6. Would love to get Jack in the Box tacos. Otherwise, Mos Burger.
  7. To answer my own question, I found one. Good for him. https://aseannow.com/topic/1253038-immigration-going-after-over-stayers/#comment-17238428
  8. Durian prices already sky high I'm guessing because of exports, mainly to China. Same with chicken.
  9. Plenty of Russians here posting in English. Or at least using Google translate.
  10. Still waiting for a self avowed Russian to come on this forum and denounce Putin and the invasion. Or have I missed it?
  11. Trump spent his entire presidency trying to inflate the stock market bubble by begging for more QE constantly.
  12. I mostly agree with you, although I think the Fed is equally responsible as Trump. Maybe more so, since they've been printing money non-stop since 2008. But I want to focus on your comment above. What is so irksome about that situation is that people have been warning for years that it was a crisis and the US needed to source and process rare earths and other industrial components. Just like I read maybe 7 or 8 years ago that it was really a dumb idea that the US relied on Russia for rocket engines to get its payloads in orbit. There are many more things to put on the list. And nobody did anything.
  13. Hope these prices keep going up until the end of the year. That way, maybe I'll get 10 to 12 percent increase in social security.
  14. Thailand is constantly griping and complaining about retirees on long term extensions supposedly running out on medical bills, which they're not. So much so that they want to make them buy scam insurance policies. Now, you have a bunch of deadbeat Russians and Thailand is falling all over itself to pay their way for them, even going so far as to promote crypto money laundering. Why not make everyone in Thailand pay their own way and not give the Russians some special pass to dodge their debts.
  15. Still waiting for russians to identify themselves as such on AN and criticize putin's invasion.
  16. Perhaps the single most pathetic and desperate message I've seen put up on AN in recent memory.
  17. Just maybe she knows her audience and customer base. Thailand is very much trending pro Russia and pro Putin, IMO.
  18. It's not just a matter of military equipment. Go read some of the Indian message boards about the war. They are full of hate and venom towards the US and UK, while praising Russia and Putin as trustworthy friends. The Indian population itself, especially the chattering classes and professional class, hate the West. This, even as they colonize the US tech industry and now start to push their way into Canada. If you're an American, Indians, I think, are a bigger threat to your way of life than their allies, the Russians.
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