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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Now, who wouldn't trust a face like that?
  2. They've already done this a few months ago. Now, they want the insurance on top of it.
  3. When I buy something, usually, I like to see it, how it works, does it fit, how well is it made, etc. Getting a drone drop for underwear you ordered large that ends up being small because it was made for Asians is not what I want to see.
  4. Thailand buying out British stores, soccer teams, and what else. Funny to me. The UK is a literal subsidiary of Thailand.
  5. This is starting to get worrisome. Vaccination today. Vaccination tomorrow. Vaccination forever.
  6. Time for all those tourists thinking of applying for a Thailand Pass to give Thailand a pass.
  7. Never heard of Ezra Pound? Think he's a "forgotten loony?" Where are you from?
  8. It is usual in Thailand for universities to maintain the copyright on students' and faculty members' published work. I'll bet Chula owns control of this thesis already. They can restrict, ban, or revoke it if they want to. Wouldn't be surprised to see the writer of the thesis have his degree revoked.
  9. Well, the Thais did say they were looking for millionaires. Now we know why.
  10. You mean this Jit guy? According to the OP link: And at least according to Wiki, the CPT was Maoist So it would appear he was at least complicit in assassinations and killings.
  11. The Thais, you mean? That's the million dollar question. I can only speculate. A Thai woman with more political power in a foreign country than the entire Thai elite put together? I'd guess they don't like that. Too, I remember Duckworth saying some vague things in support of the coup originally. (I have posted the link in the past). But she has moved in the opposite direction, now. Maybe that is a factor? Also what are all the behind the scenes complications? The Thais announced they weren't buying anymore Sinovac. At the same time, they're taking delivery on an American vaccine??? Might even be the Thais stupidly trying to balance the US and China again. All just speculation on my part. No proof. Just open ended thoughts. Anyone else's answer just as good as mine, I suppose.
  12. You forgot the insurance. The issue for me and a lot of others is the insurance scam. I don't care about the other things, dual pricing, 90 days, doing the yearly extension (as long as the rules don't change), or the property issue. I don't have any problem with Thailand privileging their citizens over foreigners. I just wish my country would do the same. So make us do the reports and bring a lot of photocopies to immigration once per year. Protect Thais from being priced out of their own property market. Reward Thais with being able to visit places at a discount to us. Heck, I don't even mind the dual pricing at hospitals. But stop the insurance scam.
  13. No they were not. He is talking about the 1 million Pfizer doses Tammy Duckworth arranged and the Thai government refused.
  14. The fault here is with the US, I believe. This Moderna donation looks to me like one giant face saving gesture after the Thai's spat in the US government's face about the Tammy Duckworth 1 million Pfizer doses initiative. Now, it looks like the US has come crawling back, begging to be allowed to make a donation. Yet another weak, weak appearance by the State Department. What the US should have done after the Thais turned up their noses at the Duckworth donation is simply refuse to do anything else with Thailand when it comes to Covid. And maybe lock down on a few other things trade related as well. But Uncle Sap will always get played. This is an example of why China is winning.
  15. They are getting closer. With the Thailand Pass requirement to pay for a hotel room on arrival--and then not getting around to approving the pass in time for the flight--they've almost got it done.
  16. I wonder if anyone in Thailand realizes that it's almost a certainty that the chairmanship of the subcommittee will flip to the other party in next year's election?
  17. How about giving residency rights (or even fixed visa extensions based on the current rules) to those of us who remained in Thailand through the pandemic and didn't bug out when things looked bad?
  18. Singapore is capitalism with communist characteristics.
  19. Should blend right in with her constituents here, then.
  20. You don't seem very appreciative of the PM's work these days. So my questions are: who are you? And what have you done with steven100's body?
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