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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. What's happened to all the pronouncements from Dr. Yong? I thought he was supposed to be the "Top Doc" around here. He seems to have vanished.
  2. I encountered a taxi driver in Bangkok a few years who was called John Wayne. The reason was he learned English watching John Wayne movie and, yes, he sounded like John Wayne when he spoke. Maybe make Thai students watch more John Wayne movies in class.
  3. Ranking done by a for profit company with a dubious reputation. Owned by a Swedish billionaire. https://www.forbes.com/sites/maxjedeurpalmgren/2018/08/23/meet-the-billionaire-college-dropout-whos-teaching-the-world-english/?sh=3b597a67332d
  4. Seems any mention of Pattaya only generates giggles and sarcasm.
  5. Maybe the US should change its mind and turn around and invite Thailand to the meeting. Still excluding China, of course. I wonder how the Thais would deal with that? After making a fuss about not getting an invitation, they need to choose to go with the US and its meeting or stand with China.
  6. Ordinarily, I would agree with you. But the statement from the Thai foreign minister this time has upped the level to what I consider to be antagonistic. He actually sounded like a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman, instead of a Thai one. This is the language that China has been using about the US. Finally, when have you ever heard a Thai foreign minister take this tone and this level of an insult towards China?
  7. I think Thailand's lack of an invitation is acknowledgment that the country is now considered a satellite of China.
  8. Is this another way of saying, dual pricing along with all the other usual scams are being "retained?"
  9. So the hotel quarantine, transport charges, and insurance still remain in place, with all of it going through the Thailand Pass. The only thing different is the test, I guess, which has been changed, not dropped.
  10. Thailand has already decided to ally with China over the US. That's a given. But I have two questions: 1) why does Thailand continue to insult the US as in the treatment of the two donations in these two photos (as well as refusing the Tammy Duckworth 1 million Pfizer donation)? 2) why does the US continue to allow Thailand to insult them and kick sand in their face like this? Do the US government and the American ambassador have any pride? How about a spine? If anyone thinks these photo ops were a mistake, it's not. It's the second time it happened. When Sinovac's first donation arrived, the Thai prime minister met the plane on the runway with the government ministers in tow. When Pfizer's US donation arrived, the shipment was dumped out at the DHL terminal apparently.
  11. Compare the above photo for this news story to the photo of Thailand receiving the 1 million Moderna doses today. The US Embassy continues to allow itself to be made fools of and insulted repeatedly. And then still begs and crawls on their knees to the Thai government. Get insulted and then allow them to kick sand in their faces.
  12. Pictures worth a thousand words. Compare the photograph of the Prime Minister thanking the Chinese Ambassador for 1.5 million doses of vaccine in the Ivory Room at Government House on 12 November. Just 11 days ago. Compare to the picture from the US Embassy with the US acting ambassador being thanked at what looks like a custom shed by a customs officer for the delivery of the 1 million Moderna. No thanks from the PM, no reception at Government House. Just the memory of when the Thai government spat on the US' offer from Tammy Duckworth for 1 million Pfizer doses.
  13. Hotel scam Limo scam Covid Test scam Insurance scam Please check all the appropriate boxes to make sure your Thailand Pass is complete.
  14. People above are saying it's different, that the news is about a different category of mail. I hope they're right. I use EMS for 90 day reports all the time.
  15. Must you cool your entire house, instead of just room by room?
  16. I wonder how you send in your old passport to the embassy for renewal when you go to the post office and use EMS, because if you use EMS you need to show your passport, which presumably is already sealed in your package.
  17. If the insurance companies will do this to their fellow Thais, imagine what they'll do to foreigners with mandated insurance.
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