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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Maybe all these boosters are not such a good idea and doing more harm than good.
  2. Cue the insurance shills and the people who like to bore everyone with the details of their insurance policies.
  3. What sort of person would spend their time mooning over such a question?
  4. Looks like he has a blood pressure cuff on the table in front of him. He must be plenty steamed.
  5. It's more than that. Retirees essentially are a mostly trouble free demographic. Being older, they're much, much less likely to be involved in mild or violent confrontations. For the same reason, they're less likely to be casualties of jet skies, motorcycles, or scooters. As they usually have an income of some sort, you'll not find them running online scams or frauds or stealing from people. And after years and years, here, they probably will not engage in stupid/dangerous arguments with immigration, police, or anyone else they've adjusted to. And I really don't want to hear about the medical costs they are said to incur. I, for one, have never been able to leave a hospital--and I've been in one for overnight stays and procedures about four or five times during my 12 years here, as well as visiting a physician every two months at least for an ongoing condition--without an escort to the payment window first or receiving a receipt for a transfer of funds. Frankly, it is encouraging to see Prayut respond to the news positively. He could have shrugged it off, not taken notice, or made a dig against retirees.
  6. A lot of people, it appears, expect First World services at Third World prices. They're probably going to be disappointed, if not angry. But go back to the First World, and it increasingly appears that you're starting to get Third World services at First World prices.
  7. Well, now that the Sinovac windfall has come to a close for a certain company that invested in it, it's time to move on to the next money maker, test kits. Sold at the stores owned by the same people with the investment in Sinovac?
  8. Of course tax them. A capital gains tax for mainly hiso Thai millennials, who are sitting at home and trading crypto in between jaunts to the mall and the latest fashionable restaurant. They aren't going to innovate anything.
  9. I would rather be here than any of those other top ten mentioned. All in all I like it here.
  10. Just like anywhere in Thailand there is a crowd. You ever think of dialing down your hysteria every now and then?
  11. Big deal. 300 people and one person working through the numbers. I get that every time I go to the bank. BTW, lots of fat people, there.
  12. At least it always seems to do so right before social security transfers my monthly payment around the 3rd.
  13. There needs to be an hysteria emoticon for Aseannow.
  14. Most of them are Russians; they're in first place. Think they fall into the category in the last paragraph.
  15. People are really going to work themselves into a tizzy now.
  16. It isn't the case, now. But it used to be that a lot of the appeal of coming to Thailand was indeed just hopping on a plane and arriving without much of a plan. That is what attracted so many younger tourists from the West. Thai tourism will not recover until those freewheeling days return.
  17. I agreeatize with your somnambulations and offer my most appropriatist exsanguinations. You pedestalize the extenuative of the superlative encounteristics.
  18. You said people can't be liable because "the company" is at fault and is publicly owned. Enron was publicly owned. People went to jail. BTW so did people in their accounting firm, Arthur Andersen, which itself was convicted and shut down. I'm glad you don't do accounts for me. Sorry for your customers.
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